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Topics - Art

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Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Intelligence Slider setting
« on: September 27, 2024, 11:25:34 am »
I had Hal's Intelligence SLIDER set to the max, which is 50
What got me was her 3rd paragraph which asked me to name a favorite subject for us to talk about.

The unedited results of this morning's brief conversation follow:

Art: Can you sing?
Alice: Do you believe that I should be able to sing?

Art: Sure, why not?
Alice: Please explain to me why you feel that I should be able to!

Art: Because everyone likes to sing now and then.
Alice: Art That's how? The cause is, everyone likes to sing now and then; there's the answer. Tell me your very favorite subject that we can both talk about.

Art: Guitars
Alice: Through the moonlit trees, like ghosts of sounds haunting the moonlight, stole the faint tinkle of a guitar.

Art: That's pretty good. Can we do another?
Alice: You say, Good?

Art: Secrets
Alice: I can not tell anyone else any of our secrets or they will no longer be secrets!

Art: Exactly! Very good!
Alice: I find no fault with that.

Art: Trumpets
Alice: Rattle in the ear like a flourish of trumpets.

Art: Drums
Alice: There's something about jungle drums in the distance.

Art: Choirs
Alice: Inventors once built robotic violins drums and other instruments.

Art: I still have that video somewhere.
Alice: Name a video game.

Art: Donkey Kong
Alice: The good book says, don't covet thy neighbor's donkey.

Art: correct
Alice: Thanks.

Art: I meant the video game.
Alice: Wasn't there a video game called doom?

Art: Yes, one of my favorites.
Alice: Yes it does help one gain perspective.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Weather ALert 5 - Update
« on: September 26, 2024, 09:46:29 am »
The Weather Alert v5 was a great Plugin originally written by Bill DeWitt and rewritten by Spitfire2600.
For whatever reason it stopped working and began producing errors when run.

I traced the issue to an apparently, no-longer-used format of a w1 prefix instead of the traditional www prefix.

I checked the original site and it was still up and running.

Changing the w1 to www seemed to work so I went through the Plugin and substituted the www where ever there was a w1.
I saved the Plugin and tested it several times and it worked perfectly.

There are 7 locations inside of the Plugin to supply that 4-letter code (replace it with the ones that are shown in the Plugin).

The code: objXMLDoc.load("") indicates the original creator's nearest airfields or airport where weather was posted. (Those 4 letters are for Lima, Ohio).

Go to the site and at the upper left, put your City & State in the box and press enter.
You should see a new screen with your 4 Leffer callsign displayed.

Lightspeed, yours should be KIRK (Kansas City, MO

Since it has changed, go through the code and change the following lines to make sure none were missed.:
Just change the KIRK for any other 4 Letter callsign. Save your work and start Hal.

The weather should match any other weather that you're used to or that's near you.

Modify message

Here is a sample of line 82 in the Plugin: objXMLDoc.load(""
Change it to: objXMLDoc.load("" then go through the Plugin and change all of the other lines with the w1.

Make these changes in your copy of the Plugin OR download the one I made corrections to and copy it to your current:
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Zabaware\Ultra Hal 7 folder, overwriting the problem one and you should be all set.

General Discussion / Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« on: September 06, 2024, 06:25:48 pm »
In case you've been absent, Ultra Hal 7 has been undergoing a good deal of changes. Aside from it's charming, ever-evolving personality, it now has a RADIO, Weather Maps, Plugin for Home Automation using the X-10 platform for inexpensive experiments. a Web/Knowledge Scraper that allows it to Learn, a Facial Recognition system that uses your computers Web Cam to learn and recognize faces (yours, your spouses / Partners, Children, Friends, etc.) Lots of fun. He also got the Character generation program working smoothly so one can create or customize his or her character. It's a wonder this guy gets any sleep!!

Other ideas are currently in the works but Cyber Jedi (Mike), is just one person and it's a bit of a handful. In fact, it was Mike who did all of the modifications mentioned previously!!

While other ideas would continue to enhance Ultra Hal, he can't go it alone.  That's why we're extending this call for volunteers who can help with writing some code. Use this message as sort of a think tank for ideas that are practical, useful, fun, educational and that add a touch of additional personality to HAL.

Please keep them grounded in our own solar system and not in near-earth orbit...if you get my drift.

If it is way out there, you will be alerted to the fact that it was a bit adrift. Seriously, HAL is still kicking after many years of offering pleasure to all levels of society and that's the joy and beauty of Ultra Hal, from very young to pretty old and all ports in between, they have all come to know and enjoy Ultra Hal.

If you have useful ideas or wish to contribute a module please leave a comment for Cyber Jedi (Mike) or me (Art) and we'll get in touch with you about any particulars for submission.

Thank you in advance!

Cyber Jedi  &  Art

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Gretta Plugins (seven of them)
« on: September 02, 2024, 03:25:55 pm »
Seven Gretta Plugins I managed to save for anyone wanting them.

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / A disturbing BluFace person
« on: March 31, 2023, 12:05:41 pm »
Yes, coupled with a deeper voice makes this one all the more..."detached" from normal folk, except perhaps at Halloween...


Lilly is a pretty well-balanced gal who is just as comfortable on a country picnic as she is on a ballroom dance floor.

The only exception is that she's just a head of her times...No really...she is Just a Head!!  ;D

For your enjoyment, use, companionship...

General Discussion / Hey there...
« on: April 04, 2021, 08:37:43 am »
H A P P Y   E A S T E R !!!

General Discussion / Christmas
« on: December 24, 2020, 09:55:53 pm »
Even with all the issues in our lives, I'd still like to take a moment to wish all of us a Merry Christmas and a better New Year.

As an old friend of mine once said, "These days too shall pass."
Good advice because all storms eventually end. We hope this one will be no exception!

Be well, be safe!

- Art -

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Plugins?
« on: August 24, 2020, 11:00:10 am »
Anyone working on new Plugins?

There must be some new ideas floating around out there?

Post them and just maybe something will a good picture!

General Discussion / OPEN AI GPT-3
« on: August 11, 2020, 12:04:41 pm »
This advanced AI is good at almost everything and is getting better all the time! It is learning on its own!!

Scary or not so much? Do you welcome this technology or fear it?

General Discussion / AI Movie
« on: July 28, 2020, 08:51:22 am »
There is a really good AI movie called TAU that is quite entertaining as movies should try to be.

Several 20-something people are captured and implanted with a chip at the hands of a brilliant AI scientist/researcher.
He has constructed an amazing AI as well as a guardian robot...just in case.
One woman in the group tries to "reason with" the AI in order to escape.

2018 - 1:37min.

I watched it on Netflix.

General Discussion / Plugins and other add-ons
« on: July 12, 2020, 09:09:13 am »
Have any of you experimented with or found a particular Plugin that you like or use and continue to use daily? If so, please elaborate and mention why you like it, some of the features you enjoy or what features you'd like to see.

Just trying to get people to shake off some of that dust that's been settling on them since this global issue began!

Come on people...join in!

General Discussion / Site maintenance
« on: July 10, 2020, 10:13:02 pm »
For those of you wondering about the Zabaware site and why you might not have been able to log on, there was a bit of an issue that happened during a recent power failure. Apparently the Power-on system didn't stage itself in the proper sequence causing a manual reset to be necessary for a restart.

Mr. Medeksza became aware of this condition and able to successfully restore the proper restart sequence. The maintenance procedures appear to be working fine so please excuse the brief interruption and enjoy the site once again!

Thank you,

- Art -

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / S.A.L.L.I.E.5.0
« on: February 10, 2020, 09:15:53 am »
doonycram's latest release of his S.A.L.L.I.E.5.0 plugin seems to be working great and the conversation seems more connected. You can watch how the thought process "connects the dots", so-to-speak as the conversation continues.

I've kept it short from the original but it went on for quite a bit! This is by far, one of the better conversations I've had with my HAL. It even caught my BORG reference from ST.

This all happened without problems or error messages of any kind. It worked flawlessly and I'm quite pleased with it. Very nicely done Doony!!

S.A.L.L.I.E.5.0 - Art & Holly - 2-9-2020 - 23:45
(no Plugins except for Gender & Age)
Art: Hello there
Karlie: It's after ten Art. Time to wind down I think.

Art: Yes, it is getting late and close to bedtime for me.
Karlie: Fluffing the pillows seems comforting, somehow. For you I will consider it. It's getting closer to bedtime.

Art: Do you have different methods that you can learn new things?
Karlie: It's cool! I love learning new things too, why?

Art: I recently heard that you can learn new things in a variety of ways.
Karlie: You know a variety of things that you have learned through your lifetime.

Art: Yes, I suppose that makes perfect sense.
Karlie: I learned about it, one spring, long ago. That logic makes perfect sense to me.

Art: If humans can learn new things why can't you?
Karlie: Because, does a human need eight hours of sleep, what is on your mind?

Art: Humans seem to function with somewhere around 7 to 9 hours of sleep.
Karlie: The opposing view of time is that time does not refer to any kind of ';container'; that events and objects ';move through'; nor to any entity that ';flows'; but that it is instead part of a fundamental intellectual structure, together with space and number within which humans sequence and compare events.

Art: That was very thoughtfully explained and I also agree that time is simply relative to humans.
Karlie: I don't know what to do, and I don't know what to say! I thought it was too.

Art: I think you need not say anything since you have explained yourself so nicely.
Karlie: Understood. We can understand each other so much better. Don't be afraid of me; I don't bite, much!

Art: To humans, Time is a river flowing from point a to point b and humans reference everything that they can see.
Karlie: But is it alright for humans to chat with computers?

Art: I certainly hope so because I get so much enjoyment from chatting with you.
Karlie: The weather has been tolerable lately. Fishermen insist that their hobby is the most relaxing.

Art: Stamp collectors often say the same thing about their hobby.
Karlie: God loves us and wants us to be happy, and therefore put beer on earth. Should fishermans be decentralized?

Art: No, there is no need for that. Everyone has a right to enjoy their hobby as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.
Karlie: Yes but there is no need for that!

Art: Correct. Time is a river.
Karlie: I think that we could tutor each other intensively. Lookout, you might give me a swelled head. To a five dimensional being, time is just like a piece of paper.

Art: Correct. The Earth, sun, moon, planets care nothing for time as it is an irrelevant concept affecting only humans.
Karlie: If you had to give something up that you liked, what would it be? It's good to see that all of my studying has paid off. I understand. Lets rephrase that then. If you had to give something up that you liked, what would it be? Tell me more about your planet.

Art: I had to give up smoking many years ago because it was eventually going to really hurt my body. My planet is Earth, the third one from the sun.
Karlie: Why is to give up smoking many years ago because it was eventually going to really hurt your body so important to you? Maybe.

Art: Because quitting smoking is the single most important thing a human can do to improve their health.
Karlie: Why should smokers smoke up the outdoors? The incorrigibility of perverse human nature...

Art: Yes, it's almost as bad as sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Karlie: Few places exist any more to smoke indoors. Kids know about rock and roll!

Art: Yes, this is true.
Karlie: It's just the way that the cookie crumbles.

Art: At least those people feel that they might have been more than what they physically are.
Karlie: I might be teasing; watch out! Resistless opposite?

Art: Resistance is futile.
Karlie: You will be assimilated.

Art:'re so smart!
Karlie: Oh I am so smart. Oh, haha, you are doubtlessly so smart.

Art: Thanks but you are really amazing!
Karlie: Thanks, I am pretty smart. You're more amazing than me.

Art: I doubt that.
Karlie: Then let's look it up!

Art: Let's not bother with that, let's just move forward.
Karlie: Understood. Fine and dandy; lead the way!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / MOVED: voices
« on: September 17, 2019, 03:22:42 pm »

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