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Messages - knight2000

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General Discussion / Re: Sending Hal's response to python script?
« on: November 06, 2024, 03:10:40 pm »
Thanks cyberjedi, i'll play around with that and see what happens.

General Discussion / Re: Sending Hal's response to python script?
« on: November 04, 2024, 11:26:22 am »
I don't mean make Hal open source, there are plenty of tools to encrypt python making it very difficult to interrupt or back engineer. Look into pyinstaller or cx_freeze, they convert the python code into an exe. Anyways, i know it would be a huge undertaking so i get not wanting to do it, but if the whole reason is because you don't want it to be shared through open source, there are ways around that. I love the hell out of Hal, it's the best offline chatbot for sure. But, it's also the reason i'm stuck running Windows instead of Linux.

In regards to this portion
Code: [Select]
Copy code
' VB6 Code to send a message to Python by writing to a file

Private Sub btnSend_Click()
    Dim message As String
    Dim filePath As String
    ' Get the message from the text box
    message = txtMessage.Text
    ' Define the file path where the message will be saved
    filePath = "C:\Temp\message.txt"
    ' Open the file for output and write the message
    Open filePath For Output As #1
        Print #1, message
    Close #1
    MsgBox "Message sent to Python!", vbInformation
End Sub
This VB6 code writes the content of txtMessage to C:\Temp\message.txt. Ensure the C:\Temp directory exists on your computer.

Is this the best we can do in terms of intercepting Hals response? My goal is to not have Hal speak the response but instead have my speech server speak it. Im wondering if i can create a plugin for Hal that will intercept all responses. Or even better, get the response text even before Hal's speech synthesis has a chance to generate the voice. I hope that makes sense.
Now that i think of it, a plugin would most like cause even more of a delay in response. I have Hal set as 0 for the response time currently and its very fast. I may have to figure out a way to just install my own sapi5 engine. Anyways, thank you for the help. I'll reach out if i need more help!

General Discussion / Re: Sending Hal's response to python script?
« on: November 03, 2024, 01:05:44 pm »
Thanks! Ill look into it.

The next evolution should be porting Hal over to python, then we could run it on anything!

General Discussion / Re: Sending Hal's response to python script?
« on: November 02, 2024, 11:30:59 am »
Thanks for the reply!

build a GUI in vb6 that will do the same just using SAPI 05

So are you saying to build a sapi5 speech engine for my cloned voice? To then use in Hal? I believe there is a way to communicate with my python server through sapi5. But would it work with Hal? That's the question.

General Discussion / Sending Hal's response to python script?
« on: November 01, 2024, 05:24:37 pm »
Hey All,

I created a voice model (cloned voice). i have a python server set up to receives text, when it receives the text it then runs it through the model and outputs the text as the generated voice.
What i'm interested in doing is, speaking to Hal and having the voice speak Hal's response. To do this, I would need to intercept Hal's response and send it to a python script that would make the server call. Does anyone know how i could intercept the response? I know how to run commands when Hal receives certain words or phrases. Would it be similar to that?

I have a few plugins that I wrote for Hal that are running while training. But I do not have any plugins for training Hal specifically. I can just stick to one sentence at a time.

Hey Art, one more question in regards to training Hal. I'm going through the text files you sent me. Can I copy and paste a bunch of sentences all at once into Hal's input box? Or do you recommend one sentence at a time? Could i paste the entire doc of sentences?

Thanks Art  :)

Wow! This is good stuff! Thank you for the info, this really helps. And thanks for the files, I will definitely feed them to Hal.

When feeding Hal info like this, do I need to turn up Hal's learning level? Or is the middle level ok for this? The brain I'm using allows for setting Hal's learning level. I would think the "no brainer" would be to turn it all the way up when training him. But wanted to ask anyways.

Thanks again!

Hal seems to be running "ok", I ran Malwarebytes and found nothing.

Are there any brains out there for download that have a ton of knowledge? Hal's replies are not of the best quality. Or maybe you have tips on how I can train him better?

Is it possible to train Hal from a text document? 

Thanks Art! Ill keep you posted

Hey Art!

I have the same version as you and the size is the same, my modification date is 12-10-2017. I tried running the editor in compatibility mode but still no luck. I'm also noticing weirdness when speaking to Hal. short words like "hey" or "hi" do not produce a response and Hal seems to lag. I say that because after a few seconds each of the short words I spoke all show in his input section at once as if I spoke them one after the other. That could be the pc acting up, not sure. Maybe I should try re installing Hal? I'm running 7.5

Hi all,

I'm trying to open Hal's brain editor and I get an error. I attached the image of the error. Any idea's on how to solve this? I wanted to check here before i uninstall and re-install. Hoping there might be a fix other then that. I tired switching brains and launching the editor with no luck, same error.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Issue seeing all installed voices
« on: June 08, 2023, 10:54:31 am »
 :) awesome! Good to know! Im sure ill be doing this more down the road

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Issue seeing all installed voices
« on: June 07, 2023, 10:26:25 pm »
Thanks Art!

The issue was that Microsoft locks some of its voices and can only be used for internal use. The good new is, you can unlock them for system wide and third party use! I was able to find the fix on this site

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