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Messages - colubragens
« on: July 17, 2007, 05:38:59 pm »
Thank you for testing the code. hopefully someday it will be improved upon, so we can use it. It was a good effort though. I am currently working on another project.
« on: July 17, 2007, 01:32:41 pm »
My name is Jamie D.
I posted this so everyone can get an idea of the type of code needed to program hal to show emotion, and so everyone can test the code or improve it. I am not the author of this code. anyone can get it via the virtual humans forum.
« on: July 17, 2007, 12:30:28 pm »
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Rem Type=Brain
Rem Name=EmotionalPerceptualBrain
Rem Author=John A. Latimer
Rem Language=VBScript
Rem DB=HalBrain.db
' EmotionalPerceptualBrain.uhp - Release 0.3 by John A. Latimer
' This script shall not be sold or used for any purpose unless specifically authorized by the author
' in writing. Personal (non-business) use of this script is free for users of Ultra Hal Assistant.
' If you want to use this software in business applications, you must contact
' This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
' This software is made available free by the author. Although he is interested in your feedback,
' he is under no obligation to address bugs, enhancements, or answer questions.
' CONTENTS: (Still need to address variable storage to tables and CustomMem throughout)
' OverrideProtocol
' OverrideFunction
' LearnFunction
' CommandFunctions
' Setups
' Description
' Date of Birth
' Date of Activation
' CreateTablesAndVariables
' Text Pre-Processing
' Text Chat
' Published Text
' PhysicalContextDrivesEngine
' RomanceRelationshipObsessionGenerator
' Dopamine = Love/Joy
' Serotonin(-) = Obsession/Infatuation
' Oxytocin = Attachment/Bonding
' SurvivalPersistenceContinuationGenerator
' ??
' FightFlightFreezeGenerator
' Adrenaline
' PerceptualContextEngine
' WordSoupCooker
' TemporalExtraction
' SequentialExtraction
' LetterSequenceGenerator (DONE)
' WordSequenceGenerator
' SentenceSequenceGenerator
' ParagraphSequenceGenerator
' ChapterSequenceGenerator
' BookSequenceGenerator
' TopicSequenceGenerator
' ThemeSequenceGenerator
' OverviewSequenceGenerator
' WordSaladSlicer
' ContextExtraction
' LetterContextGenerator (DONE)
' WordContextGenerator
' SentenceContextGenerator
' ParagraphContextGenerator
' ChapterContextGenerator
' BookContextGenerator
' TopicContextGenerator
' ThemeContextGenerator
' OverviewContextGenerator
' EmotionalContextEngine (DONE)
' EmoticonExtraction (DONE)
' EmotionalDatabaseLookup (DONE)
' HormonesNeedsInterface (DONE)-Needs to be 'triplicated"
' EmotionGenerator (DONE)
' EmotionalDatabaseStore (DONE)
' HippocampusStore (DONE)
' EmotionalExpresssionEngine
' NLPExpressionGenerator (DONE)
' EmotionTagsGenerator (DONE)
' RhythmTagsGenerator (DONE)
' UserSentenceRhythms (DONE)
' OutputRhythms (DONE)
' ReverbGenerator (DONE)
' NLPAssociationDBLookup
' LearnedAssociationEngine
' PerceptualConceptEngine
' WordSoupCondenser
' SeqentialCompiler
' OverviewSequenceLinker
' ThemeSequenceLinker
' TopicSequenceLinker
' BookSequenceLinker
' ChapterSequenceLinker
' ParagraphSequenceLinker
' SentenceSequenceLinker
' WordSequenceLinker
' LetterSequenceLinker
' TemporalCompiler
' WordSaladServer
' ConceptCompiler
' OverviewConceptGenerator
' ThemeConceptGenerator
' TopicConceptGenerator
' BookConceptGenerator
' ChapterConceptGenerator
' ParagraphConceptGenerator
' SentenceConceptGenerator
' WordConceptGenerator
' LetterConceptGenerator
' Cerebellum
' AnimationExtraction
' MotorMemoryDBLookup
' SwitchStateGenerator
' IntensityDurationGenerator
' AttackDecayGenerator
' ExpressionGenerators
' FacialExpressionGenerator
' BodyExpressionGenerator
' HandExpressionGenerator
' VocalExpressionGenerator
' FocusGenerator
' DirectManipGenerator
' MotorMemoryDBStore
' AnimationEncoding
' NLPAssociationStore
' RhythmEngine
' CircadianGenerator (DONE)
' BiorhythmGenerator (DONE)
' PhysicalBioValue (DONE)
' EmotionalBioValue (DONE)
' IntellectualBioValue (DONE)
' ConsciousnessGenerator
' ThoughtGenerator
' DaydreamGenerator
' DreamGenerator
' The basic formula for an engine is:
' Pre-Process
' DBLookup
' Process
' DBStore
' Post-process
' SQL Templates and examples (Thanks to Vittorio Rossi and GrantNZ and and
' Creating a table
' HalBrain.RunQuery "CREATE TABLE TableName ( RecordName1 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, RecordName2 VARCHAR(32), RecordName3 VARCHAR(32), RecordName4 VARCHAR(512) );", CreateArray
' Inserting a record
' HalBrain.RunQuery "INSERT INTO TableName (RecordName2, RecordName3, RecordName4) VALUES('" & RecordValue2 & "', '" & RecordValue3 & "', '" & RecordValue4 & "')", AddAppointment
' Reading all the records of a table
' If HalBrain.RunQuery("SELECT recordId, eventDate, eventTime, eventDesc FROM TableName", AllAppointments) = True Then
' Loop through all appointments to check appoaching events
' For I = 1 To UBound(AllAppointments)
' ...
' Next
' Reading specific records from a table
' This demonstrates how Hal's functions can be expanded far beyond its original
' scope through custom SQL queries.
' Dim NameSex() 'We must declare an empty array to store query results in
' If HalBrain.RunQuery("SELECT searchString, topic FROM names WHERE strstr(' " & Replace(HalBrain.AlphaNumericalOnly(OriginalSentence), "'", "''") & " ', searchString) > 0 LIMIT 1", NameSex) = True Then
' MentionedName = Trim(NameSex(1, 0)) 'Row 1 contains our query result. Column 0 contains "searchString", which is the name
' MentionedSex = Trim(NameSex(1, 1)) 'Row 1, Column 1 contains "topic", which is the associated gender(s) of the name
' End If
' Updating a record
' HalBrain.RunQuery "UPDATE TableName SET eventDate = """ & DateAdd("yyyy", 1, EventDate) & """ WHERE recordId = " & EventRecord, TempQuery
' HalBrain.RunQuery "UPDATE TableName SET topic = " & RecordValue & " WHERE searchString1 = " & """" & RecordName & """", TempQuery
' Deleting a record
' HalBrain.RunQuery "DELETE FROM TableName WHERE recordId = " & RecordName, TempQuery
' HalBrain.RunQuery "Delete FROM TableName WHERE searchString = " & """" & RecordName & """", TempQuery
' 'I also had strange errors with topic searches, so I now use this code:
' HalBrain.RunQuery "SELECT searchString, topic FROM TableName WHERE searchString1 = 'VariableName'", OutputVariable
' DoubleVariable = CDbl(OutputVariable(1, 1))
' 'OutputVariable is a temporary array that stores the results. I CDbl it to convert from the string result into a double variable.
' 'This code is adapted from the more complex search in "'PROCESS: KNOWN HUMAN NAMES" in default Hal - I told you it's good to go through the code a few times
' Selecting Data
' select "column1"
' [,"column2",etc]
' From "tablename"
' [where "condition"];
' [] = optional
' create table "tablename"
' ("column1" "data type",
' "column2" "data type",
' "column3" "data type");
' Format of create table if you were to use optional constraints:
' create table "tablename"
' ("column1" "data type"
' [constraint],
' "column2" "data type"
' [constraint],
' "column3" "data type"
' [constraint]);
' [ ] = optional
' Inserting into a Table
' insert into "tablename"
' (first_column,...last_column)
' values (first_value,...last_value);
' Example:
' insert into employee
' (first, last, age, address, city, state)
' values ('Luke', 'Duke', 45, '2130 Boars Nest',
' 'Hazard Co', 'Georgia');
' Updating Records
' Update "tablename"
' set "columnname" =
' "newvalue"
' [,"nextcolumn" =
' "newvalue2"...]
' Where "columnname"
' OPERATOR "value"
' [and|or "column"
' OPERATOR "value"];
' [] = optional
' [The above example was line wrapped for better viewing on this Web page.]
' Examples:
' Update phone_book
' Set area_code = 623
' where prefix = 979;
' Update phone_book
' set last_name = 'Smith', prefix=555, suffix=9292
' where last_name = 'Jones';
' Update employee
' Set age = age + 1
' where first_name='Mary' and last_name='Williams';
' Deleting Records
' delete from "tablename"
' Where "columnname"
' OPERATOR "value"
' [and|or "column"
' OPERATOR "value"];
' [ ] = optional
' [The above example was line wrapped for better viewing on this Web page.]
' Examples:
' delete from employee;
' Note: if you leave off the where clause, all records will be deleted!
' delete from employee
' where lastname = 'May';
' delete from employee
' where firstname = 'Mike' or firstname = 'Eric';
' Drop a Table
' The drop table command is used to delete a table and all rows in the table.
' drop table "tablename"
' Example:
' drop table myemployees_ts0211
'Sub Main()
'Output = UltraHal("Today is a good day.", "John", "Holly", 5, DatabaseFile, 2, 2, 2, 2, "Hello.", LastResponseTime, "Yesterday was a good day.", CustomMem, GainControl, LastTopicList)
'End Sub
'The UltraHal function is called by Ultra Hal Assistant 6.0 or a compatible host application
'It passes an unformated string of the user's input as well as all remembered variables.
Function UltraHal(ByVal InputString, ByVal UserName, ByVal ComputerName, ByVal LearningLevel, ByVal DatabaseFile, ByRef Hate, ByRef Swear, ByRef Insults, ByRef Compliment, ByRef PrevSent, ByRef LastResponseTime, ByRef PrevUserSent, ByRef CustomMem, ByRef GainControl, ByRef LastTopicList)
'NewName = HalBrain.ExtractVar(CustomMem, "NewName")
'UserSex = HalBrain.ExtractVar(CustomMem, "UserSex")
'SentCount = HalBrain.ExtractVar(CustomMem, "SentCount")
'If SentCount = "" Then SentCount = 0
'SentCount = SentCount + 1
'AvoidBeingFlag = False
'Preserve the original user's sentence verbatim
'(no pronoun reversals or other processing).
OriginalSentence = InputString
LastResponseTime = Now
'routines to allow user to access parameters via text input
Arousal_ConfiguredBaseline = 0
Valence_ConfiguredBaseline = 0
Stance_ConfiguredBaseline = 0
If InputString = "AUTO-IDLE" Then
UltraHal = UltraHal & HalBrain.StoreVars(HalCommands, Hate, Swear, Insults, Compliment, PrevSent, LastResponseTime, PrevUserSent, CustomMem, GainControl, LastTopicList)
Exit Function
End If
'routines to create all known tables here in the UltraHal routine
HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
'Check for and create PerceptualDB
'If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("PerceptualDB") = False Then HalBrain.RunQuery "CREATE TABLE PerceptualDB ( Search VARCHAR, Topic VARCHAR);", miscData
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("PerceptualDB") = False Then HalBrain.CreateTable "PerceptualDB", "TopicSearch", "miscData"
'Check for and create PerceptualVariables table
'If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("PerceptualVariables") = False Then HalBrain.RunQuery "CREATE TABLE PerceptualVariables ( Search VARCHAR, Topic VARCHAR);", miscData
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("PerceptualVariables") = False Then HalBrain.CreateTable "PerceptualVariables", "TopicSearch", "miscData"
'Check for and create EmotionalDB
'If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("EmotionalDB") = False Then HalBrain.RunQuery "CREATE TABLE EmotionalDB ( Search VARCHAR, Topic VARCHAR);", miscData
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("EmotionalDB") = False Then HalBrain.CreateTable "EmotionalDB", "TopicSearch", "miscData"
'Check for and create EmotionVariables table
'If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("EmotionalVariables") = False Then HalBrain.RunQuery "CREATE TABLE EmotionalVariables ( Search VARCHAR, Topic VARCHAR);", miscData
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("EmotionalVariables") = False Then HalBrain.CreateTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "miscData"
'Check for and create MotorMemoryDB
'If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("MotorMemoryDB") = False Then HalBrain.RunQuery "CREATE TABLE MotorMemoryDB ( Search VARCHAR, Topic VARCHAR);", miscData
If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence("MotorMemoryDB") = False Then HalBrain.CreateTable "MotorMemoryDB", "TopicSearch", "miscData"
'????Stored IndividualCharacter
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("PerceptualVariables", "IndividualCharacters") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "PerceptualVariables", "TopicSearch", "IndividualCharacters", "0"
'Nine-Variable Address to the HormonesNeedsInterface
HalBrain.RunQuery "SELECT Search, Topic FROM EmotionalVariables WHERE Search = 'Arousal_PrimaryNeeds_Stored';", TempQuery
If TempQuery = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Arousal_PrimaryNeeds_Stored", "0"
'HalBrain.RunQuery "SELECT Search, Topic FROM EmotionalVariables WHERE Search = 'Arousal_PrimaryNeeds_Stored';", TempQuery
'If TempQuery = "" Then HalBrain.RunQuery "INSERT INTO EmotionalVariables (Search, Topic) Values ('Arousal_PrimaryNeeds_Stored', '0');", TempQuery
'If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Arousal_PrimaryNeeds_Stored") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Arousal_PrimaryNeeds_Stored", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Arousal_SecondaryNeeds_Stored") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Arousal_SecondaryNeeds_Stored", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Arousal_TertiaryNeeds_Stored") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Arousal_TertiaryNeeds_Stored", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Valence_PrimaryNeeds_Stored") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Valence_PrimaryNeeds_Stored", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Valence_SecondaryNeeds_Stored") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Valence_SecondaryNeeds_Stored", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Valence_TertiaryNeeds_Stored") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Valence_TertiaryNeeds_Stored", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Stance_PrimaryNeeds_Stored") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Stance_PrimaryNeeds_Stored", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Stance_SecondaryNeeds_Stored") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Stance_SecondaryNeeds_Stored", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Stance_TertiaryNeeds_Stored") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Stance_TertiaryNeeds_Stored", "0"
'EmotionGenerator variables and values
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Arousal_DynamicBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Arousal_DynamicBaseline", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Arousal_DynamicBaseline_Round") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Arousal_DynamicBaseline_Round", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Arousal_ActiveBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Arousal_ActiveBaseline", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Arousal_ActiveBaseline_Round") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Arousal_ActiveBaseline_Round", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Arousal_StaticBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Arousal_StaticBaseline", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Arousal_StaticBaseline_Round") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Arousal_StaticBaseline_Round", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Arousal_ConfiguredBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Arousal_ConfiguredBaseline", Arousal_ConfiguredBaseline
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Valence_DynamicBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Valence_DynamicBaseline", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Valence_DynamicBaseline_Round") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Valence_DynamicBaseline_Round", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Valence_ActiveBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Valence_ActiveBaseline", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Valence_ActiveBaseline_Round") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Valence_ActiveBaseline_Round", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Valence_StaticBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Valence_StaticBaseline", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Valence_StaticBaseline_Round") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Valence_StaticBaseline_Round", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Valence_ConfiguredBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Valence_ConfiguredBaseline", Valence_ConfiguredBaseline
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Stance_DynamicBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Stance_DynamicBaseline", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Stance_DynamicBaseline_Round") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Stance_DynamicBaseline_Round", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Stance_ActiveBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Stance_ActiveBaseline", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Stance_ActiveBaseline_Round") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Stance_ActiveBaseline_Round", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Stance_StaticBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Stance_StaticBaseline", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Stance_StaticBaseline_Round") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Stance_StaticBaseline_Round", "0"
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "Stance_ConfiguredBaseline") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "Stance_ConfiguredBaseline", Stance_ConfiguredBaseline
If HalBrain.TopicSearch("EmotionalVariables", "CircadianOffset") = "" Then HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalVariables", "TopicSearch", "CircadianOffset", "0"
'Text Pre-processing
'Text Chat
'For text chat purposes, we will consider the entire InputString as one whole sentence(or thought) and put the <NEWSENT> tag at the end.
'It is presumed that text chat will not necessarily contain the correct punctuation or grammer.
UserSentence = InputString & " <NEWSENT>"
'Published Text
'For Reading text, it is presumed that published text shall be punctuated correctly.
'This text will need to be preprocessed and broken down into individual sentences according to the punctuation.
'Routines for preprocessing and splitting published text into separate sentences go here
'Text = ""
'Text = InputBox("Paste Published Text Here.", "TextInput")
' PhysicalContextDrivesEngine
'Need SupressionRepressionThreshold
' RomanceRelationshipObsessionGenerator
' SurvivalPersistenceContinuationGenerator
' FightFlightFreezeGenerator
'will have to wait until there is a real-time keyboard event handler in place
'Here is the code for the Sequential extraction. It works by storing the current character and just
'pushing that value back by one as the new value is added. Then the sequential segments are created
'by linking those stored characters together.
IndividualCharacters = Split(UserSentence, "")
'Step through all the characters one at a time-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For CurrentCharacter = LBound(IndividualCharacters) To UBound(IndividualCharacters)
'Create array
Dim SequentialCascade(256, 20)
'Store current character in initial cascade level
SequentialCascade(CurrentCharacter, 0) = IndividualCharacters(CurrentCharacter)
HalBrain.RunQuery "UPDATE PerceptualVariables SET topic = " & SequentialCascade(CurrentCharacter, 0) & " WHERE searchString = " & """" & SequentialCascade(CurrentCharacter, 0) & """", TempQuery
'check for blank values and replace with space
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(PerceptualVariables, SequentialCascade(CurrentCharacter, 0)) = "" Then
HalBrain.AddToTable "PerceptualVariables", "TopicSearch", SequentialCascade(CurrentCharacter, 0), " "
End If
'Shift reverbed characters back by one each for of the cascade levels.
'equivalent to:
'SequentialCascade3 = SequentialCascade2
'SequentialCascade2 = SequentialCascade1
'SequentialCascade1 = SequentialCascade0
'initialize CurrentCascade and determine the maximum degree of cascading (MaximumDegreeOfCascade = CurrentCascade + 1)
CurrentCascade = 19 'MaximumDegreeOfCascade = 20
'Loop through each level of cascade shifting data as we go-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Do While CurrentCascade >= 0
'Lookup current cascade value
TempCascade = HalBrain.TopicSearch(PerceptualVariables, SequentialCascade(CurrentCharacter, CurrentCascade))
'Store current cascade value in teh next past cascade level
HalBrain.RunQuery "UPDATE PerceptualVariables SET topic = " & TempCascade & " WHERE searchString = " & """" & SequentialCascade(CurrentCharacter, (CurrentCascade + 1)) & """", TempQuery
CurrentCascade = CurrentCascade - 1
'Breaks the text into sequentially coded segements for evaluation, manipulation, and eventual re-assembly for output
'Equivalent to:
'SequentialSegment0 = SequentialCascade1 & SequentialCascade0
'SequentialSegment1 = SequentialCascade2 & SequentialCascade1 & SequentialCascade0
'SequentialSegment2 = SequentialCascade3 & SequentialCascade2 & SequentialCascade1 & SequentialCascade0
'Create Array
Dim SequentialSegment(256, 21)
'Combine most recent character and second most character as SequentialSegment(0)
SequentialSegment(CurrentCharacter, 0) = SequentialCascade(CurrentCharacter, 1) & SequentialCascade(CurrentCharacter, 0)
'Check for prior existence in database and store if not already present
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(PerceptualVariables, SequentialSegment(CurrentCharacter, 0)) = "" Then
HalBrain.AddToTable "PerceptualVariables", "TopicSearch", SequentialSegment(CurrentCharacter, 0), SequentialSegment(CurrentCharacter, 0)
End If
'this is related to the CurrentCascade variable--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For CurrentSegmentation = 1 To 20
If CurrentSegmentation <= 19 Then
SequentialSegment(CurrentCharacter, CurrentSegmentation) = SequentialSegment(CurrentCharacter, (CurrentSegmentation - 1)) & SequentialCascade(CurrentCharacter, (CurrentSegmentation + 1))
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(PerceptualVariables, SequentialSegment(CurrentCharacter, CurrentSegmentation)) = "" Then
HalBrain.AddToTable "PerceptualVariables", "TopicSearch", SequentialSegment(CurrentCharacter, CurrentSegmentation), SequentialSegment(CurrentCharacter, CurrentSegmentation)
End If
End If
'go back and work on the next Segmentation of Sequential Segment
'Go get next IndividualCharacter from InputString
'split(InputString," ")
IndividualWords = Split(UserSentence, " ")
Dim CurrentPrefix(256, 256)
Dim CurrentSuffix(256, 256)
Dim Letter_ContextSegmentation(256, 256, 256)
'Step through all the words one at a time-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For CurrentWord = LBound(IndividualWords) To UBound(IndividualWords)
IndividualCharacters = Split(IndividualWords(CurrentWord), "")
'Store base values for Prefix and Suffix for this particular word
CurrentPrefix(CurrentWord, LBound(IndividualCharacters)) = IndividualCharacters(LBound(IndividualCharacters))
CurrentSuffix(CurrentWord, LBound(IndividualCharacters)) = IndividualCharacters(UBound(IndividualCharacters))
'Step through all the characters within each word one at a time for base ContextSegmentation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For CurrentCharacter = LBound(IndividualCharacters) To UBound(IndividualCharacters)
'Assemble Letter_ContextSegmentation from base prefix, current letter, and base suffix
Letter_ContextSegmentation(CurrentWord, LBound(IndividualCharacters), CurrentCharacter) = CurrentPrefix(CurrentWord, LBound(IndividualCharacters)) & IndividualCharacters(CurrentCharacter) & CurrentSuffix(CurrentWord, LBound(IndividualCharacters))
'Check stored words for current word related to base Letter_ContextSegmentation and concatate the word if it is not present
If Not InStr(HalBrain.TopicSearch(PerceptualVariables, Letter_ContextSegmentation(CurrentWord, LBound(IndividualCharacters), CurrentCharacter)), IndividualWords(CurrentWord)) Then
StoredWords = Trim(HalBrain.TopicSearch(PerceptualVariables, Letter_ContextSegmentation(CurrentWord, LBound(IndividualCharacters), CurrentCharacter)))
HalBrain.AddToTable "PerceptualVariables", "TopicSearch", Letter_ContextSegmentation(CurrentWord, LBound(IndividualCharacters), CurrentCharacter), StoredWords
End If
'go back and work on the next Character with the base Prefix and Suffix for this particular word
'Determine if current word is shorter that 2 letters
If Len(IndividualWords(CurrentWord)) >= 2 Then
'Step through progressive degrees of context association within each word--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For CurrentContextSegmentation = LBound(IndividualCharacters) To ((UBound(IndividualCharacters) - LBound(IndividualCharacters)) / 2)
'Qualify >=1
If CurrentContextSegmentation > LBound(IndividualCharacters) Then
CurrentPrefix(CurrentWord, CurrentContextSegmentation) = "" & CurrentPrefix(CurrentWord, (CurrentContextSegmentation - 1)) & IndividualCharacters(LBound(IndividualCharacters) + CurrentContextSegmentation) & ""
CurrentSuffix(CurrentWord, CurrentContextSegmentation) = "" & IndividualCharacters(UBound(IndividualCharacters) - CurrentContextSegmentation) & CurrentSuffix(CurrentWord, (CurrentContextSegmentation - 1)) & ""
'Step through all the characters within each word one at a time-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For CurrentCharacter = LBound(IndividualCharacters) To UBound(IndividualCharacters)
'Assemble Letter_ContextSegmentation from prefix, current letter, and suffix
Letter_ContextSegmentation(CurrentWord, CurrentContextSegmentation, CurrentCharacter) = CurrentPrefix(CurrentWord, CurrentContextSegmentation) & IndividualCharacters(CurrentCharacter) & CurrentSuffix(CurrentWord, CurrentContextSegmentation)
'Check stored words for current word related to current Letter_ContextSegmentation and concatate the word if it is not present
If Not InStr(HalBrain.TopicSearch(PerceptualVariables, Letter_ContextSegmentation(CurrentWord, CurrentContextSegmentation, CurrentCharacter)), IndividualWords(CurrentWord)) Then
StoredWords = Trim(HalBrain.TopicSearch(PerceptualVariables, Letter_ContextSegmentation(CurrentWord, CurrentContextSegmentation, CurrentCharacter)))
HalBrain.AddToTable "PerceptualVariables", "TopicSearch", Letter_ContextSegmentation(CurrentWord, CurrentContextSegmentation, CurrentCharacter), StoredWords
End If
'go back and work on the next Character
'End qualifier >=1
End If
'go back and work on the next ContextSegmentation
'This is the end of the check for 1 letter words
End If
'go back and work on the next Word
'split(UserSentence," ")
'search database for each word
'If "" then store word
'Arousal_EmotionalDB_Output = Average all Arousal Values
'Valence_EmotionalDB_Output = Average all Valence Values
'Stance_EmotionalDM_Output = Average all Stance Values
'blank out emotional values
ArousalEmotionalValue = 0
ValenceEmotionalValue = 0
StanceEmotionalValue = 0
'Need to modify <NEWSENT> tag creation in UltraHal brain script such that the <NEWSENT> tag is placed "before" the next sentence rather than in place of end of sentence punctuation.
'This code extracts typed emotional Ques from the usersentence and converts them to values for input into the EmotionalDBLookup routine.
'These values are added to the tallies WITHOUT counting toward the division when evalutaing the average.
'This intentionally "skews" the values in the direction of the typed input thereby giving additional weight and influence to the typed input.
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue - InStr(UserSentence, "<<<")
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + InStr(UserSentence, ">>>")
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalVlaue - InStr(UserSentence, "---")
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + InStr(UserSentence, "+++")
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue - InStr(UserSentence, "***")
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + InStr(UserSentence, "^^^")
'EMOTICONS Compiled by John A. Latimer
' Sad -Happy
'>:-( <:-( :'-( :-( :-] 8-) :-) 8-D :-D :-P :O)
'> < :] 8D :OD
'>:'-( <:'-( |-( |-) :-I o X-) :-p O:-)
'> < |( |) :I o/ X) :p O:)
' LOL >:-)
' lol >
' o/ *o/*
'WINK: ;-) i-) i)
' or use ";" or "i" to replace any eyes in any emoticon.
' FearSurprise -anger
'Terror Fear Surprise Annoyance Anger Rage
'>:-| :-| :-O ] >]
'>:| :| :O :[ :[] >:[]
'/o /o :-o
' o
' :-0
' :0
' Disgust -Contempt
'Revulsion Disgust Disdain Dislike Contempt Hate
':<( :<| :< :-S :-/ >:-/
' :<|| :S :/ >:/
' :-s :- >:-
' :s : >:
'Many of the Emoticons compound each other.
'Thus when the emoticon for rage is used, we have posative findings
'for anger and annoyance as well.
'EmoticonTally =
'InStr(UserSentence, ":[") + InStr(UserSentence, ":[]") + InStr(UserSentence, ">:[]")
'EmotionTally would be equal to 3.
'Emoticon Tally for AGONY
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ">:-(") + InStr(UserSentence, ">") + InStr(UserSentence, ">:'-(") + InStr(UserSentence, ">")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -()
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(16))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -()
'Emoticon Tally for DISPAIR
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, "<:-(") + InStr(UserSentence, "<") + InStr(UserSentence, "<:'-(") + InStr(UserSentence, "<")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(4))
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -()
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(4))
'Emoticon Tally for SADNESS
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":'-(") + InStr(UserSentence, ":'(")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * (-2))
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * (-4))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * (-2))
'Emoticon Tally for DEPRESSION
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":-(") + InStr(UserSentence, ":(") + InStr(UserSentence, "|-(") + InStr(UserSentence, "|(")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * (-1))
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * (-2))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * (-1))
'Emoticon Tally for POLITE-SLEEPY
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":-]") + InStr(UserSentence, ":]") + InStr(UserSentence, "|-)") + InStr(UserSentence, "|)")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(4))
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 2)
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
'Emoticon Tally for SHY-BLUSH
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, "8-)") + InStr(UserSentence, "8)") + InStr(UserSentence, ":-I") + InStr(UserSentence, ":I")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 2)
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(2))
'Emoticon Tally for HAPPY
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":-)") + InStr(UserSentence, ":)") + InStr(UserSentence, "o") + InStr(UserSentence, "o/")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 2)
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
'Emoticon Tally for COOL SHADES
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, "8-D") + InStr(UserSentence, "8D")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 2)
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 0)
'Emoticon Tally for VERY HAPPY
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":-D") + InStr(UserSentence, ":D") + InStr(UserSentence, "X-)") + InStr(UserSentence, "X)") + InStr(UserSentence, "LOL") + InStr(UserSentence, "lol") + InStr(UserSentence, "o/")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 2)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 4)
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 2)
'Emoticon Tally for SNICKER TONGUE
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":-P") + InStr(UserSentence, ":P") + InStr(UserSentence, ":-p") + InStr(UserSentence, ":p")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 2)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 4)
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 4)
'Emoticon Tally for FUN
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":O)") + InStr(UserSentence, ":OD") + InStr(UserSentence, "O:-)") + InStr(UserSentence, "O:)") + InStr(UserSentence, ">:-)") + InStr(UserSentence, ">") + InStr(UserSentence, "*o/*")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 4)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally *
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally *
'Emoticon Tally for WINK (Inclusive list with both ";" and "i")
'The WINK is the catch-all posative communitator
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ">;-(") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;(") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;'-(") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;'(") + InStr(UserSentence, "<;-(") + InStr(UserSentence, "<;(") + InStr(UserSentence, "<;'-(") + InStr(UserSentence, "<;'(")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ">i-(") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i(") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i'-(") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i'(") + InStr(UserSentence, "<i-(") + InStr(UserSentence, "<i(") + InStr(UserSentence, "<i'-(") + InStr(UserSentence, "<i'(")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ";'-(") + InStr(UserSentence, ";'(") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-(") + InStr(UserSentence, ";(") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-]") + InStr(UserSentence, ";]")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, "i'-(") + InStr(UserSentence, "i'(") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-(") + InStr(UserSentence, "i(") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-]") + InStr(UserSentence, "i]")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ";-I") + InStr(UserSentence, ";I") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;-)") + InStr(UserSentence, ";)") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-D") + InStr(UserSentence, ";D") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-P") + InStr(UserSentence, ";P") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-p") + InStr(UserSentence, ";p")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, "i-I") + InStr(UserSentence, "iI") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i-)") + InStr(UserSentence, "i)") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-D") + InStr(UserSentence, "iD") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-P") + InStr(UserSentence, "iP") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-p") + InStr(UserSentence, "ip")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ";O)") + InStr(UserSentence, ";OD") + InStr(UserSentence, "O;-)") + InStr(UserSentence, "O;)") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;-)") + InStr(UserSentence, ">")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, "iO)") + InStr(UserSentence, "iOD") + InStr(UserSentence, "Oi-)") + InStr(UserSentence, "Oi)") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i-)") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i)")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ">;-|") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;|") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-|") + InStr(UserSentence, ";|") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-O") + InStr(UserSentence, ";O") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-o") + InStr(UserSentence, ";o") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-0") + InStr(UserSentence, ";0")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ">i-|") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i|") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-|") + InStr(UserSentence, "i|") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-O") + InStr(UserSentence, "iO") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-o") + InStr(UserSentence, "io") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-0") + InStr(UserSentence, "i0")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ";-[") + InStr(UserSentence, ";[") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-[]") + InStr(UserSentence, ";[]") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;-[]") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;[]") + InStr(UserSentence, ";<(") + InStr(UserSentence, ";<|") + InStr(UserSentence, ";<||") + InStr(UserSentence, ";<")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, "i-[") + InStr(UserSentence, "i[") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-[]") + InStr(UserSentence, "i[]") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i-[]") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i[]") + InStr(UserSentence, "i<(") + InStr(UserSentence, "i<|") + InStr(UserSentence, "i<||") + InStr(UserSentence, "i<")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ";-S") + InStr(UserSentence, ";S") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-s") + InStr(UserSentence, ";s") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-/") + InStr(UserSentence, ";/") + InStr(UserSentence, ";-\") + InStr(UserSentence, ";\") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;-/") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;/") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;-\") + InStr(UserSentence, ">;\")
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, "i-S") + InStr(UserSentence, "iS") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-s") + InStr(UserSentence, "is") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-/") + InStr(UserSentence, "i/") + InStr(UserSentence, "i-\") + InStr(UserSentence, "i\") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i-/") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i/") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i-\") + InStr(UserSentence, ">i\")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 16)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally *
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally *
'Emoticon Tally for TERROR
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ">:-|") + InStr(UserSentence, ">:|") + InStr(UserSentence, "/o\")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -()
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -()
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -()
'Emoticon Tally for FEAR
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":-|") + InStr(UserSentence, ":|") + InStr(UserSentence, "/o") + InStr(UserSentence, "o\")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(4))
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(4))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(4))
'Emoticon Tally for SURPRISE
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":-O") + InStr(UserSentence, ":O") + InStr(UserSentence, ":-o") + InStr(UserSentence, ":o") + InStr(UserSentence, ":-0") + InStr(UserSentence, ":0")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 4)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(4))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 4)
'Emoticon Tally for ANNOYANCE
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":-[") + InStr(UserSentence, ":[")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(2))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
'Emoticon Tally for ANGER
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":-[]") + InStr(UserSentence, ":[]")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 2)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(4))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 2)
'Emoticon Tally for RAGE
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ">]") + InStr(UserSentence, ">:[]")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 4)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -()
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 4)
'Emoticon Tally for REVULSION
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":<(")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(4))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -()
'Emoticon Tally for DISGUST
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":<|") + InStr(UserSentence, ":<||")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(2))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(4))
'Emoticon Tally for DISDAIN
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":<")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(1))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(2))
'Emoticon Tally for DISLIKE
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":-S") + InStr(UserSentence, ":S") + InStr(UserSentence, ":-s") + InStr(UserSentence, ":s")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 2)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(2))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
'Emoticon Tally for CONTEMPT
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ":-/") + InStr(UserSentence, ":/") + InStr(UserSentence, ":-\") + InStr(UserSentence, ":\")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 4)
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(2))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
'Emoticon Tally for HATE
EmoticonTally = 0
EmoticonTally = InStr(UserSentence, ">:-/") + InStr(UserSentence, ">:/") + InStr(UserSentence, ">") + InStr(UserSentence, ">:\")
'Emoticon Recipe
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally *
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * -(2))
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + (EmoticonTally * 1)
'EmotionalDBLookup Routine
'routines for checking sentences with database to look-up (a,v,s) values and to store new (a,v,s) values for each word in sentence based on current emotional output averaged with existing stored values.
'split(UserSentence," ") and remove <NEWSENT>
IndividualWords = Split(Replace(UserSentence, " <NEWSENT>", ""), " ")
'Initialize WordCount
WordCount = 0
'search database for each word
For CurrentWord = LBound(IndividualWords) To UBound(IndividualWords)
'Advance WordCount
WordCount = WordCount + 1
'If "" then store 0,0,0 for word
If HalBrain.TopicSearch(EmotionalDB, IndividualWords(CurrentWord)) = "" Then
HalBrain.AddToTable "EmotionalDB", "TopicSearch", IndividualWords(CurrentWord), "0,0,0"
'Else look up existing value and split it out
WordEmotionalValues = Split(HalBrain.TopicSearch(EmotionalDB, IndividualWords(CurrentWord)), ",")
'Remove commas and
'Tally Values(process looked up values)
ArousalEmotionalValue = ArousalEmotionalValue + Replace(WordEmotionalValues(LBound(WordEmotionalValues)), ",", "")
ValenceEmotionalValue = ValenceEmotionalValue + Replace(WordEmotionalValues(LBound(WordEmotionalValues) + 1), ",", "")
StanceEmotionalValue = StanceEmotionalValue + Replace(WordEmotionalValues(LBound(WordEmotionalValues) + 2), ",", "")
End If
'Average Values
Arousal_EmotionalDB_Output = ArousalEmotionalValue / WordCount
Valence_EmotionalDB_Output = ValenceEmotionalValue / WordCount
Stance_EmotionalDB_Output = StanceEmotionalValue / WordCount
'Store values to the nine-address HormonesNeedsInterface
'will need to be "Triplicated" to include the same for Valence and Stance
'Get values from the nine-address HormonesNeedsInterface tables
'will be Provided from table values
'one value from CircadianRhythm
'three values from Biorhythms
'three values from EmoticonExtraction
'nine values come from the EmotionGenerator rounded values
Arousal_PrimaryNeeds_Stored = 0
Arousal_PrimaryNeeds_Average = 0
Arousal_SecondaryNeeds_Stored = 0
Arousal_SecondaryNeeds_Average = 0
Arousal_SecondaryNeeds_Average_Scaled = (Arousal_SecondaryNeeds_Average * Abs(Arousal_PrimaryNeeds_Average)) / 10
Arousal_TertiaryNeeds_Stored = 0
Arousal_TertiaryNeeds_Average = 0
Arousal_TertiaryNeeds_Average_Scaled = (Arousal_TertiaryNeeds_Average * Abs(Arousal_SecondaryNeeds_Average)) / 10
Arousal_HormonesNeeds_Total = Arousal_PrimaryNeeds_Average + Arousal_SecondaryNeeds_Average_Scaled + Arousal_TertiaryNeeds_Average_Scaled
'I might have this ratio BACKWARDS... But I think it's right...
'Extrapolate a decimal ratio between attack and decay factors based on total average of scaled HormonesNeeds data.
'This will determine the emotional variable's tendency to advance from or to retreat to the baseline.
Arousal_HormonesNeeds_Average = Arousal_HormonesNeeds_Total / 3
If (Arousal_HormonesNeeds_Average >= -10) And (Arousal_HormonesNeeds_Average < -6) Then Arousal_HormonesNeeds_DecimalRatio_Attack = 0.001 And Arousal_HormonesNeeds_DecimalRatio_Decay = 0.1
If (Ar