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Messages - knight2000

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Well, you know what they say...the sky is the limit! So many cool possibilities for this program! One thing I've been trying to figure out is to have Hal respond quicker when talking to him. Currently there is a 5 second delay before he answers. I remember in another post someone said that it was a setting in one of the DLL files and cant be changed. I really hope we can find a way to remove the delay.

Thanks Lightspeed!
Yes, Hal will read you back the content rather than opening a webpage. I wanted to make Hal seem more like Watson were he has this endless amount of knowledge of pretty much anyone you ask about. I think your right on about Hal sounding more human, I should probably change the "search for" to "what do you know about" or something like that. Anyways, I plan on making more updates to the plugin, I'm thinking of adding the ability to have Hal continue reading more of the content on the page, maybe by saying something like "anything else?". Currently Hal only reads the first paragraph which in most cases provide plenty of good info, some searches only have a few words of info.

Thanks Art!

I'd like to add that Hal will speak the content that is returned from Wikipedia!

Hey guys, I finally got it to work! If you tell Hal "search for michael jordan" Hal will search Wikipedia and return you the first paragraph of content. Works pretty good but there is always room for improvement. If you search for a name that doesnt exist Hal will respond with "Sorry, I can't find anything" however if you type in something like "search for fjskfjkfjksf" Hal throws an object required error for the ie.document.getElementById. I cant figure out how to have Hal check to see if the object exists. If anyone could figure that out please feel free to update the plugin. Otherwise have fun with it! Let me know what you think!

Thanks for the info! That would be perfect! I'll check it out! Is there a link to his plugin?

Thanks for the reply Carl2! I'm trying to take the "wiki" a step further. I want to give Hal a search term like "Michael Jordan" then have Hal go to the wiki page for Michael Jordan then grab and save the text from the first few paragraphs in a variable, then I want to have Hal read the paragraph (text) that was stored. I attached the working code in a standard vbs file. It grabs the first two paragraphs no problem but I cant get it to work in the plugin. 

Hi guys, I'm stumped!! I'm trying to create a hal plugin that will go out to wikipedia and grab a portion of the content and display it. I created a vbscript program that does this and works fine on its own, however when I try to put it in a uhp file and add it as a plugin it doesn't work, so many different errors no matter what I do. Below is the code, please let me know there is a way to get it working.

Rem Type=Plugin
Rem Name=KITT Wiki
Rem Author= Victor
Rem Host=Assistant

' KITTWiki.uhp - Release 1.0 by Victor Yacobucci. 02-25-2016

vrToSearch = ""
vrToSearch = UCase(HalBrain.SearchPattern(UserSentence, "*search for*", 2))
GetResponse = "searching for "& vrToSearch &" "

'    Declaration of variables
Dim ie
 '    Declaration of subroutines
'    Sub WaitForLoad waits for webpage to finish loading
'    before proceeding with next line of code
Sub WaitForLoad
    Do while ie.Busy or ie.readystate <> 4
        wscript.sleep 2000
End Sub
 '    Open windows Internet explorer and surf to website
set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With ie
    .Navigate "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jordan"
    .Visible = false
end with
 '  Add code below to display in a msgbox the contents of each cell in column 0 (first column) should loop for each row.
 dim element
 dim counter
 dim item
Set element = ie.document.getElementById("mw-content-text").getElementsByTagName("p")
   counter = 1
   For Each x In element
      If(counter < 3) Then
      content = Replace(x.innerText,"[","")
      content = Replace(x.innerText,"]","")
      content = Replace(x.innerText,"(","")
      content = Replace(x.innerText,")","")
          MsgBox content
        End If
        counter = counter + 1

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Speech recognition response delay
« on: September 14, 2015, 12:57:29 pm »
Sorry guys, the website is a bit outdated, click here to skip the homapage http://gameblurt.com/kitt/main.html

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Speech recognition response delay
« on: September 11, 2015, 11:52:01 am »
Sorry for the late reply, yes I have a website for my project, you can see it here http://gameblurt.com/kitt

You might just recognized the car  :)

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Speech recognition response delay
« on: August 22, 2015, 08:44:03 pm »
Whats the best way to contact Robert, i tried sending him a message but he hasnt responded

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Speech recognition response delay
« on: August 19, 2015, 03:57:44 pm »
Thanks for the reply. I totally understand the need for a 5 second delay, you want to make sure the user has completed what he or she has to say. I just wish we could write a plugin to mod that. I tried searching through the code but I wasn't able to find anything related to the delay. Its probably buried in the exe or dll files.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Speech recognition response delay
« on: August 15, 2015, 02:27:35 pm »
Hi guys,

Has there been any progress on creating a way to change Hal's response time when speaking to him? Right now he has a 5 second delay before he gives a response. I've built a robot that uses Hal to have a conversation with you.  When i demo it to other people they like it but they always ask me why he has a long delay. Its just to long of a response time and makes it feel like a scripted conversion. Please, please create a way for us to be able to change the delay time. I'll pay more for that feature!!

Thank you

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Default windows skin not keeping focus
« on: April 15, 2013, 12:33:59 am »
Hahaha, wow, didn't see the date of the post, guess that's why i have a "newbie" next to my screen name. :-[

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Default windows skin not keeping focus
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:17:04 pm »
So when Hal responds to you the cursor leaves the input box? If so are you having Hal open anything? If so, yes the cursor will leave the input box. However if you are just talking back and worth with Hal and he is not opening anything the cursor should remain in the input field. I to use the default skin. What are you using for the speech engine? I use Dragon and it works really well with Hal. Let me know maybe I can suggest some things.

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