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Messages - Art

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Cepstral recently had a child's voice
called Robin and it really sounded like
a child. It works quite well with Hal.

Cepstral just released upgrades to some
of their voices along with a new voice
called David. Unfortunately I no longer
see the Robin voice listed on their site.

General Discussion / Virtual Fem
« on: December 13, 2004, 06:03:39 am »

You raise some valid points but keep in mind that VirtualFem is a pretty neat concept. The merging of two ideas to create a new vehicle with which to entertain us.

Not all programs (or ideas) are the cat's meow by themselves, but the ability to combine the different formats and have a working end product is, in itself, no easy task.

People, as diverse as they are, have different likes and tastes. If Virtual Fem can help generate a few $$ for it's creator then my hat's off to him. The Poser community has people selling virtual props, textures, characters, animations and making a ton of money as well.

So where's the difference between an amature chick sitting in front of a web cam showing her ta-ta's or interacting with a virtual one? It's just a matter of individual taste. If one can be fortunate enough and clever enough to generate $$ with his/her ideas, so much the better!

No disrespect, just another point of view.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / MyWebHal
« on: December 07, 2004, 05:37:13 pm »
This was taken from one of your earlier messages.

<I assure you that I have all the minimum requirements,Pentium 4, 2.40GHz, 80 gig hard drive (55 gigs free),496MB RAM... I also have Norton AntiVirus running, All my internet connections are "firewalled". ... any other info please ask.>

Do you have Norton (Symantec) Firewall running? If so, you can disable it by right-clicking on the taskbar icon (far lower right).
If you are running Windows XP (especially w/ Service Pack 2) then you automatically have the Windows Firewall Turned on (by default).

To disable The XP firewall go to START>CONTROL PANEL>
Double click on FIREWALL
You will see the selection buttons to turn on or off as desired.

Then there's a hardware type of firewall usually contained in a device like a router. These allow more than one computer to be plugged into them and also connected to the internet. These firewall routers also allow code to be downloaded from their site to keep the device up to date with regard to security. The code is burned into a chip inside. Usually an EEPROM or similar chip.

I would think you have enough memory onboard unless you are doing some serious multitasking, extensive graphics (rendering 3D), etc., but as we all have come to know, one can never have too much memory or hard drive space! <grin> You can always pick up an additional memory stick from Staples, Office Depot, Comp USA, etc. and insert it in your computer's motherboard yourself. Check with your owner's manual to determine the proper type of memory to buy.

As for not being able to get into the MyWebHal, you might ask Robert M. for some assistance. I'm sure some of our members here might be able to share some insight as well.
Good luck!

General Discussion / Virtual Fem
« on: December 05, 2004, 06:05:41 pm »
I agree with the L&H voices. Personally, I use the British female voice and it sounds way better than Micro-Mary!

Oddly enough, along the same topic, I was about to post a new site I discovered this evening. Do your own research into which TTS voice company and voice might be best for your application.
There are a lot of examples from which to choose.
Find it at:

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Text Search
« on: December 05, 2004, 01:15:59 pm »
When trying to figure out what .brn, .hap or .txt file contained a certain word, search no more! I found a GREAT little program that will handle it for you with ease!
You can set byte size in KB or MB, filters, etc. I usually open Windows Explorer to my C:/Program Files/Zabaware/Ultra Hal Assistant 5/DefBrain folder then at the address bar do a COPY, go to the HDSearch window at the top and PASTE. (saves typing). Then click on the Begin Search and it will display all files and show the number of times in each file your word appears. You can then double click on each file and use the F3 feature to trace your word through the file. At the bottom: Search for Filename you can use wildcards like *.brn to have it search all .brn files for a specific word.

BTW, It's a free download! No Ads, spys, etc. Good Stuff! From:

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Trouble with "Search"
« on: November 27, 2004, 06:13:49 pm »

Ultra Hal Assistant
Check Enable MyWebHal services
and Setup an account.

Here you'll input your name, email addy,
what site to deliver your weather, news
and basic searches, etc.

Hope this helps. If not let us know!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Sapi 5 problems
« on: November 22, 2004, 06:16:52 pm »
You might check out the link regarding
a previous posting of a similar nature.


Hope this helps.

Antec & others,
Don't rush out to buy Poser in hopes of having it
animate your .HTR files. I can't speak for Poser 5,
but I know Poser 4 has no such provision.
Poser is a great character (finished creation) program.
One assembles preset attributes to characters and adds
or modifys texture, size, appearance, props, hair, morphs
of all kinds and even animation. But one can not "create"
a character in the true sense of the word. One needs a
3D program such as 3DSMax or similar.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / haptek characters
« on: November 21, 2004, 05:56:58 pm »
You can use the search function on this site
and type in Haptek for starters.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / error 67, to many files???
« on: November 21, 2004, 05:35:48 pm »
If or when you modify your brain file and decide to
use the CUT & PASTE feature, be sure to check the
end result to make sure there are no unwanted spaces
and that each line is complete. It happens!

Line numbers are a nice reference to give us a place
to start but many of us have modified Hal's brain by
inserting new text which causes my line numbers to
be totally different from yours or someone elses.

Again, quoting line numbers in error messages is a
great way to get us close to seeing what you're seeing!

Good luck resolving your error.

If you want the ability to create
realistic human figures (M & F), you
might consider trying Poser (I think
version 5 is the latest). Lots of
accessories, hair, clothing, props.
There are several online communities
as well. Some of them are more "adult"
oriented than others.
www.renderotica.com (Adult)
for starters.
People Putty though nice, is somewhat
limited in flexibility and overall
output of finished product.

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Learning from the senses.
« on: November 17, 2004, 11:08:54 pm »
Too cool!!
Really nice find!

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / My People Putty Characters
« on: November 16, 2004, 05:52:18 am »

Thanks! Like with many of us, I've seen that
posting before but couldn't recall where it
was! Thanks for a point in the right direction.
It's working fine!

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / My People Putty Characters
« on: November 15, 2004, 09:15:12 pm »

How do you go about mapping the texture files
to the full body character, since People Putty
won't let one load the full body character?
Does it involve writting a script?

Appreciate any help!

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