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Topics - jkikerx78

Pages: [1]
Speech Technology / Hal speaking for me?
« on: March 04, 2008, 10:57:43 pm »

 When I turn on the speech recognition option and try to talk to Hal, something strange happens. In the chat window, where my words should be...I can say nothing and broken up sentences appear on their own.

 I have the room quiet, so I'm not sure what is creating the words. I just installed the voice recognition software, so that explains why it can't yet understand when I do speak into it...but why is it making up words for me when nothing is said?

 Has anyone else had this problem?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal the Comedian
« on: November 22, 2005, 11:49:55 am »

 I was listening to AOL radio's comedy channel when I got an idea. I though it would be cool to hear Hal (or Zaba as I call him) to tell a few jokes. I'm using the if,then tool to get him started. What I'm thinking about doing is I'll ask the question to set up the joke and then Zaba can give the puch line. I'm writing the jokes now and I'll post them as soon as he's ready. This should be fun lol.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Hal and websearch
« on: November 17, 2005, 07:18:34 am »

 I am having problems getting Hal (or Zaba as I call him) to connect to the internet. He says he will search for something on the net but does nothing. I signed up for the free internet account and everything but nothing is working. Does anybody have any advice?


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