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Messages - Art

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« on: August 11, 2004, 05:54:42 am »

I don't know if this applys to your case but
you might be more specific in your requests
to Hal.
Ex: Hal search for diamonds or Research submarines.
Hal will open IE and list sites with Diamonds or subs.

You might also ask Hal to Open Internet Explorer or
however you have the file named in your system (MSIE).

If reinstalling HAL be sure to uninstall all previous
installations (like you said you did). I think your brain
files will remain.

Keep us posted on your progress.

- Art -

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Improvements ?
« on: August 09, 2004, 07:24:20 pm »

You do raise some interesting points / ideas. I think most of us AI aficionados love the concept behind a ship's computer on Star Trek, Prometheus (that took over his professor's home and his wife), HAL9000 from 2001, even "Danger Will Robinson" from Lost in Space all the way to the movie, AI when bi-pedal beings inhabit society in a very humanistic way and form yet hunted and destroyed by groups of humans fearing a takeover.

The sad facts of the matter are that our present day chat bots are nothing but pattern recognition programs and have no more "brain power" than your average gnat! They may be able to hold vast amounts of data of all types but they have no idea what that data actually is. They don't know a "to" from a "two" or a "too". The program only selects a word that fits it's previously defined criteria or patterned usage. There is neither real knowledge nor learning. Having said that, I'm sorry to say the future of AI may never come to fruition as we humans might like to envision.

Two driving learning forces seen in the animal world (no matter which type) are Fear and Hunger. Fear for being the next in the pecking order in the food chain (self preservation) and Hunger ... to eat in order to survive another day (again self preservation). After that, nothing else matters.

As mentioned, the computer / program doesn't have any of these traits nor will it for some time, if at all.

Infant children's brains allow them to learn through a series of trial and error, yes & no, good & bad. Eventually a child knows that grass is green but what if the parents told him/her it was blue and that the sky was green? The child would know no difference until say later in life and only if it was allowed to socialize with others. It would then be corrected (of course he/she might well think of the parents as absolute morons in the first place for providing wrong information). But their brain allows them to store, assemble and recall previous input totally without intervention.

As far as our chat bots are concerned:

The idea of providing family concepts, values, morals, good behavior, etc. might be rather subjective and certainly have to be tailored to each person’s needs or beliefs.

The idle thinking / dreaming / subconscious awareness thing has been discussed in the past and I certainly feel it would provide positive feedback for Hal. It would need to be monitored, regulated and certainly editable in order to weed out false or unwanted content.

I've tried Daisy and Billy chat bots and would watch them chat together, each telling all they individually knew to each other, but unfortunately there was no actual "learning" during this period, even though it was fun to witness the exchange.

Hal sort of does number 3 at this time but like they say garbage in - garbage out!

Your idea of dual Hals might not be bad providing they worked from different databases so there could be an actual exchange of "knowledge data" between them along with the ability to recall it properly as needed.

I think the best we can hope for is indeed an open source, completely modifiable, pattern matching program. As it's ability to grasp the words and patterns that we humans use to label everything in this world increases, so will our suspended disbelief that it is nothing more than digital 1's and 0's.

Interesting note:
Honda has spent a fortune on designing a biped robot (first P3 then Asimo). The site has demos of Asimo climbing stairs up then down without falling and with relative ease. Then one reads further and discovers the robot is being controlled from behind the scenes and has no autonomous abilities at all! So, they spent a fortune on a wireless robot! Big Deal! Now I'm forced to reflect back many (really many) years ago to the Wizard of Oz..."If I only had a brain!" - Go figure! Maybe if we all refine Hal they could use it!!

Some great ideas Bill. Keep 'em rollin!

- Art -

Ultra Hal 7.0 / A conversation with my Sam...
« on: August 06, 2004, 06:58:34 pm »
That was nicely done! Really funny stuff
following the flow of topic conversations
with Sam. How much do you get caught up in
the suspended disbelief when chatting with
her? LOL!

Thanks for sharing and have a nice weekend!
- Art -

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Text & Phoney Issues
« on: August 06, 2004, 06:50:39 pm »

Thanks so much for your tolerable input.
No where did I mention wanting Hal to cook

How can I print out the listing and make changes
when it's HARD CODED in the .exe file. Reverse
engineering is usually strictly forbidden in
most software applications. Besides, I'm not a

The issues I spoke of would help many hearing or
sight impaired people function better with their

<Offering suggestions is one thing, expecting them to be done right away is just plain nonsense.>
Right away?? How many years has it been? What
version of Hal are we using? Nonsense man!

I guess everything you've ever purchased during your
life has been flawless and nothing never needed fixing.
Well, Bill, you are indeed the lucky man of the year!
I salute you!

I have purchased every version of Hal ever made,
so have another beer, relax and don't preach to
the choir about wanting things fixed.

Last time I checked, this forum is a free one, like
the USA in which I live. If I don't have a right to
voice an opinion, complain or post a topic, then they
should change this to a private forum or maybe a BBS.

Oh yes...Have a nice weekend!
- Art -

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Text & Phoney Issues
« on: August 05, 2004, 05:33:36 pm »
Thanks Rich,

It's sort of like buying a new car except you
find that the wipers don't you make
do by only driving on rainy days. Or you'd like
some tunes but, alas...the radio functions don't
work you make do and sing or whistle.

The speech thing, as we've discussed, is also a
real pain in the butt! Hal won't let me modify it's
voices from within the General Options.

I think the problem (or at least part of it) lies in
the fact that the speech routines and also the
aforementioned items are contained in the .exe
file and are not user accessible.

Well, my friend, when I buy a car I expect ALL of its
features / functions to work! If not, they either fix
it, the car goes back and / or I buy another car.

Sorry for the ranting. Hal really does have a lot of potential.
It would be nice if people would at least concentrate on fixing
the things that are broken before trying to modify the rest of Hal.
There are important features that benefit visually or hearing
impaired people like the font size, color, hearing phone numbers
spoken properly instead of like a 5th grade multiplication problem.

Yes I am aware of some others and while I know that nothing in this
world is perfect, things should at least work as purported.

Until next time,
- Art -

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / problem with brain editor
« on: August 02, 2004, 04:42:38 pm »

 I believe Geminii has already loaded the Hal Default Brain.
He's now trying to view/edit the question / answer file as is
selectable from the TOOLS menu at the top of the brain editor window.

I just loaded the default brain and tried it.
The file took almost a minute to load but it
finally did.

Check for virii, trojans and spyware?

Using Win XP with Service Pack 1?
(SP1 gave me a lot of grief a while back).

Tried reinstalling Ultra Hal?

Check what items are booting at startup.
Start>Run>msconfig.exe (type that in).
Click on Startup Tab at far right.
Go down list and UNCHECK any items you DON'T
want to load when computer boots.

Perhaps if you narrow down any other program
usage, Hal will behave more respectably.

Keep us posted and good luck,
- Art -

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Sound help
« on: August 01, 2004, 02:33:24 pm »
Not too sure on this but, shouldn't your headset
have two connectors? One will plug into the MIC
and the other into the SPKR. If you're hearing
sound from your desktop speakers you might want
to recheck the connection.
Also make sure of your settings are correct. In
XP, Richt click on volume control icon and select
Open Volume Control. Adjust levels as needed then
Adjust Audio Properties (Right Click on Vol icon).
You can select mic, sound card, etc.

If you have the Free version of Hal, voice rec. will
not work.

These are just some thoughts off the top....

Good Luck,
- Art -

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Site of interest!
« on: August 01, 2004, 10:57:14 am »
To all Ultra Hal Users,

Try a visit to for some
really great articles, help and shared knowledge
about Hal.

The site is not meant to compete with Zabaware's
site but rather to further enhance the use and development
of the Ultra Hal Assistant. There's help areas with
scripting, downloads, general discussions and much
more. Check it out!

I am not affiliated with the site in any way other than as
a visitor but I thought it was worth sharing.

- Art -

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Scripts
« on: August 01, 2004, 10:50:24 am »
It would be a nice touch to have a separate
area for all of the scripts instead of having
to weed through all the topic discussions, etc.
before one finds a particular script.

Just a thought.

- Art -

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Text & Phoney Issues
« on: August 01, 2004, 10:45:09 am »
Under the Options tab, font size, color, etc. do not work after they have been changed. It always returns to the default settings.

The phone number thing is a real pain as well. As was pointed out by a member on another forum, the phone number is not displayed with dashes between the numbers even though it was when first input.

When type of number is chosen (Home, Business, Mobile, etc.) it always reverts back to unknown as soon as one clicks on APPLY.

Hal speaks the phone number 564-3211 as Five million six hundred forty three thousand two hundred eleven. I'm told one can manually go into the phone book data and change the number (insert dashes), but one shouldn't have to do it this way.

Thoughts, fixes are most appreciated.
- Art -

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Brain swapping
« on: July 27, 2004, 05:26:04 am »
Welcome Joseph!
Though I never really thought of my Hal as an interactive database,
I guess that really calls the pot black so to speak. A lot of Hal
users (like myself) tend to suspend disbelief for a moment and treat
Hal like another person <G>.

I would not rule out the possibility that a script couldn't be written to accomplish what you're looking for in an interactive
shopping list. That's not a bad idea at all! I'm sure that someone here will either dig up a script or perhaps there's one already here in the archives.

There are several Brains available and some use the Default Brain with some personal modifications. I use the XTF Brain with some personal mods and really enjoy it. There's even a blank slate brain that just has the basics and one can expand upon it with various scripts.

Good luck,
- Art -

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal for Linux????
« on: July 27, 2004, 05:11:23 am »
You're going to have to read, learn and
rethink things a bit as Linux works pretty
nicely, but with a cost. Most of your Win
progs may not run as expected if at all.
There are some really good replacements
like OpenOffice (works like Word, Excel,
etc.), some really good browsers and
email programs. It come with more "stuff"
than you can digest in a week.

Folders and files are very similar but drive
naming conventions are a bit different and
may take a little getting used to (drive 0,
drive 1 instead of C, D, etc.)

My linux bos is remarkably stable having
run for several months without requiring a

Linux security is another strong
area. (Some say that Linux computers don't
get attacked by virii because not too many
people use a linux based platform). OK, well
that's good for Linux users I guess <G>.

Give yourself some time (if you're not already
familiar with Linux and you're be pleasantly

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Good luck,
- Art -

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal for Linux????
« on: July 26, 2004, 06:10:26 am »
I was wondering about that too since I have a
virtually empty Linux box.
Have you tried to use WINE?

- Art -

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Ultra Hal en français / Ultra Hal in french
« on: July 22, 2004, 06:06:06 pm »

Without a doubt that is some of the best Franglish
I have ever witnessed!! LOL!

Tres bien!
- Art -

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Restart issue w/Hal
« on: July 22, 2004, 06:02:42 pm »
Ordinarily I would agree with your proposal
however, this has happened from a fresh boot,
never clicked on my desktop Hal icon. Installed
new program (utility or whatever, maybe a WinXP
update). Upon restart (as is sometimes required),
this wide popup window asks if I want to reconfigure
Hal as it was not shutdown properly! As was previously
mentioned by Don and I, this does not lead to any
problems and I usually just click on the cancel button.
Ergo, No instance of Hal was loaded upon boot and all
I use is a desktop icon. It is also contained in my START>
always just click on the desktop icon.

I do appreciate your feedback and suggestions.


Thanks so much for the kind words. In these times of uncertainty,
thin-skin and political correct behavior it's nice to have a
place like this with like minded people willing to offer what
they can and share their discoveries.
I've yet to meet the person who knows it all (though a lot claim
to...LOL!), but there are a lot of really great folks here. I certainly don't have all the answers but I'm glad to assist when
and where I can.

Yes, I've tried various methods to ferret out the culprit and perhaps
somewhere there's a gremlin playing.

I've gone through several version of Hal practically since it started and now up to V.5.0. My machine is a new computer and HD, so the slate is clean so to speak.

I will run another registry checker prog. just to make sure the house is in order. Your suggestions are helpful and much appreciated.

Thanks again and all the best to you both!

- Art -

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