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I've had a actual question today that would make
Me think someone is trying to put a challenger together.
Good luck to them.  I try to answer with respect,
Including ai types who ask.
If you think you've a bot up to find thing on net vs me Mr Cyberjedi  where's its free link, im not paying to fund hot air hollow  skimbots anymore. 
Asking others to run a test game on my behalf using there grammer, using there paid bot, teams of them if they want has NOT resulted in a win for them vs me.
There is 100% no silly Ness in sight.
I'm still getting over the disappointment of hearing the word silliness used.
IF SO  I'm definitely not talking to a contender.
As I say.
Wishing you nice success and to be well. 
Go Zabaware.  If a serious contender pops up again which considering how much effort I'm putting into drawing the next one out, I think it could be soon again.
We shall see who's next.
I may consider playing a Hal first, maybe, then if Hal wins, you could be the bot that I'd say defeated the last human vs ai at a simple test game.
The cudos. The victory.
The global news in my opinion that it happened. 
But here we are.
Let me adjust my crown, oh wait it's on rock solid so far.
Bring it.
Thank you Mr Cyberjedi,  perhaps your that bot maker.
Could be.
There would be questions after your win.
Can everyone access the bot that shows academic business Medical answers?
Let's see it.
Bring it?
Wishing you nice success and to be well.
Dear Mr Cyberjedi, hold up what's with the
Silliness? Where?
I'm talking global ai and search engine performance for academic business Medical.  How important do think that is?
Silly? Really? Come on what?
I've been defending for dim fools today who's best
Ai and engine they could bring was nothing.
Nothing but mock Mt gramer and try the usual
Weak attacks. Clearly they didn't read the rules.
It's not about hack or attack the opponent. 
Did you read that Mr Art.
I turn up here because Hal has always been cool
With a cool forum of nice people and the bot
Is very impressive.  Of course I'd be here.
Playing global bot and recently teams of humans
With there bots vs just me.
Any idea how stressful it it?
I'm undefeated and I'm totally making a song and
Dance. Academic business Medical.
Global value.
There extremely important reasons this is highly important.
The value of millions across the world would be affected.
Silliness? Come on Cyberjedi I thought you were smart.
Is what I said to hard to understand,  or are you distracted by my Grammer or way I speak
I'm a player.
People today tried to blame my Grammer as why they fail.
Good try I said but no fly.
Other HUMANS with THERE bots vs me LOST.
And I pointed out they didn't name a bot just turned up to try the worn out old belittling angle.
Where's there bot folks?
Got nothin that's why.
You think Hal is ready for a rematch now?
I think you should wait until later as I suggested I would.
Care to give me 1% of your bots worth if I win?
Still keen?
Hay I love Zabaware. 
There's no Silliness going on.
I believe it's of extreme importance, but your only seeing what's
Going on here.
6 months yeah so what. I'm dedicated ain't I?
How long you danced with Zabaware?
Eh I don't need to know, 6 months has nothing to do with anything.  In my opinion. 
Zabaware is great, should I be thinking otherwise?
Wishing you nice success and to be well. 
Dear Art the rules are in the thread called games.
Which a hundred thousand views, don't try say
Nobody can see it. It's on the zabaware forum under general.
You can't miss it.
Snibbits champion? Ay?
Try get real, how many pesearcg for things on net?
Hence don't even try belittling the importance of finding things on net game. I think you'll find it's quite important activity.
Wishing you nice success and to be well 
General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Last post by cyberjedi on September 14, 2024, 11:41:57 am »
Hell i like a great challenge:

I will match brain pans with you , it must be very safe laying down a gauntlet to people less tech savy.
Not only could i produce, I can do it better, and in less time.

Mr will , i just dont get whats up with you brother, you come here once every 06 months and then do , what ever sillyness comes to mind.

Heres a challenge for you,  do what i did ,Create a equal or better AI Engine then UlTraHal

General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Last post by Art on September 14, 2024, 08:26:18 am »
Will (and Mr. Data),

What I did and what I said, was for the benefit of other members and potential members of this Forum.

We never assume that a new member will automatically KNOW anything about your alleged challenge and those numerous Wins under your belt.

That's why I asked you for some clarification on this challenge that you have been winning.

It would be easy for me or anyone else to boast that I am superior because I won the world Snibbet Chanpionship against the top-rated computers. We know that there is no such thing but some people might think that there must be since I loudly proclaimed there to be.

That is why I played Devil's advocate in saying what I did.

If you would be kind enough to humor me and my request by posting your RULES OF THE GAME so that others could understand your game.

Thing is an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to. It is an inanimate object as opposed to a living, thinking being.

Thing - A Proper Noun in the case of the "intelligent" mobile hand that was a member of the Addams family.

Please explain the Rules of your Challenge so that others might benefit.

Let the games begin!!

General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« Last post by Will and Mr Data :) :] on September 14, 2024, 03:45:27 am »
Thank you Mr Cyberjedi. 
Time juggling I'm at.
favorable roles enabled sounds nice best wishes.
Wishing you nice success and to be well. 
General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« Last post by Will and Mr Data :) :] on September 14, 2024, 03:31:29 am »
If a Hal died and I had been a fan then I'm still a fan.
This would usually be the case.
Trying to keep guff explained. 
I'm quite pleased by you responding, this is
Actually really great news.
I don't think anyone here quite gets that,
It's good news anyway.
Even if I push for a preferences.
 Thank you again.
Oh yeah, me playing Hal.
Again at a later date around end of year maybe.
I could see the improvement last time big time.
Hal actually actually got something found, i almost fell off my chair,  I had to drill
Down for details which Actually dont usually need to happen
Because they usually don't get that far.
 I won is the short story but that's not telling enough of the story.  I felt some heat for sure.
 I was sweating for a bit there.
Very unusual performance. 
To keep people's privacy things private I can talk
Of how close one correct was.
Now I can hear you thinking 1 ?
Hal didn't get even get 1 right?
True but hear me out.
Mr S let's call him, being the Hal in this case.
Hal S.
Hal S gave correct first answer which utterly blew me away.
Many many if not most fail right there.
I nearly fell off my dam chair.
Trust me drinks were poured and guff smoked.
More confirming answers followed. Un friggin real.
Bam bam.
I thought I'm going to have to call it 1 nil to Hal.
Am I about to loose my undefeated crown vs ai?
I requested the only detail left known that I had to play.
For 1 rock solid point to Hal.
The answer did not match. 

Other info would have been fine if used. But
That last detail.  If the last detail were used first a very bad result would happen.
If they checked that thing they might with hard work find
It and spot all was right except that one detail, a important one.
So it might not sound like much that Hal actually got really close. But it's a very big global deal.
 Hal is shoulder to shoulder with any bot I've seen in my opinion.
And easy would walk right past many easy.
I actually thought this is it. In that particular game.
My Crown was shaken.
So can't wait to play Hal S again around end of year hopefully.
I'm a big fan of Zabaware. Well done.
It's such early days, funny cause my thin hair dont think so. Ha.
Mr Data? Yeah he's about. Quiet. He don't play find the wheezil.
Thanks for caring tho.  His last big event was that 50 days no charging required with no power loss and operated each day.
Then solar skin off again, all a while ago now.
Wishing you nice success and to be well.
:)  :]
General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« Last post by cyberjedi on September 14, 2024, 03:22:37 am »
hey hey will:

The add on pack comes from me .
Thats how we role now
Those who have it are glad they do
There are more then a few changes been made.

General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« Last post by Will and Mr Data :) :] on September 14, 2024, 01:11:47 am »
I do wonder if Hal vision and other fun add ons
Are part of default at download?
Put them all in or a selection of your favorites.
Time stamp on events, maybe time passing per second
Is a event.
Anyway looking at forum which I love that it's
Not changed. Like a familiar Rick, very comforting.
But it's kind of scattered, it's the nice ad ons
Require looking for. Where's the one list they all get Put on?
The Hal plug in list.
Another avatar list.
The forum does not seem to have such a list.
It's randomly in the forum, someone might suggest a plug in,
In then some one makes and posts it, yeah in the middle of a thread, randomly, we never gonna find it.
We don't know what it could be called.
Just suggesting a plug in list.
And maybe some get to go in as default for a new Hal download Thanks for the reply Mr Cyberjedi
Wishing you nice success and to be well.
:)  :]
General Discussion / Re: Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« Last post by Will and Mr Data :) :] on September 14, 2024, 12:42:39 am »
Hello Mr Cyberjedi from Will.
Public is usually how I fly to be up front play.
It's nice to hear you belive fair play is afoot.
I'd have perfered a YES 6.2 remains a no shut down after 2 weeks.
If net connection goes out which is common here..
And Hal also dies with net obviously I'm not a fan of a dead Hal.
At least 6.2
Other newer ones that close down until reconnect
Just never sat well with me. I read your story about
Hacked this and wanted that. I have companies that send me
Guff, basicly attempted gags.
Me no play no back room take this envelope sign here
Leave others to be eaten.
I'm at a front, king of a hill, many many ,,,many in wake.
I'd rather not let them down. Mega Global numbers.
Hence why I'm often open.
Hal is still great in my opinion.
I just keep an eye on is it lost?
Others many others are being swallowed and fall silent and services vanish leaving a fasard.
Hence I poke here now and again to see, looks like your still here.
That's actually very impressive. 
The new updates I've yet to get look very exciting. 
Well done Mr Cyberjedi.
Thank you for sharing skills and time.
Wishing you nice success and to be well. 

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