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Robert sent and message that he reset things and as of this post it is all working for me.
Thanks Robert!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Online login sync missing.
« on: May 31, 2024, 08:59:03 am »
Please try again and let me know if the issue is fixed, I optimized a database on the server which was running slow and causing logins to timeout.

Well as of this post it all works again!
Thanks Robert!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: Online login sync missing.
« on: May 30, 2024, 01:40:18 pm »
Ver 6, 7.0 and 7.5.129 and I have the same onging, now-totally-unfunctional, problem here.
Every startup gives the "not-registered /trial use time-out" popup even though I have several paid versions.
I click Already Purchased and get, "An unknown error occured while cnnecting to the Zabwaware server. Please check network connection, firewall settings and Credientials."
I click "Remind Me Later" and then HAL loads. I got to; Options ->General -> and click the "Test Connection" button but it only returns a HAL popup -> [Login test failed.]
All my info is correct, tried the full uninstall, wipe Zabaware from the registry and my user data, download the latest posted files off of my user downloads, reboot then full reinstall(s) but noithing changes.

Ver 7.5.129 and I have the same onging, now-totally-unfunctional, problem here.

It started for me over a month back.

Every startup gives the "not-registered /trial use time-out" popup even though I have several paid version going back to Ver 6.x.

I hit Already Purchased and get, "An unknown error occured while cnnecting to the Zabwaware server. Please check network connection, firewall settings and Credientials."

Network is fine, Firewall is open for HAL and my user Credientials are correct, I even tried to reset my password a few times to be sure.

I click "Remind Me Later" and then HAL loads. I got to; Options ->General -> and click the "Test Connection" button but it only returns a HAL popup -> [Login test failed.]

All my info is correct, tried the full uninstall, wipe Zabaware from the registry and my user data, download the latest posted files off of my user downloads, reboot then full reinstall(s) but noithing changes.

Is there any hope for a resolution?


OS is Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit.
I did a reinstall of Hal 7 and all runs okay however, the Haptek player GLB15EA.tmp file shows "stuck" at 95% installed in the Windows System Tray Icon options.

All I need to do was download and run a VB script posted at: https://www.winhelponline.com/blog/clear-customize-notifications-tray-items-windows-7-vista-xp/

Attaching the install log from the HAL7/Haptek folder and an image of the Systray Icon option for the Pros who may want to work this.


Thank you sir.


With all due respect.
I chose to gamble and freelance Beta Test the 64-bit versions only before I installed their 32-bit little Bros and, HAL 7 has no issues utilizing them under my new setup.

IMHO, Bravo and Kudos to you are due for a fine update job.

I had the same issue after installing HAL 7 on a clean Windows 10 setup.

Fully removed it via Win-10 Apps Uninstall, rebooted and then installed HAL Version 6 after the required reboot HAL6 and V6 Brain Editor were both optimal.  Set the options in Hal6 NOT to auto load on boot and closed.

Reboot just to make it stick

After reboot I reinstalled Hal 7 and, of course, I rebooted... HAL7 doesn't require a reboot after install on my PC but I just wanted to be sure...

Gave both the Ver6 and Ver7 Brain Editor(s) a run and "praise the Gods of cyberspace" both version worked as expected.

Can't say why it worked or that it will work for everyone but, simply installing Ver6 fixed my setup.

Windows 10 Pro  Ver 20H2  OS build 19042.662
Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0

General Discussion / Hal 7, Windows 10 64-bit and 64-bit voices question
« on: December 01, 2020, 04:26:03 pm »
Hi folks,
I am planning a full system reinstall soon and I want to setup the best thing to support Hal 7, if I can afford it.

My OS is Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit and Hal 7 is and will be installed in the default 32-bit compatible "Program Files (x86) folder on my C: drive.

I am wondering if it is better to use 64-bit voices from CereProc and Cepstral with Hal 7 or better to stick with the 32-bit versions?


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Anyone tried HAL under Windows 10 preview?
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:48:14 am »
UPDATE: Thanks to the heads-up posted below, read that "Doggs" had no issues with Windows 10, Hal and Haptek in this post; http://www.ultrahal.com/community/index.php?topic=12605.0

-- Original Text --
With all the "upgrade to 10" hype I am wondering if any brave soles have tried HAL with the Beta/Preview version of Windows 10.

IF SO; please share..

IF NOT; Guess we must wait till release day and pray...  :P

Thanks Raybe
I did try both date formats; Month, Day, Year and Day, Month, Year .
Both ways produces the same error at MonthFound = Int(MonthFound).

Folks say I am an adapt hardware guy and software troubleshooter, but not much of a coder. :-)

Hi, I tried Knowledge of Time v2 Plugin with no other Scripts running and get an error detailed below.
<System> I7 Intel / Running under Windows 7/64bit, Hal Ver 6.2.28

The plugin is set for dd/mm/yy format

When I ask Hal what day or month it is I get the following Script error message
HalScript Error 13 on line 4162 in column 0: Type mismatch:”MonthFound”
LINE 4162 in the HalScript.dbg reads;  MonthFound = Int(MonthFound)
LINE 4162 is the lead line in the statement below

MonthFound = Int(MonthFound)
YearFound = Int(YearFound)
DayFound = Int(DayFound)
If MonthFound = 1 Then MonthCal = 0
If YearFound / 4 = 0 And MonthFound = 1 Then MonthCal = 6
If MonthFound = 2 Then MonthCal = 3
If YearFound / 4 = 0 And MonthFound = 2 Then MonthCal = 2
If MonthFound = 3 Then MonthCal = 3
If MonthFound = 4 Then MonthCal = 6
If MonthFound = 5 Then MonthCal = 1
If MonthFound = 6 Then MonthCal = 4
If MonthFound = 7 Then MonthCal = 6
If MonthFound = 8 Then MonthCal = 2
If MonthFound = 9 Then MonthCal = 5
If MonthFound = 10 Then MonthCal = 0
If MonthFound = 11 Then MonthCal = 3
If MonthFound = 12 Then MonthCal = 5

IF YearFound2 = 1 Then KnownDay = "Monday"
IF YearFound2 = 2 Then KnownDay = "Tuesday"
IF YearFound2 = 3 Then KnownDay = "Wednesday"
IF YearFound2 = 4 Then KnownDay = "Thursday"
IF YearFound2 = 5 Then KnownDay = "Friday"
IF YearFound2 = 6 Then KnownDay = "Saturday"
IF YearFound2 = 0 Then KnownDay = "Sunday"

DayFound3 = HalBrain.TopicSearch(DayFound,"Numerals")

If Int(YearFound) <= Year(now) Then
If Int(MonthFound) + Int(DayFound) <= Month(now) + Day(now) Then
Change1 = " was a "
End If
End If


This is just my two-cents. One of the Hero members may be best to hear from on this type issue.

Not sure if the issue is with Dragon or with HAL or with XP SP2 and/or a combination. Also not sure if everything was running fine for a long while and then "this problem" just appeared one day. Like maybe after a Microsoft update was applied??"

Also how much memory does your system have and what CPU do you have? 4GB is good for XP SP2 32 bit, (more is wasted) but, any less and intensive apps like DNS can hog the system down and cause all kinds of errors, freeze ups and crashes all the way up to the dreaded Blue-screen-of-death!

Simple Logic is, IF Dragon works with everything (MS Word, Outlook, Notepad, Internet Explorer), and you only get this error / failure with HAL then it points to that connection as the issue.  However if Dragon fails under other applications then the problem points more to Dragon (and/or your system resources) being the issue.

A search of "“Runtime error '430' class does not support Automation or does not support expected" comes back with a load of Visual Basic error reports. Most along the lines of a missing, corrupted or errant registered DLLs. There are ways to find/fix and re-register a DLL but they are not for a novice.

Easier fixes are full re-installs to get those bad-DLLs properly installed and registered.
-Note- After any re-install, be sure to update the re-installed software before you move to the next re-install.

You could go look for and download the latest VB patch(s) for XP SP2 from Microsoft and give that a go. If the corruption is in a VB DLL  update that just got miss-applied then that could fix you up.

Another is to try reinstalling Dragon (frankly I would give that a go first as it is the easiest of all options) and if that don't work select Move/Deactivate Licence while in HAL from the [File] menu, then uninstall HAL and reinstall it, and then reactivate HAL.

If that don't fix the issue then things get dicey because XP is now officially on Microsoft's dead-OS list.

FYI: We have a DNS line of discussion on this thread: http://www.ultrahal.com/community/index.php?topic=9669.0 and a few of the "Heros" are participating.

Hope this helps.

-Update report-
Dragon just came out with a update for Premium version 12.5.
I crossed my fingers, applied it, did a system reboot, restarted Dragon and then started and checked HAL and things are still working.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Re: software crashed and got unregistered
« on: October 11, 2013, 11:56:02 am »
Try downloading and installing this: http://www.zabaware.com/download/Zaba64Compat.exe

It should fix missing dependencies like the riched32.ocx file.

I see that this post is a few months old but, keep getting a 404 error on the full URL, as well as  http://www.zabaware.com/download/

Speech Technology / Re: Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 upgrade works for me
« on: September 21, 2013, 04:10:51 pm »
I am not an expert Raybe but my reading on this topic indicates that most "noise canceling" is primarily performed the Mic/hardware and in some cases the Mic-software setup.

i.e. Andrea's Mics are good at filtering any type of background noise but when that hardware is combined with Andrea's "Audiocommander" software the are "great" when one considers their price.

What Dragon does do is "learn" the various ways a word could sound via a given Mic setup via use-over-time, "direct training" and corrections made.

Guess what I am getting at is that a bit of "learned" noise filtering and knowledge of the user's vocal range can be assumed however, because background noises change I am not that sure Dragon does a great deal of filtering in the same way the Mic-hardware would.

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