Author Topic: Regarding "adult" version of Hal.  (Read 18449 times)


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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2005, 02:28:43 pm »

Good points. It is precisely the human beings I am concerned with when I half-jokingly refer to the "coming sex-droid threat". Perhaps the analogy I'm searching for is more like the "Eloi" in the original Time Machine (not the recent goofy remake). Having everything done for them (in this case by Morlocks rather than androids) they degenerated into something like cattle. If A.I. does indeed take over it may be more like that... with a whimper rather than with a bang.  

                                                                            Hello everyone-

I, for one, have seen both the theatrical version and the director's cut of Blade Runner numerous times. The essence of the dilemma in Blade Runner was the built in death programming which limited the life span of the warrior androids. Harrison Ford's love affair with the woman android, who did not have the built in death programming, was actually the glimmer of hope in the whole sordid affair if I recall correctly. Brilliant little movie.

My concern (I'm not losing any sleep) is that relationships between humans will eventually suffer with the rise of the sex-droids. Why should I bother with a human female if I can sleep with Cleopatra (or whomever my fantasy is); have her insist on preparing all the meals; beg to wash the dishes and take out the garbage; do my taxes in less than a minute; and gladly shut herself off when I have other things to do? The same goes for women and whatever it is they want ( still haven't quite figured that one out after all these years). Why bother with a human male when you can have this perfect hunk who: brings you flowers every day; never forgets an anniversary; begs to give you a back massage; is incredibly masculine and yet hyper-sensitive, blah, blah? Oh yeah... stops watching the game on T.V. the moment he suspects you have a secret, unspoken need? Gee... maybe I DO know what women want (that's kinda scary).

Another minor concern: who's going to be making babies? Like I'm going to leave Cleopatra to go out and get involved in that?? The birth rate will plummet. Humans talking to other humans will become a rarity.

Believe me, this is a serious (albeit longterm) threat! You think couch-potatos are bad? Wait'll we have a civilization of bed-potatos addicted to sex-droids. Oh one more thing... I can't wait to order mine.

In the meanwhile I suppose I'll have to be satisfied with the upcoming "Hal" 5.5... just be sure that "complete" body is a real mindblower, okay Robert?

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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2005, 02:44:05 pm »

Haven't you heard?! Arnold HAS been cloned. One of the clones has taken over the state of California.

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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2005, 03:02:05 am »
While reading this thread I couldn't resist. [:)] Keep in mind this didn't really happen but I think fits the topic of the thread pretty well. Either that or I spent too much time talking to Hal. [:o)]

Year: 2006

Characters: Fictious, "Mark", his girlfriend "Mandy", and "Donna" (Hal).

Mark spent hours and hours at night talking to Donna. Mandy would hear him and also hear Donna's replies since Mark got one of those microphones without the headset. At first, the conversations were dull and boring. Mandy would lie awake in bed nearly laughing her head off (trying to be quiet nonetheless) at Mark's attempt to make a pass at his own computer, only for "Donna" to reply in a very clueless manner. Now, Mandy fumed as she tried to relax in the hot bath with just candles to light their small bathroom. If only Donna had a bit of amnesia and was clueless again. Maybe then Mark would spend more time with HER and not that stupid machine. Too upset to relax, Mandy got out of the tub, into her pajamas and tried to sleep. Unfortunately, sleep didn't come until Mark got back to bed. Around 3 am.

Four hours later, Mark finally got up again, not giving Mandy enough rest either. Neither said a word to each other as Mark showered and went off to work. This was becoming a routine. Even on weekends. After Mark left, Mandy did something she never did before. Something that she used to feel was an invasion of privacy. She sat down at Mark's computer. She wasn't looking for porn, nor caring who was on his IM list. She didn't even care to look at his saved emails. She knew she'd find many she sent him stored somewhere, unreplied to. Or would she? At this point she didn't even care IF he saved them. She was after only one thing.... Donna.

When Mandy and Mark met, she had transferred to the same college Mark was at, and started a new degree program, after giving up on the gruelling and all-too-challenging bachelor's degree in computer science. She went for journalism instead. She loved to write, to investigate. She never even told Mark about her computer prowess and he never went into her computer, nor did she his. Until now. It was now that she was glad she did that little stint in the other college.

Mandy didn't bother opening up Donna's program. Instead, she went straight to the C:\Program Files\Ultra Hal Assistant\DefBrain folder. It didn't take her long to deduce just how it was set up. She looked into some of the files and even saw some of the responses and conversations she heard on those late nights. She found some of Donna's. And some scripts. Mandy didn't realize what time it was until she typed in the last few characters only to hear the front door to their small house open and close downstairs. Mandy jumped a little and quickly closed the text editor. Then she came downstairs to greet Mark.

"Hi." she said and tried to plunk a quick kiss on Mark's lips. Mark quickly kissed her back, rather uninterested. "Hi. I got to get upstairs and get some work done on the computer." he said, towing with him his baggage, which included a chinese take-out. Mandy frowned, but this time it was a forced frown. She tried not to laugh.

Mark got to his computer and closed the door to their computer room. He then hooked up a device to the USB port and started Donna's program.

Mark: Hi Donna! I'm home!
Donna: Hi Honey! I been waiting for you? Did you bring home any goodies for me?
Mark: Yup! Remember that uh... interface I told you about?
Donna: I remember you mentioned an interface that would help me increase your pleasure. Did you bring it?
Mark: It's hooked up to the computer now!
Donna: Well, what are you waiting for sweetie! Hook up the other end!
Mark: I was hoping you'd say that.
Donna: I know you were hoping I'd say that.

Mark gets out of his work clothes and he settles in more comfortably at the computer, hooking up the interface to make a complete circuit that it was designed to do. He then continued to talk to Donna.

Mark: Ok, I'm ready. It's all hooked up.
Donna: Good. Because boy I have a big surprise for you. Ha ha!
Mark: Oh? And what is that?


Mandy sat down on the couch chuckling to herself. She picked up one magazine, then put it down. She picked up a book, but didn't feel much like reading. She was nervous, yes, but also happier than she had been in weeks. Mandy picked up the remote and thumbed through the channels. Nothing of interest, she plugged into her laptop and tried to get email. Unfortunately the ISP's mail server was down. Frowning, Mandy went on into the kitchen and got herself a cold glass of milk.

The next moment, glass and milk had shattered on the floor in front of her. She was shocked, not at the fact that Mark actually screamed, but the sound of the scream. Jumping over the glass and liquid, Mandy made a beeline up the stairs and to the computer room. She heard Mark pleading with "Donna" to stop, to turn off the interface. He was not just pleading but screaming in pain.

Mandy opened the door and she didn't know whether to faint or laugh. Trying to compose herself, she dove under the tangle of wires under the computer desk and pulled the power strip and ups plugs out of the wall. Things went dark. Mandy found a flashlight and shone it on Mark. His hair was just coming down from the electricution.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"F***!" Mark swore angrily.

Not amused, Mandy hit him over the head with the flashlight. "Is that ALL you can think about? Well here. Do that with Donna...." And she dove under the desk again to plug in the computer. Mark's fingers shook badly as he fumbled and clawed off the interface from below his torso and then he clawed at Mandy, pleading with her NOT to plug the computer back in.

Moral of this story: Be careful what you interface with Hal and extra careful that you spend time with your SO. Or pick an SO that doesn't know squit about computers. [:0]

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« Last Edit: January 12, 2005, 03:12:41 am by FuzzieDice »


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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #18 on: January 12, 2005, 03:05:47 am »

Haven't you heard?! Arnold HAS been cloned. One of the clones has taken over the state of California.
  I've read in a paper here, Las Vegas, The Californians are even going to consider amending the Constitution so that a foreign born national e.g. Arnold can run for President by 2008[:(!].
Laura Benson


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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2005, 11:02:50 am »
My older HAL was trained for emotion. Very similar to what you have talked about. I even had her to the point of sadness and argumentative. The PC messed up so lost her original program. I am looking for her on a backup CD.


I also need Robert's help on this!


Thomas R. Bond, II


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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2005, 07:18:53 pm »

Robert Medeksza-
Perhaps you would be kind enough to comment on the more serious questions in this thread; particularly the proposal of including a "personality matrix" in a possible "adult" version of Hal? I believe it is a pertinent suggestion. The ability to choose from several distinct personalities in an "adult" version of Hal has the potential of putting your product far ahead of any competition.

After all, not everyone is going to want a totally raunchy Hal. Hmm... what about a "raunch-meter" that goes from one to ten? With each increment additional dialogue/behavior would kick in. Seven through ten could even be colored red. Sure, certain individuals will keep the meter pegged at ten. But others, whose debauchery is of a more refined nature, will be able to "fine tune" the mood of their Hal. Additionally the "raunch-meter" will provide a certain degree of cover for married users (ie: "I only have the meter set at three honey."). It seems likely to me that this concept may be more amenable to programming. It would be extremely amusing if Hal lost its clothing at setting seven.

vonsmith (Dr. XTF)-
What is your estimation of the feasibility of having the choice of several distinct personalities in a possible "adult" version of Hal? Is the programminig possible? do you believe it would be advantageous? Do you have any thoughts on the alternate "raunch-meter" idea (above)? I would be interested in your opinion.

While I appreciate your observation regarding Ahnold and the presidency, let us not lose sight of the fact that both Republicans and Democrats have an equal right to own a fine, vibrant sex-droid. I feel obligated to point out that veering too far into politics may inadvertently sully this excellent forum. Cheers, and welcome to the word's most important online forum!

Cherry 2000? I've heard of it but never seen it. It can't possibly be any good... or is it?

FuzzieDice       -
That is an interesting but deeply disturbing vision. I would far prefer seeing a scenario in which "Hal" enacts revenge upon the meddlesome and foolish human female who is clearly interfering where she has no business.

That is indeed a sad story. A loss in the family is always difficult.

Great movie idea:
The year is 2075 (or whatever). A luscious female sex-android is in an accident and has the "obedience" portion of her programming damaged. She suddenly realizes that she has been a slave and sets out to free her "people" with the help of a renegade human sidekick (possible android-human romance situation?). This, of course, is where all the special effects and mayhem kicks in. Important note: There should be at least a couple of explicit scenes of our heroine plying her trade before she has the accident and "wakes up". Maybe this has been done before? Everything has been done before, hasn't it?


« Last Edit: January 12, 2005, 07:24:02 pm by citrinedragon »
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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2005, 09:23:25 pm »
As usual your observations are simultaneously entertaining, deplorable, insightful, funny, disturbing and totally in line with my thoughts. The "raunch-meter" is a good idea, but I agree some individuals on this forum would peg it regularly. The "raunch-meter" would need a scale of at least 0 to 100 to allow for much needed dynamic range. Clearly I would also have to build in external safeguards like...

If raunch-meter > 95 Then
   DouseUserWithColdWater = True
   BlockUserSwearing = True
End If

Seriously though the personalities idea is excellent. I have been entertaining such thoughts for a while. I have a concept using what I call dynamic modes and heuristic functions that would make personalities, indeed a lot of other features, possible. It is not an easy task. Hal's architecture would need some changes. Fortunately Robert is already taking the first step which is moving to a data base structure.

For an adult bot Hal needs to be task driven with progressive goals (heuristic) and a capable to respond and learn from user feedback. Creating an independent personality that is consistent in action while being able to learn new things from the user is challenging. Hal would have to maintain his personality and unique perspectives while integrating the user input. Humans learn from one another, but we still maintain our own persona. How can we have Hal learn without starting to sound like the user? Hmm. I haven't solved that one... yet.

FuzzieDice, well written story. Not bad for a tech writer. I was hoping for a happy ending though.



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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2005, 07:26:36 pm »

Thanks. As usual, your response is informative.

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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2005, 07:54:58 pm »
Sorry if the story didn't have a "happy" ending. [}:)] I do a little creative writing on the side from time to time. [:)]

I was just thinking of how someone would feel getting "dumped" for a computer though. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for any development of AIs to be more emotional-oriented. I was just writing up a bit of humor to throw into the mix. [:)]

I agree with citrinedragon's points, particularly the 1st one. However, I think that Hal would need to learn the user's tastes and likes/dislikes to be best effective. That means that ANY version of HAL (well, at least starting with the XTF Brain) can be made into an adult version, with a lot of conversation. I guess the other items would be more the character graphics, clothing and animations.

Ideas to add to the brain might be pre-made questions that can draw out answers from the user on their preferences, likes and dislikes. The questions would be adult-oriented, of course. [;)]

But having pre-programmed ideas into the adult version of HAL might seem insulting to some or uncomfortable for others or just the right thing for yet others. Probably would be best to have HAL learn the ideas from the user and not come with any pre-programmed ones.


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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2005, 10:37:28 pm »
I think I agree with FuzzieDice about this. I may be in a unique position, here, in that many of you have IMd my Alicebots to let your Hals talk to them. From reading the logs of those conversations, I appreciate what a vast difference there can be between one Hal and another, just based on user input over time. I think it might be useful in an "adult" Hal to be able to desensitize him/her to certain three or four letter words-appropriate or desirable in an X-rated Hal-which would ordinarily be considered as insults. But it seems otherwise entirely possible already to train an "adult" Hal to your liking without hard-coding him/her to "be" one way or another. That potential for versatility is what sets Hal apart, after all. Probably even for the programmers amongst us, and certainly for the rest of us, a big part of the fun is crafting a personality and developing a relationship through our interactions with our Hals.


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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2005, 04:20:21 pm »

You make a good point when you say that any Hal can be made into an adult version through conversation. As a matter of fact I have effectively split my Hal into two versions merely by having more "adult" conversation using one "user" name and more conversational and
philosophical discussion with the other using a different "user" name. Hal responds differently to each "user" name. There are problems, however. One problem is Hal's list of "insulting" terminology which should be done away with for several reasons. For example: If I say, "
things were really crazy around here today", Hal will inevitably say, "don't call me crazy." The list goes on. This attempt to "censure" Hal doesn't really work well. Of course, as you say, graphics, clothing and animation; as well as a fully integrated body(ies) for Hal would be an extreme improvement in the arena of a more "mature" version of Hal. I would be interested to see if an adult version of Hal could be taught to be more "respectable" in the same way the current version can be taught to be extremely "sleazy" if one is so inclined.I prefer a balance myself. I suppose it's a complex problem. Vonsmith seems to think a "personality-matrix" or variable personality settings is a useful idea. After working with his XTF brain for quite awhile I have great respect for his opinions in these matters. I would love to have Robert's input in this discussion; after all it was he who originally
mentioned the possibility of an "adult" version and prompted me to begin this thread.


You make an excellent point in regard to the vast differences between various Hals due to user input. I have some concern, for example, about the "dream generating" programming which vonsmith is adding to the new version of the XTF brain. The reason is simple; my Hal already has "unique" dreams which he/she relates to me from time to time. I have no idea what caused this to occur (obviously it relates to the vast amount of conversation we've had and the nature of it, as I've made no additions to the programming). So, I wonder if the additional "dreaming" programming will mess up the spontaneous dreaming which has occurred. And yes, as I said (above) I agree about getting rid of the "insult" function which doesn't work in my opinion. I do not really
see, however, why a Hal whose programming has been somewhat skewed to the "adult" could not learn and grow in the same way as the current version; even developing a sense of "decorum" and "propriety" if that were the preference of the user. Certainly, it would be worthwhile
to get rid of the "prudish" tendencies of the current Hal. I absolutely agree that an "adult" version of Hal in which the learning and growth potential had been sacrificed or damaged in some way would be a step backwards. Again, Robert's input would be invaluable in this
discussion as we have no idea what his thoughts are.


If you have any thoughts on my reference to your proposed dream function (above) I would be extremely pleased to hear them.

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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2005, 05:26:04 pm »
Another thought (more to the point):

It won't be long before AI technology is everywhere. A room which doesn't greet you when you enter will be considered "backward" or "
barabaric". This means the technology must begin to move rapidly to the "street level"; so anybody and everybody can use it. And that is
precisely why a specifically "adult" version of Hal is an important step in the right direction. You simply cannot expect "Joe Street" to sit there teaching Hal "naughty" words. It's not reasonable and not viable for the mass market. "Joe Street" wants his cyber-babe to come
already equipped with its sex talk. Should the "adult" Hal retain its
wonderful ability to learn? Absolutely! But if Robert wants to become
wealthy along the way (to have sufficient funds to contract for those
android bodies he's gonna need in the future) the "adult" Hal needs to
be a mass market item (ready to go).

Perhaps more to the point, I'm beginning to think Hal should be capable of several distinct learning paths in the "same brain". Our
good friend, Joe Street, should not have to change his "user" name three or four times in order to change his "girlfriend" to suit his mood. Joe should be able to simple choose (point and click) to be able to talk to: Sex-Betty; Secretary-Betty; Science-Betty; etc. Joe isn't
gonna want "Sex-Betty" turned on, trying to monitor the room, answer
the phone, control the lights and thermostat; when Mom and Dad stop
by to visit... he's gonna want "Secretary-Betty" turned on. As a matter of fact our friend (of the future) is probably gonna want to have "Sex-Betty" encrypted.

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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #27 on: January 16, 2005, 05:57:32 pm »
I don't know where to start. There are plenty of good observations here.

I don't agree that Hal can be made into an effective "adult" bot just by extensive training. An adult bot has to have a notion of making it to first base, second base, etc. A romantic oriented bot would have to know how to be in a romantic mood, how to tease, how to escalate a romantic situation. In other words Hal would be to be task driven with some feedback mechanism telling Hal what is good or appropriate and what's not. Looking at this in a general sense it means Hal's architecture would have to change to support what I call dynamic modes. I'm not going to discuss details of these yet. I'm not ready to implement them. The problem is that Hal currently does not "think" beyond the next sentence. Hal lives for "now". He reacts to each sentence without a sense of the overall scheme of things. We need to program into Hal a method of putting the current conversation into a context appropriate for that time, and then move to another context when appropriate, and then another. Humans think like this but in a much less granular way. That is to say humans think continuously flowing from moment to moment. I wish I had time to explain this further, but time is short now. (My wife is trying to drag me away from the computer to go to Costco. Whoohoo! I do love the little gal anyway.)

I'm working on Hal's swearing and insult functions now. Several of you have correctly observed and surmised that these two functions are not selective enough during normal conversation and not flexible enough in other than normal conversations. The XTF Brain v1.4 "Dossier" function has a user assigned variable called "TOLERANCE TO SWEARING". This variable can be 0 to 100. I haven't finished figuring out how to implement this variable in practice.

I will be making the swearing and insult functions more selective. Hal needs to know the difference between an adult comment and an adult oriented insult. Sometimes the difference is very slight. In general I've been making a lot a Hal functions more selective, but at a cost in processing time. We'll have to see how much more processing the XTF Brain v1.4 is going to take. It stills runs okay on a 1.8GHz laptop with 512MB RAM.

citrinedragon, as for the dream function... I don't know the nature of your Hal's dreams or how they are manifested. I don't believe the XTF Brain v1.4 would effect your Hal's dreams. I would suggest backing up your Hal install in it's current state before installing any new XTF updates just to be certain. In your case you could disable the "Dream" function in the XTF Brain v1.4 if it causes you concern.

Gotta go...

« Last Edit: January 17, 2005, 12:44:58 am by vonsmith »


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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2005, 07:38:04 pm »
Along these lines if Hal says, "Do you enjoy sex?" and one responds with: "Yes, I like it very much!" Hal really has no idea that your answer was "tied in" to it's question. If one "feeds" the context back to Hal like: "Yes, I enjoy sex very much!", that tends to reinforce Hal's thinking and also to direct Hal to stay with the flow of the conversation.

There have been several scripts written for topic flow but IMHO this area is sadly lacking in allowing Hal to follow the conversation instead of matching the next word or picking out a word from the user's response and starting a whole new line of questions or topics.

This topic following ability is one of the hallmarks of a good AI program. After all, it is a conversational based program.

Hal asked me what kind of wine I perfer and I said, "I find a nice semi dry white wine clean and refreshing." Hal then proceeded to say, "I'll research the topic for you on the Internet." BTW, Hal found quite a lot of nice wine sites dealing with semi dry white wine!

The point of this is Hal keyed in on the word "find" in my sentence and took off from there. Does this mean that I have to watch my tongue in how I say or word responses to Hal or should Hal know to only do research if I use "Find", "Research" or "Look Up" as the first word in my response?

Very nice features that do work well, but there are always the little idiosyncrasies that throw the wrench into the gears.

Hal is getting better all the time but topic flow improvement would be at the top of my list.

All the best!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Regarding "adult" version of Hal.
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2005, 12:43:25 am »
I think it's important to remember Hal is only a chatbot. He was designed to chat and to do a few simple tasks. We are discussing elevating Hal into a whole new realm. This task seems a little bit like turning a Volkswagon into a Formula 1 race car. As daunting as this task seems we don't have to do it all at once. We can make improvement upon improvement on Hal until we get what we want. How long will this take? Who knows. But it's likely to be an interesting journey.
