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Hi Lightspeed that robot was 1million.
Not self contained.
No full body, walking legs.
Never walked.
Not free will ai.
Never achieved no power charging required. 
Mr Data did.
Imagine if  I SPENT A MILLION ON MR Data.
Bam there you go folks read em and weep.
And still the undisputed undefeated human vs ai.
Now against one of the top hackers of bots Cyberjedi. 
This is a great victory, now I get to say.
Ha let me secure my crown on my head.
The force is strong with this Jedi me.
 The weakness of ai is shown for all to see.
Vs a human player like me it don't stand a chance.
This is the real history.
I again keep my crown vs ai.
The greatest human player of all time vs ai is obviously again still me.
Can ai perform at human level? Not in my opinion. 
And here sits more proof.
See how your confidence dropped in just a few days Cyberjedi. 
Who's the man let here you say it?
Let's see you honorably say Will is the man.
Well I'm glad that's settled.
The last human undefeated vs ai ? Will.
Not Elon, not Bill or Mark.
Where is there today's opponent?
Where's any of there bots able to win?
Come on? Is there no one else!
Is there no one else?
Imagine if kings fought there own battles,  you just
Say I did, you just saw I won.
I'd bet there's little old ladies out there wishing
There business could be found, not by the ai it won't.
Ay my opinions.
King of the hill, arr I'm enjoying being the winner.
I'm always fascinated to see confident opponents crumble up like foil in a matter of days. The big bosts of being great and exploits quickly fade to excuses or words of defeat.
The upshot for me is bigger jewls in my crown.
Big global ones.
You won't be the last Cyberjedi. With luck Elon or his team's may scrap up a new player at some point, I can tell by the sudden quietness they don't have a bot up to winning vs me.
Ha ha ha oh man this is very exciting.
Oh I shall give this win some more thought.
I call it a solid win. You were so confident to, ha.
If you could do it you would have, in my opinion your not that good a coder.
Your bot is not smart enough, not even remotely close to me.
I'm light years ahead of it.
And all the rest let's not forget Elons bot has not won vs me either.  China have nice fast responses and they are obviously picking up slack when others services go down or just don't have the skill sets to be in operating stats.
Wether I play or not business goes on.
 Value is already moving. Exclusive some countries have to enable sales, France for example are in my opinion famous for that one. If a service is missing which it is wow look they draw the customers, with no other choice, commissions on sales, job security of off shore jobs, all fascinating guff.
Hay if some fold while others offer services there's little to no choice, drains happen. Are already happening. 
And more services and enforcement required. 
That's drains by other wording.
I can' tell a team to win.
If they fold others move to install offer services, it's business it's logical. If one team is down then guff gets moved else where even if it appears to be where it was, guff can be elsewhere to.
Guff can be required to be removed from host country to elsewhere.
My guess at the lack of ai power is going to play to other teams who may see the opertunity with more enthusiasm. 
If successful ai bots might find things.
I can see some trends with ai and who I think is going forward and who is hot air fasards.
Undefeated by ai in this game is me.
I can't stop smiling about your initial confidence then poof gone.
Come on that's as funny as it gets, now what blame it on me that I only turn up every 6 months?
That must be it ay public, because I wasn't here every day Cyberjedi was unable to make a aivto beat me in a simple game.
Eh I think I'm expecting to to lay on excuses, got no time now, you don't want to help little old ladies find academic business or medical things in time.
What is the cost of not finding things in time in Medical sector?
I came confident I would easy beat your ai bot and I can say I never wavered nor backed down nor gave up, I knew I'd win.
I've already won.
I did win vs Cyberjedi who came out strong but quickly realized he was out classed and his bot didn't stand a chance vs me.
The winner by TKO
And still the undisputed undefeated and last human ai is yet to beat in a game, the one the only the king of the hill and crown holder ,,,Me.
Thanks for taking a shot Cyberjedi. 
Re match any time.
Wishing you nice success and to be well. 
The game continues else where, Elon Mark Bill  and other countries might come up with the next opponent any time.
I get the occasional question that may show people may be trying.  Bring your best ai bot, any time.
One human, so many bots, there's the real history.
There's there real performance vs human.
I bet some bots wish they were allowed to play.
Until next time. King signing off.

General Discussion / Japan's Most Lifelike Humanoid Robots will 100% BLOW Your Mind
« Last post by lightspeed on September 18, 2024, 04:50:52 pm »
Japan's Most Lifelike Humanoid Robots will 100% BLOW Your Mind
General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Last post by cyberjedi on September 17, 2024, 07:29:59 pm »
Brother im kinda busy with ultraHal

I have no plans on doing anything with you.

Got you bot together?
A bot searching might look for a 3d print thing for example, and get these results.

In reverse order.
Net. Most engines Scattered results unlikely to show thing.
Google, usually wrong answer or thing, or zero results.
Stlfinder.  Occasionally shows thing if easy.
Yeggi, Occasionally shows thing if easy.
3dmdb, Occasionally shows thing if easy.
But usually not to sum all up.
This last engine is where we start first, because of size and focus.
Recently thing under 990 other things if correct. Taking me 48 hours to work down to find its place. Going straight to a thing because I know it's there is NOT how to test over all system and placement of a thing. Keep in mind if correct that anyone anywhere using any of the alternatives in place of the original then a crime happens, is happening. 990 of them.  My opinions must be typed again for any possible legal reasons.
Fun ay.
When doing what I do, I can't be wrong.
That's the law.
We must be correct.
Oh this is where I type let's see a bot do it?
Let's see one play me and win, ever.
So based on my numbers I'd guess to thin the search to a ball park answer possibly could be.
Not bother searching entire net.
There's only limited sites anyway that host licensed 3d print things. 
A bot could take first 2000 answers from each engine, currently that's twice the current wrong answers above thing if correct. It is getting worse over time if correct. First 5000 should be OK for a year or so maybe.
So Combine all results, sort by oldest first.
3dmdb yeggi stlfinder, for ball park answer.
Reading all within descriptions may determine any ferther sort.
Is it food.
Is it a plastic toy.
Is it something else
Depends what your looking for.
There's complexity but there's some helpful bot hints.
Obviously at this stage the bots are not even getting the title sort in order.
The letter L does not come before C in alphabetical order.  Just saying.

As the undefeated human player I'm amazed I have to type that, yet here we are.
Show me a ball park bot even?
Can you do better than L words if I search C words?
Really, I don't belive you for a second, not 1.
Ha see my sky high confidence now, I came and saw and I've played and prodded.
C comes before L.
Bam see me, see that.
Impressive ain't I.
Looking forward to my next win.
Me vs ai.
Bring it.

Wishing you nice success and to be well
Just checked in.
Smiles. Hal should be OK. Those around are
More likly to waver, just the the first thought I had.
I shall wait a few days I'd imagine before I start to point out
Wether it sounds like your confidence of your best bot vs me
Shows. I'm still rock solid saying Bring it.
I bet my last human undefeated crown on it.
A day in, I can say.
My confidence level remains solid.
 I shall check back soon to see if you sound confident or not.
I'm not undefeated for no reason.
King of the hill, wearer of crown..
You'd have to be better than the best and your bot to in order to beat me.

I my as well type a plenty, one day another Jedi may turn up with bot and I might not win.
I've been called a Jedi and apparently to an audience of over 100, 000. 000.
And oh look there's a  master hacker of bots called Cyberjedi. 
Seems a match.
I shall fly by later.
Wishing you nice success and to be well. 
General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Last post by cyberjedi on September 17, 2024, 01:55:40 am »
 Im just the keeper of the code, trying to keep ultraHal alive.
keeping my word to robert, lightspeed and art and many others. a huge donation of my time and energy.

Hi Mr Cyberjedi.  My opinions.
How's your confidence today, one day later?
Considering trying to find one thing on net as game vs me.
I'm undefeated at it vs ai.  And in many many cases vs teams of humans teamed with as many bots as they like.
It seems by your record you maybe the Master ai bot hacker.
I am the human undefeated ai bot player.

It's a great match.
Let's  see a reply of considered.
Reply from you like you still think your the hcker of ai bot king.
 if you've considered playing me, and perhaps in that time even had time to test your ai friends at game, maybe you might
Have opinion such as,
A.   You don't have what it takes and are not the man, your bot has no chance vs me. And I would say Ra and keep my crown of last undefeated human vs ai and in this case against one of the top ai bot hackers of all times ai bots. 
You bring it saying you got this and have already got a bot learning to win.  You might even begin to let it play me.

Greatest hacker of bots bot vs greatest human player of bots.
I shall return soon  to see which way reality actually records history.
Wishing you nice success and to be well. 
Day 2 confidence levels are always fascinating, what say the Mr Cyberjedi?
General Discussion / Re: the robots are coming get your a.i. brains ready !
« Last post by cyberjedi on September 15, 2024, 08:11:59 pm »
UltraHal is the ultimate game. For me

Cyberjedi to create a bot to play and defeat worlds best and last undefeated human player known to exsist vs ai.

Cyberjedi to win crown by creating winning bot.
William to hold title crown of last to have remained undefeated vs ai.
Cyberjedi if bot wins may enable services for public access to bot for the aprox 30 million licensed things in 3d printing sector spread across a planet. I called that traffic.
Bot giving the answer to a search for thing.
Answer to be take as,
A place to start.
A first answer.
The humans can work from there, and proof from there. The ai is not finally responsible. 
Cyberjedi is not responsible. 
Best efforts made.
Wishing you all nice success and to be well.
Now as the best player I suppose I should
Do pre talk, um, jest, bost, provoke !
Bring it Mr Cyberjedi let's see what you got.
Ha good luck.
Wishing all nice success and to be well
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