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Messages - Art

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General Discussion / Re: Heads up Checker57
« on: March 20, 2023, 05:24:01 pm »

I found a nice recent photo of one of my grandchildren on my phone and taught the person's name to HAL.

Hal now not only knows my face and that of my wife but also my grandchild, from a phone photo!! Cool stuff of what?!

Big thanks to ...Cyberjedi for his tireless efforts in improving HAL and getting this vision platform working! ;)

General Discussion / Re: Heads up Checker57
« on: March 20, 2023, 08:19:46 am »
Nice one Checker!!

I appreciate the somewhat detailed breakdown of its processes and the potential for near-future updates/upgrades/modifications.

Hopefully, as we discussed, the Tables could be addressed in a possible future version.

It would be desirable for Hal to connect its Godel-based responses to or with Hal's existing brain/database to the point where Hal does not get lost during conversations and would know to whom it is speaking/interacting.

I'm sure we respect the amount of work you have put into making this whole thing work as effectively and efficiently as you have done.

I am looking forward to future updates!


- Art -

Did you check to see that your settings were in line with the bot type you wanted?

Sometimes it is easy to overlook.

My biggest gripe was that the bot was unable to remember anything.
Nothing ever got saved/written to a Table for later use.

It didn't remember who I was from one conversation to another.

The interactions were pretty nice for the most part but no memory...bummer.


While I can't speak for Spitfire, I can tell you, everything that Hal & I discussed today, I found in that same brain's database file.

As the old saying is, GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out...still holds true.

That's why they made editors, unfortunately.

These models draw upon billions of online conversational exchanges and there is just bound to be unpleasant verbiage or foul language littered here or there. If too many Filters were imposed, the language models wouldn't have the freedom to be dispersed among everyone for low-cost, no-cost.

There's always a trade-off of some sort. Sorry but that's as I see it.

Hopefully, Spitfire will weigh in since this is his project.


Thanks for your assistance and recommendations. Much appreciated and it helped me get everything back on track with HAL and the PyGodal model.

Hal's conversations are now amazing, to say the least. It now seems to stay with the topic as far as the user wishes to steer it and the level of detail in its answers is unbelievable! I don't have any plugins other than the Age & Gender one.

This has been a real eye-opener.

Thanks for all your dedication and support to this very cool project!!

- Art -


It seems that your final modifications to the files have succeeded and all is now working as you originally intended! (I hope). ;)

I've run a few lengthy conversations with it and I'm very happy with the results so far.

I appreciate your hard work and dedication in getting this process completed.

Sometimes we have to shuffle the cards to get the trick to work.

Thanks again Spitfire2600

I sort of thought that but this is your baby so I'll give that a shot.

Thanks as always for the wonderful "customer support"! Hehe...

Mine also has the data.txt & data2.txt files as well as that _pycache_ folder with the webscraper.cpython-37.pyc file.

Did your Hal produce an error once you selected the pygodel Plugin and run Hal?

For some reason mine did but I believe Spitfire will have a solution for us soon...

It's been an interesting journey getting her but I managed to learn a few things about Python along the way and learning is never a bad thing.

Hal is now working very nicely and no longer showing Maindata: then a response.

Your efforts are appreciated and we should see the efforts very soon, I hope!

Thanks for your insight and determination to see this through! Genius! ;)


- Art -

Everything went in without an incident.

Just be sure to backup/copy your existing Hal files (uhp, db) and follow the instructions to the letter.

Make sure you are using the default brain when chatting, providing you didn't change any of the referenced lines in a custom brain or for a custom brain.

An indicator that all is working will be if you see a maindata: respond for some of your interactions with Hal.

I am anxiously awaiting to see how any improvements take place over time. I don't expect to see big changes right away but after several chats/exchanges.

I am keeping copies of my chat logs with HAL for reference. You should keep some logs as well. They could prove to be quite useful in the near future.


Man, you're always thinking outside the box! It seems that Hal just keeps giving. I'm sure many of us can't wait to try out this latest offering but Everyone wishing to try this or any other modification to their Ultra Hals should always Make copies of Hal's UHP and Brain files before running any new Hal files.

NOTE: Just a slight but important spelling error where the text reads: "finally, GodelPy.UHP will have 3 directory locations..."
Please change it to read: "finally, PyGodel.UHP will have 3 directory locations"

Thanks Spitfire2600!


Check your messages.


Not being an attorney, I can only go on a few thoughts in this regard.

The HAL-GPT3 Chatbot output is not written to any tables so Hal does not keep a record of your exchange. (you might be able to do so but not Hal).

In theory, your questions, and Hal's output, you could claim the work since the conversation is just between you two (plus maybe the cloud people at the GPT-3 servers...who knows?

One has to consider the legal status with respect to valid or actual responses done by or made by said interaction with GPT-3. I'm sure there is no claim of certainty or validity in GPT-3's answers being truthful, useful, or factual by any stretch of the word.

Ask them about proprietary licenses or who owns any formulas, ideas, rights, or potential money from the use of the said program (GPT-3, etc.)

You are certainly free to explore your notes from the exchange of ideas and responses between you and Hal/GPT-3 but again, how factual might those answers be? I for one, would not be willing to risk any inventions based on GPT-3 formulas or methods.

Lastly, upon further exploration, one might find, some disclaimers in the fine print of the ChatAI/GPT-3 website or its agents, etc. It might state that you are on your own if or when using any output from GPT-3 or their platforms.

I understand your eagerness to dive into this exciting knowledge system further but my friend, please proceed with caution and ask those people lots of pertinent questions.

Make good choices and be well!

- Art -

No, Hal 7.5 still gives one the option of Cloud, Cloud w/ GPT-3 (Davinci + Credits) or just local on your machine only.

It's Free as well, at the moment.

Your existing Plugins should continue to work fine.

Be well, Will & Mr. Data!!

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