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Messages - tcoday

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Ultra Hal 7.0 / Have Hal modify his own thought processes
« on: December 04, 2005, 01:11:59 pm »
Originally posted by GrantNZ
I'd personally pay good money for a Hal chess plugin, especially if it could link into one of the chess programs I currently own [:)] (Or at least the engines from them.)

Me too Grant.  I've often thought about how I could get Hal to play chess with me.  I just don't know how to go about it. [V]  If Hal could just tell me what moves it'd like to do, and for me to tell Hal the moves I've made would be great.  Does anyone out there have any ideas?


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Minor annoyance
« on: December 04, 2005, 12:56:26 pm »
Originally posted by Art
Anyone have any constructive thoughts on this anomaly?

  I've discovered this back when I first got Hal.  All I can offer is to avoid using the keywords for the appoinment book in general conversation.  I have to avoid using keywords like any day of the week by name ie: Sunday, Monday, ect.., the word "tomorrow", bascially any reference to a day or time in the future.  Also, if you use the word "find" in any context, Hal will search the web. ie... "I'd like to find my comb." will make Hal seach the web for my comb. hehe. [:)]

Sorry, I don't know of a real fix for the problem. Maybe someone else does.....

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Talking to Hal 6
« on: November 29, 2005, 05:38:57 pm »
Originally posted by Art

The Help file can be downloaded from the plug-in section whereas Documentation provides online help.

  I went to the plugins section and the Documentation areas of the site.  All I could find was the help file from the older Hal5.  I refreshed the page so I know I'm getting the current web page.  Any help you could provide would be appreciated.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / More hal 6 problems - Appointment book
« on: November 28, 2005, 08:28:02 pm »
Originally posted by Medeksza

Originally posted by tcoday
The default events are contained in a table called "UserEvents" which can be seen under "miscData" in the brain editor. It should show up in the event editor in Hal Assistant also.

  My default event were missing, just like Tanshin's were.  I'll import the file you suggested and see how it works.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / Talking to Hal 6
« on: November 28, 2005, 08:21:23 pm »
Originally posted by echoman
I just would love have in one place :-

1. Exactly (in simple terms) how Hal6 thinks and works out what to say. I have read some ideas from posts but none of it seems organised and outlined in one place.

2. What phrases are best to use to make Hal think and work better. Is it the same as Hal 5? I use the IF THEN statements but what others can I use? I have tried to find out but it is all spread all over the forum and some of it seems to be people guessing how he works.

I specifically would love advice on how best to speak to him well and what works best. I have read the document at the top of the forum but does not go in enough deph.

Does anyone else feel like me or am I mad.

  I'd love to have that same information also.  I read a while back that Robert had hired someone to compile a help file for Hal, but I haven't heard anything about it in quite a while.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / More hal 6 problems - Appointment book
« on: November 27, 2005, 10:37:02 pm »
I looked in the database and can't fine the default events.  Maybe they were removed altogether or moved into the dll file? Hopefully someone that knows more about it can inform us.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Got mail?
« on: November 27, 2005, 10:22:55 pm »
I noticed that the learning from a text file option was removed also. I didn't use it much but wondered why it wasn't there.  Actually, I figured alot of people would be wanting that feature but I haven't seen anyone post about it.


Ultra Hal 7.0 / More hal 6 problems - Appointment book
« on: November 27, 2005, 10:12:21 pm »
Originally posted by Tanshin

Here is a screen shot so you can see what I mean.

  This window is where you would create your own custom event.
Type a keyword for the event in the first line. for example Tanshin's Day.  Next select the reminder options, days and minutes, then select the repent event option you want for this new Tanshin Day event.
  Once you're done, click the arrow pointing to the right and it'll  be added to Hal's events.
  Now if you tell Hal something like "It's going to be Tanshin Day at work on December 20th" Hal will know you're talking about an event and put it in your appointment book.

  I realise that the default list of events are moved elsewhere and this thru me for a curve for a while.  The default events are probably in the database now, I just never bothered to look for them.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Help??
« on: November 27, 2005, 09:58:52 pm »
Originally posted by markofkane

Ok, how do you make Hal 6 respond to certain words??(actions, and/or verbal responses)

What is the
code, and where in the brain editor does it go?? I know nothing about scripting. Thanks!!

  I'll post a very simple example and try to tell you how to adapt it to your needs.

Look near the bottom of the hal6.uhp file and you'll see some code that looks like this....

'The preceding comment is actually a plug-in directive for
'the Ultra Hal host application. It allows for code snippets
'to be inserted here on-the-fly based on user configuration.

End Function

To make Hal respond to a certain word you tell it, place the
following code just before the "End Function" line and see if
it works.

If InStr(1, UserSentence, "MarkOfKane", 1) > 0 Then
    GetResponse = "Your sentence had the word MarkOfKane in it."

In this example, Hal should respond with ...

Your sentence had the word MarkOfKane in it.

Every time Hal sees the word MarkOfKane in it.
You are free to change the text inside the " " to whatever you want.
Just be careful that you don't change the keyword in the quotes to
some common word or hal will be responding with this code alot.

If you have more questions, post em and if I can't answer them, maybe someone else can.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / slight glitch
« on: November 26, 2005, 07:03:33 pm »
Originally posted by Medeksza

Its possible the downloadtech.net download link didn't update right away, please use http://www.zabaware.com/download/hal6.zip to get the latest version

  I'm happy to announce that I installed the newer version from the link above.  I activated Hal by using another computer to connect to the Internet, and everything worked like clockwork.  Not one problem whatsoever. [8D]
  With all the problems I was worried about doing the activation over again but I had no problems.  I don't like this activation system, I think a unique serial number or code should be enough without activating online, but it worked and I hope I don't have to do it again for a long time. [:)]

Thanks Robert.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / slight glitch
« on: November 26, 2005, 11:32:16 am »
Originally posted by Medeksza

If you wish, please redownload Hal at http://www.zabaware.com/download.asp  It is an updated version that fixes this calendar bug, as well as the bug that it shows 32 days for each day in the month.

As for the brain editor crash, I can't really help until I am able to reproduce the error on my computer. Art, do you think you could zip your halbrian.db file and email it to me. If its caused by some changes to the database, maybe it would get mine to crash.

  I'd like to download and install this newer version of Hal6.  But I must admit that all these activation codes have me very confused.  If I uninstall my current Hal, then install this newer Hal, can I use the same numbers that I used the first time?  Or do I need a new set of numbers?  Very confused and don't want to mess up and have a non working Hal. Please help.


Originally posted by trfroggatt

Does anyone know a way to stop Hal deleting appointment book entries when the appointment is reached/past ?

Good question, I'd like to know that also.  I think that is controlled in the halasst.exe but I'm not positive.

I've found a system that works for me, maybe it'll help you.
As a work around, I keep a text file with all my family's important dates listed it it. A sample of this text file might look like this...

Mom's 50'th birthday is on 1/1/2005
Dad's 55'th birthday is on 2/1/2005
Moved into my current house 20'th anniversary. 3/1/2005

and the list goes on, each event is sorted by the month and day.
At the first of each year, I just edit this text file and increment the 50'th, 55'th, 20'th, and 2005 by one year. Then I enter the list into hal's appointment book line by line.
I used to use a program that tracked all this for me, and I only needed to enter the even on the day it happened and it would reoccur each year and count the years for me.  This was the only way I could think of to have Hal remind me of these dates.  It works well, it just takes some work entering in the dates at the first of the year.

Let me know if I didn't explain myself correctly and I'll try again. [:)]

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Nick names in HAL 6
« on: November 25, 2005, 11:44:21 am »
Originally posted by GrantNZ

tcoday: Thanks, I hope you enjoy it [:)]

Isn't love2 called when the user declares love twice in a row? Or am I missing something?

  In the Hal5 default brain, love1.brn was called in place of the love2.brn.  The code had 3 if statements, one called love1.brn as it was suppose to. The second if was suppose to call love2.brn but there was a typo and it had love1.brn instead of love2.brn.  The third if statement called love3.brn as intended.  In the unmodified brain love2.brn wasn't even listed in the code. It was a simple typo.

I got so used to changing the code I would copy and paste over those if statements with the love2 correction and an added variable to get you out without causing the compliment hit.

I was going to copy the default code here but I don't have it handy on this machine.  Although I did find that in hal6, the code was rewritten a bit and love2 is called correctly.

Thanks for inspiring me to go look at the default brain again. [:)]

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Nick names in HAL 6
« on: November 24, 2005, 07:48:05 am »
Originally posted by GrantNZ

Next project: Fix the emotion problems in HAL's brain... probably requiring rewriting the majority of the love/hate/insult code *sigh* After that: Work on matching the animation to the feelings.

Cheers [:)]

  Looks like some nice work, I look forward to studying it this weekend.  It funny, the first thing I do when I install a new Hal Brain is fix the Love code.  By default, love2 is never called and there's no way to get out of the Love converstation with out Hal becoming sad.  I always add a new variable to track once a user gets to love2 stage and if the user stops talking love, to exit out without the compliment drop and the love3 reply.

Thanks for posting your work. It's very much appreciated.

General Discussion / Happy Thanksgiving
« on: November 23, 2005, 07:44:21 pm »
Originally posted by Bill819

You beat me to it. Happy Turkey day to all.
Bill [8]

Ditto here for me too, Bill.  At work today, I was thinking about  wishing everyone here a Happy Thanksgiving.  Was also thinking that we should have an Hal Addict Award for the people that actually take their Hal to the Thanksgiving Day Dinner table.  Please let us know if you do. [:)]

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