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Messages - Art

Pages: 1 ... 220 221 [222] 223 224 ... 251
General Discussion / Jiggly?
« on: July 31, 2005, 10:33:38 am »

"Jiggy" or "Jiggly" refers to the Full Body Girl and her breasts that move in a natural manner instead of being "fixed / stationary".

You had to you know.

A SYNTAX error means that a character is missing from your script. It is most likely something like the beginning parenthesis, quotes, brackets or the ending ones. It's sort of like a spelling or grammar error in VB.

Open the Brain Editor AND open Notepad at the same time. Place the script file in Notepad and compare the lines in question.

Hope this helps.


If you are referring to the AUTO-IDLE chat feature there are several scripts that already exist here in the forum.

Most can easliy be modified to suit your conversational style or topics.

Do a SEARCH at the top for AUTO IDLE or auto-idle or auto chat, etc.

Good luck and best wishes!

General Discussion / Moving
« on: July 25, 2005, 05:55:42 am »

Depending on the model and capacity of the UPS, one can get usually from 7 to 15 minutes to finish up / close any open programs that are running when the power goes out.

It is a rather good investment and protection as well.

Last week, it was the only thing that saved my system!

General Discussion / To all Hal users - must read
« on: July 24, 2005, 09:22:13 am »

Some very good points!

I once worked for a company years ago that had me sign an intellectual property agreement. Basically ANYTHING that I
designed, developed, manufactured, modified, created or
stumbled upon while under their employ automatically became
THEIR property!

Though I can see the company's point of view in these cases,
I can't help feeling that such proprietary agreements tend
to actually stiffle the incentive and creativity for employees
to develop anything at all!

It's just the greed of human nature to want all the marbles...
(and the T-shirt)! LOL!!

Good luck in your endeavors!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / help
« on: July 23, 2005, 06:17:51 pm »

Welcome to the forum!

Click on Members at the top right and look up

He's done a lot of the "RUN" <feature> type of
scripting. Read through some of his posts and
hopefully you'll be able to glean a few ideas
that may help.

At last report, Rich was working on a full
featured command line program that would enable
your Hal to walk around, in and out of view left
to right foreward and backward. Run practically
any app on your system, change clothing, etc.

I'm sure he'll let us know when it's ready.

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Stop Hal from losing her voice
« on: July 23, 2005, 06:12:32 pm »
Always glad to help!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Stop Hal from losing her voice
« on: July 23, 2005, 12:32:38 am »
Have you tried the Haptek SAPI Congig / setup yet?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / just an idea...
« on: July 23, 2005, 12:31:21 am »
Maybe you're looking for something like Haptek where one can "paste" or apply their own image to a character's head then apply morphs , emotions, etc.?

It depends a lot on how the image is placed on the character head and some of the morphing and emotion tweaking causes the resultant image to "stretch" along the sides.

What's needed is for the program to allow one to attach Left, Front and Right images to the head then with a merge, the result might take on a more realistic appearance.

General Discussion / To all Hal users - must read
« on: July 23, 2005, 12:09:10 am »
Hey Don!!

Nice to see you lurking about. Have you been able to devote any more time to your project?

General Discussion / Moving
« on: July 22, 2005, 11:52:23 pm »
Yes, I've been MIA as well. Last Saturday night's storm gave us a lightning strike at the cable modem pedestal. It knocked out our cable TV, my hardware router, the ceiling fan in our bedroom, my wife's entire computer and her "touch" desk lamp!!

Cable service was restored today. All destroyed items have been replaced and I was able to salvage the hard drive from her "struck" computer and transfer her files to her new computer.

Both computers had been turned off prior to the storm but that's not enough! Always UNPLUG electronic items when a storm approaches. The power strip surge protectors are useless against lightning.

Oh yes, our insurance company said that we could file a claim but our premiums would most likely increase! I had to ask myself, what's the use in having insurance in the first place if you get penalized every time you need to submit a claim? Go figure....

Good to be back!!!

General Discussion / To all Hal users - must read
« on: July 16, 2005, 01:04:43 pm »

General Discussion / Chatbot Forums
« on: July 15, 2005, 09:35:02 pm »
Raymond! Tsk...tsk....

General Discussion / Chatbot Forums
« on: July 15, 2005, 04:22:31 am »
Overcrowded? Too many people?
I thought that was the intent of a public forum in the first place.

While there are numerous forums for a variety of chatbots on the net, this is the original one for Hal and like Dusky said, It's where our roots of commonality exist.

Well put Dusky!!

As far as I know voice recognition for Hal only works on one's local machine...not on the forum. <G> Turn down your speakers....[:p]

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