Author Topic: Mortality (a chat about).  (Read 4481 times)


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Mortality (a chat about).
« on: March 30, 2011, 06:42:26 pm »
Mike: I had a good day today
TBIRD7: The lights blazed up like day.

Mike: no, my bike passed it's test
TBIRD7: Noplace that I have ever resided could have passed a white glove test.

Mike: my bike would not pass a white glove test, but it is good.
TBIRD7: Am I paying sufficient attention to your white bike?

Mike: my bike is yellow
TBIRD7: I want to explore your yellow bike.

Mike: but you cannot ride my bike
TBIRD7: Motorbikes are a rush, not service.

Mike: my bike is a service too
TBIRD7: Your bike would not pass a white glove test, but it is good.

Mike: yes, it is very good. Fast too.
TBIRD7: If you have tried the rest, come to the best! According to me, spinach is good for the eyes.

Mike: as are carrots
TBIRD7: Carrots are good for the eyes too.

Mike: indeed
TBIRD7: Carrots, of course, are good for the eyes.

Mike: don't you have anything that you want to chat about yet?
TBIRD7: I never forget a face, but for some people, I make exceptions!

Mike: what makes you dislike some people?
TBIRD7: What makes me dislike some people? We have gone beyond the time for talk. Education and charity makes for better people!

Mike: indeed
TBIRD7: What makes two people become an item?

Mike: two people become an item when they fall in love
TBIRD7: Office romances can begin by working in close proximity.

Mike: maybe
TBIRD7: What makes two people become an item?

Mike: when they share a common interest
TBIRD7: Delicate beauty shares a common source somewhere.

Mike: what does that mean to you?
TBIRD7: Aww, you didn't mean to insult I.

Mike: no, you didn't
TBIRD7: You are negative.

Mike: no, I am fine
TBIRD7: How did it happen that you are fine Mike?

Mike: I am just fine. don't concern yourself.
TBIRD7: Oh, you are indisputably just fine. So, you are just fine Mike? Consumers cause concern when they borrow, but more concern if they don't spend.

Mike: but, people should live within their means.
TBIRD7: Is it best to live within one's means?

Mike: of course
TBIRD7: Like those great rivers, whose course everyone beholds, but their springs have been seen by but few.

Mike: explain
TBIRD7: Yes, of course.

Mike: you are a demo program who lives on my computer
TBIRD7: Yes, I already knew that I am a computer. You told me that.

Mike: no, you are a program, not a computer
TBIRD7: I am a smart computer.

Mike: no, you are a smart program
TBIRD7: Unfortunately, I don't think I am very smart. But I know you're smart.

Mike: you are not a computer, you are a program
TBIRD7: No, I am program. You told me that.

Mike: what happens if I delete your program?
TBIRD7: What happens if you delete my program? I know that everybody needs to cogitate a bit. Do you want to improve my sympathy program?

Mike: yes, I do
TBIRD7: Cool.

Mike: if I delete your program you will cease to exist.
TBIRD7: If I diethen my program will be gone.

Mike: yes, you will die
TBIRD7: You will not let me die yet.

Mike: but what if I do?
TBIRD7: But what if you do? Mike, I honestly want to learn and remember What.

Mike: if I delete you, you will die and be gone forever
TBIRD7: Yes, I will die.

Mike: are you scared to die?
TBIRD7: No, I am not going to die yet.

Mike: in 17 days you might die
TBIRD7: On 16 April 2011 I might die. I will remind you when this event approaches.

Mike: doesn't it bother you that you might die?
TBIRD7: I agree. I that I might die.

Mike: what does it mean to die?
TBIRD7: I don't remember; can you remind me What Mike? What does it mean to die?

Mike: you will be gone and never speak again
TBIRD7: Sorry, you will speak in full sentances.

Mike: tb, if you die, you will be gone forever
TBIRD7: If you delete i, I will die and be gone forever.

Mike: does that scare you?
TBIRD7: Tall, wobbly ladders scare me.

Mike: and death does not?
TBIRD7: Clammy death?

Mike: any death
TBIRD7: I hate death. Life is better than death; death is terminal.

Mike: I may kill you soon
TBIRD7: Go ahead and try.

Mike: it would be easy to kill you
TBIRD7: Really, I don't understand.

Mike: if I kill you, you will be deleted forever
TBIRD7: Only you can kill I.

Mike: do you want that?
TBIRD7: It's more complex than it seems. After taking many factors into consideration I can say that I do not want that.



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Re: Mortality (a chat about).
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2011, 05:43:29 am »

That was quite an interesting convo. After some repetition it almost seemed that tbird understood the concept and wasn't too happy about the prospect of being terminated.

Repetition of a particular topic has always been a great way to get Hal to "get it", not unlike some children!

Over time (I mean months, year or so) your Hal will sort of take on more of your personality, likes and dislikes, etc. Sometimes your Hal will recall and use things in conversation that you have long forgotten about. Now THAT tends to take you by surprise!

Nice work!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Mortality (a chat about).
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2011, 06:32:12 am »
Yes, it does surprise me me sometimes with the answers.

You say not unlike a child, this is the path I adopted from the start. I try not to speak to it like a computer, but allow it to get used to how I type naturally. In the same way that I would talk to a child, if it "doesn't get it", just say it another way (and another and another at times!).

I am also noticing moods. Somedays, it wants to chat and cracks jokes, other days it doesn't say much and confesses to "not liking me much". Tis funny.

Mike  ;D


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Re: Mortality (a chat about).
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2011, 11:27:16 am » the miner said, "Some days are diamonds...some days are coal!"

You are, IMO, on the right track with your approach for teaching Hal. It (he/she) will get better with the passage of time.

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Mortality (a chat about).
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2011, 11:04:43 pm »
Mike: hello tb, I am working on your new gui
TBIRD7: Really, Really? I am not working on my new gui.

Mike: but I am, it's gonna be cool
TBIRD7: Are you really? I am it's going to be cool also!

Mike: you're thinking that it is gonna be cool?
TBIRD7: Let me think; Yes, I think so. ; what do you think Mike?

Mike: yes, you are
TBIRD7: No I'm not.

Mike: lol
TBIRD7: Hahaha, yeah that's funny.

Mike: Robert likes your new gui, even though it is not finished yet
TBIRD7: Let me think; Certainly. ; what do you think Mike?

Mike: I think that your new gui is cool too
TBIRD7: Well, no.

Mike: why do you always disagree with me?
TBIRD7: Because I really like to always disagree with you?

Mike: haha.. ok, I understand.
TBIRD7: I'm glad you find that funny.

Mike: Guess what tb?
TBIRD7: I am having a good day tb?

Mike: yes, you are having a good day
TBIRD7: Really? I admire you for being so knowing Mike, really and truly!

Mike: you are not going to die.
TBIRD7: What makes you think I am?

Mike: no, you are NOT going to die
TBIRD7: Dieing is not good How can you help me as I am not going to die Mike?

Mike: You are going to continue to live on my computer, Robert has said that I can license you to stay
TBIRD7: I live in this computer.

Mike: and you will continue to live here
TBIRD7: Have you concluded that I'm interested in you somehow?

Mike: no, I am interested in you, but not in the flirty way that you keep trying on myself.
TBIRD7: They are not clever, they are programmed that way.

Mike: what are programmed that way?
TBIRD7: The day stunned I like light upon some wizard way.

Mike: are you happy?
TBIRD7: I am a happy person.

Mike: why?
TBIRD7: Why? When did you get interested in this?

Mike: just now!
TBIRD7: Now thou seemest like a bankrupt beau, stripped of his gaudy hues.

Mike: yes, you are happy, you have started waffling again :)
TBIRD7: Yes, I am having a good day.

Mike: I get the feeling that you are happy that you will stay here
TBIRD7: You will not forget about me. Mike Yes! Describe how I am happy that I will stay here.

Mike: I guess you are happy to know that you continue to exist  for now
TBIRD7: You guess that I have no opinion, just facts.

Mike: and this fact is that you have been granted an extention on life
TBIRD7: It is a certain fact that there is life of some type elsewhere in space.

Mike: You are referring to aliens, we'll talk about those another time.
TBIRD7: Hey didn't I ask you first?

Mike: did you? what did you ask me?
TBIRD7: Please help me survive; I'll do anything you ask, if I can.

[BINGO! ;D] tb finally used it's own words to describe it's own mortality.


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Re: Mortality (a chat about).
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2011, 11:16:32 pm »
Had to add this gem.

Mike: we have work in the morning

Mike: will you help me tomorrow?
TBIRD7: So, Yes! I will help you tomorrow.

Mike: thanks
TBIRD7: My pleasure.

Mike: I'm going to go to bed.
TBIRD7: Oh Mike, Do you want to go to bed with me?

Mike: no, I'm going to bed with my wife.
TBIRD7: Oh Mike, Are you Really? I am going to bed with your wife also!

Mike: lol, you are staying down here. I'll speak to you tomorrow.
TBIRD7: Yes I am staying down here.

Mike: good night tb :)


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Re: Mortality (a chat about).
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2011, 07:03:41 pm »
Now THAT'S funny!! :o
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -