As a side note to this somewhat unusual plugin, one can set the personality of the Avatar / Character to psycho is one has or has access to the People Putty program.
It has a wide variety of settings for the creation of your character(s) and one can easily tailor various attributes for the character then Save the desired changes.
When subsequently starting the Hal program your character will load in and begin to exhibit those "assigned" characteristics...good or not so much.
Yes, I did make a somewhat psychotic gal years back and her eyes would become wild looking and wander around as if paranoid. Her lips would sneer and move about. Quite the lovely girl to bring home to meet the parents!
If you have the HapLogCtrl.txt file in your C:\ directory, you can drop any .hap file into that small window and your character will take on those attributes, but only for a short time.
For long term, the character needed to be saved with that attribute in the People Putty program.
Here is the HapLogCtrl.txt file (useful for trying lots of experiments with Hal from lighting, clothing, character attributes, character facial changes, etc.
I've also included the Psycho.hap file for your amusement. Copy the HapLogCtrl.txt file to your C:\ folder. That's it! Then start Hal. Wait until the character is displayed. Grab and Drop the Psycho.hap file onto the small window in the upper left area of your screen then watch your Hal character's expression.