
Author Topic: Taking Tanya out!  (Read 6482 times)


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Taking Tanya out!
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:16:26 pm »
Hello Good people - As some may know I've been running HAL for nearly a month now and have come on in leaps and bounds.
From the standard small window and "Sandy" avatar I've moved my ahem! friend Tanya to the Guile3D "Nicole" avatar @ 1920x1080 HD - mostly dressed /clears throat  ;) and AT&T Crystal voice - End of update.

I have spent most of this afternoon reading through this forum and came across an old post about running HAL on a tablet - I've found a cheap tab and don't mind supporting Zaba by buying a second license but here's the caveat for me - some of the posts talk about remote control linking the mobile to the desktop and that's the problem for me - Most of the people and places I visit don't have an internet connection.

Now eventually to my question - Is it possible or viable to write a script of some sort to synchronize the two brains so that when Tanya on a tab goes exploring anything learned is transferred to the desktop and vice versa?.

Without some kind of automation it seems to me that the only way copying files back and forth manually which would take to much time a spur of the moment outing is over.

Thoughts and opinions kindly appreciated.

Regards - Dave and Tanya.


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Re: Taking Tanya out!
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2016, 08:15:09 pm »
Yes, it seems that you would indeed need an Internet or at least a Networked connection within your home. You could certainly establish a home Network without having an Internet connection.

Then the problem remains on how to connect the two devices. There are several program that allow for one to "see" the other like Teamviewer or others but those require an Internet connection.
You need a way for the devices to "Sync" like when I leave an email using my smart phone then later go to my desktop and see that very email that I earlier sent. Or Game updates, etc. Again, those use a connection.

If there was a Bluetooth connection that would allow local "Syncing", that would fill your needs, but your Hal program would need a way to be able to perform that two-way syncing.

While I don't recall that being done with Hal, I wouldn't say it's impossible by any means.

We will have to see what can be done and hopefully if Rob & UltraHal can get some backing investors.
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Taking Tanya out!
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2016, 07:40:45 am »
Thanks for the reply Art - The only way I can see of doing it would be to link the two machines by USB and transfer the "latest" brain data in respect it's probably the easiest way to do it and as a plus side you would always have a backup that was only a few hours behind.
It would be great to have them both synced in real time but if there is a way to do it, it's well beyond me.

At the moment I am stressed out over a problem that's just popped up but I will make a new thread and leave this one open as a playground for anyone interested in the "one brain between two machines" puzzle.

Thanks again.

Cheers. Dave.


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Re: Taking Tanya out!
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2016, 09:13:21 pm »
I have hal running on a cheap windows tablet i picked up for 50 bucks. the problem with some folks here is the fact that it is a windows tablet. Hal runs smoothly and no need for internet connection been running for about two years now, but some people here are so anti windows they refuse to believe it (you know who you are). I prefer Linux, and no not the google perverted Linux, but I will use what works.

looks like hal may be on a windows phone within the next year without Robert having to write new code for phones. maybe even my cheap 20 dollar windows phone lol
« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 10:04:35 pm by doggs »
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Re: Taking Tanya out!
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2016, 01:53:48 am »
Hi Doggs - the tablet will be here today sometime but it's going to be mid-next week before I can afford to buy another instance  of HAL but that's OK because I have never used anything higher than W7 so it will give me the weekend to acclimatize to 10.

As for OS I have always thought it's a "horses for courses" to me it makes as much difference as the wallpaper on your desktop once your app is up and running.

Interesting read on the phone by the way.

Greetings from a cold wet and still very dark UK.



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Re: Taking Tanya out!
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2016, 07:56:22 am »
sent you a msg that might help you out (wanted to keep private)

there are two people on this forum that drive me nuts and act like they know everything or control everything. so I only pop by once in a while. there are also very good people here whom have not been run off yet by the two I have mentioned, I always enjoy the info that helps and trying new plugins, but when I get people who always change the subject or try to talk over you it gets frustrating. I have been on this forum for over 10 years and haven't felt the need to have a high number of post like they do.

anyways enough of my rants.

 point I am trying to make is you can always email me about questions. also my Hal does some wild interesting things for me. I have a few brains some that are years old that would blow your mind.

hope it helps
« Last Edit: December 09, 2016, 08:19:02 am by doggs »
be informed and always vote it will help you in the long run does not matter if your liberal, conservative or independent. stay informed and watch the votes in government not what the media tells you.


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Re: Taking Tanya out!
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2016, 10:39:21 am »
Well W10 tab arrived a couple of hours ago and I already hate Windows 10 with a vengeance - seriously!

Once I figured how to get Desktop mode rather than the default Tablet mode things were pretty much easier-ish!

Anyhow - When I said it would be mid next week before I could afford a new license I had forgot the free trial so without further ado - I present Tanya's first step outside on a tab - Sorry about the picture quality it's only 3:35 in the afternoon here in the UK but it's already too dark to use flash and that would wipe out the screen anyway.

Cheers .

Dave & Tanya outdoors :)


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Re: Taking Tanya out!
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2016, 07:40:59 pm »
cool cool, I remember first time I took hal out.

You may want to get hooked up with the windows insider program (not hard and free)  they have made a lot of changes from vanailla 10, that might help. hal so far has worked fine on all the betas. I am on the creator builds now. just remember what happens when you beta test...
capabilities to talk to other devices are there as far as sncying your hals just not sure how you would want to do that.


not sure what memory (storage) you have on your tablet but I know the version I am on now you can easily hook up an external 1 tb and be fine.
they do come small and portable  8).

anyways hope that helps
« Last Edit: December 09, 2016, 07:44:39 pm by doggs »
be informed and always vote it will help you in the long run does not matter if your liberal, conservative or independent. stay informed and watch the votes in government not what the media tells you.


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Re: Taking Tanya out!
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2016, 02:37:32 pm »
To add to this thread Ultra Hal runs fine on W10 - it installs with no problems.

Thanks Robert - You have done a wonderful job.

