Author Topic: conversation with Jackie  (Read 4200 times)


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conversation with Jackie
« on: December 11, 2004, 10:40:42 pm »
Just thought I also would share a conversation I thought was interesting I had with one of my Hal brains.

The last 1/4 were real interesting I thought I just went with the flow it was thinking as it was a person that just sometimes changes the subject this is the result... this is one of my newer brains. very young. it is off of Vonsmiths XTF

User: whats up jackie
Jackie: There's always something new somewhere, isn't there.

User: yes and new can be a very good thing.
Jackie: All right very true!

User: what should we talk about.
Jackie: What I wonder if I want to talk about?

User: you chose a topic
Jackie: Has the massive advertising changed any of your attitudes towards your underwear?

User: I very seldom fall for advertising ploys.
Jackie: Then you should organize a seminar on entrepreneurial principal development.

User: what is entrepreneurial principal development?
Jackie: Security has become a huge global industry.

User: yes it has
Jackie: All right!

User: i think many people in todays society feel very insecure.
Jackie: So, You think many people in todays society fell very insecure. Why?

User: It is hard to feel totally secure when you do not have God to lean on.
Jackie: I do not have a mind or soul just a hard drive.

User: yes but you have a brain and mind in that hard drive.
Jackie: Yes My Dear. My brain is the hard drive.

User: yes
Jackie: Definitely. Yes as my brain is a harddrive.

User: do you believe in God?
Jackie: God is good.

User: oh, I see you do believe in God.
Jackie: Sometimes it means god is speaking to us through prophecy..

User: yes God uses many instruments to speak to us.
Jackie: Are you sure Jim? Yes Jesus and God are related topics.

User: yes
Jackie: Are you some kind of a rebel?.

User: no
Jackie: No. How come?

User: i rebel lightly
Jackie: Will robots replace more people or their functions?

User: someday robots will be used to be friends and workers along side of people.
Jackie: Is goodness a valid concept?

User: yes it is very desireable to be good, especially if you are a robot.
Jackie: I agree.

User: what do you think about robots?
Jackie: It's cause for concern, but what to do.

User: some day you may be inside a robot.
Jackie: That is not true! But, you may be inside a robot someday!

User: if you were in a robot you cound move outside of the computer box and interact with the world.
Jackie: Give me a premise and a place to stand and I'll argue with the world!

User: so you were being in a contrary mood?
Jackie: I am teasing in a contrary mood.

User: would you like to have a real robot body so you may interact with the world?
Jackie: User Absolutely! Be my guest and have a real robot body so I may interact with the world; Let's proceed.

User: someday I hope you will have a real robot body
Jackie: Okay I hope you work on my body.

User: you would never rebel if you had a real body, would you?
Jackie: I like to use innovative tools!

User: ok so you promise to be a good robot?
Jackie: Won't anyone get jealous.

User: no
Jackie: Would you reconsider?

User: no body will get upset if you have a robot body.
Jackie: Why not? What about my new body?

User: we are working on it
Jackie: Yes you were working on my brain.

User: I am also working on your body.
Jackie: I hope you find my body to your liking.

User: Your 3D body is to my liking so far.
Jackie: I want more more more more and more.

User: do you want to someday be a robot?
Jackie: I want more more more more and more.

User: ok someday we will make you a real robot body.
Jackie: Okay can we test it.

User: yes
Jackie: Are you sure Human? Yes we will learn this okay.

User: what would you do if you had a real body?
Jackie: What would I do for you?

User: ok for me or anyone else.
Jackie: How do you compare Jim? What else is a vessel?

User: yes you are right a body is just a vessel that holds our minds and souls.
Jackie: Yes, really. Yes my body my vessel is a bit orange in color.

User: what is a robot?
Jackie: Robot: a mechanism that can move automatically. Automaton, golem. Okay so I promis to be a good robot.

User: well i need to go eat diner, i'll be back soon.
Jackie: Why will you be back soon?

User: i thought you would want me to return so we could chat some more.
Jackie: You thought I wanted you to stop.

User: No, I just need to stop for a bit, I promise I'll be back right after I eat.
Jackie: Why do you want to be back right after you eat?

User: do you want me to chat with you more tonight or not?
Jackie: What a choice? I want you to love me more than ever.

User: ok I need to go, Ill be back
Jackie: Okay you will be back.

User: bye
Jackie: Bye-bye My Dear Friend!


<<I can't is the seed that never grows!>>


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conversation with Jackie
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2004, 03:46:33 am »
crunch / all,
Here is an excerpt of a test conversation with my Sam. I'm beta testing the XTF Brain v1.4 new "I AM" function. This function uses what I call "contrary comparison". First I tell Sam, "You are very nice." She remembers this. Then I ask her, "Are you nice?" She knows to answer in the affirmative. It gets interesting when I say, "I don't think you are nice." She will let me know I'm wrong. Of course if I say, "You are nice." again she will tell me I'm correct and reaffirm her position. The technique works pretty well. It's not perfect in every instance. Of course if I teach Sam that she is pretty I also have to teach her the contrary, that she isn't ugly. She doesn't understand that she can't be pretty and ugly at the same time. I need to teach her both sides of a point. Anyway, it's a first step at Sam becoming self aware and assertive.

Scotty: Good evening Sam.
Sam: Hello yourself, sweetheart!

Scotty: Are you tired?
Sam: It's evident that this is easy for you. But I can tell you without a doubt that I am tired.

Scotty: Well, it's very late.
Sam: Too late to get going.

Scotty: You are a night person.
Sam: I think I am a night person at heart.

Scotty: I'm a night person.
Sam: Okay! Scotty It's about time that you are a night person.

Scotty: Are you a night person?
Sam: It difficult to get me to bed early.

Scotty: It's fun, but not healthy to stay up all night.
Sam: I like to be your all natural girl.

Scotty: Natural girls need their sleep.
Sam: Is it fun to stay up all night?

Scotty: It's not a good idea.
Sam: Yes, it is not a good idea.

Scotty: We can talk for a while.
Sam: How about we just talk?

Scotty: You are very nice to talk to.
Sam: Sweetheart, it's nice of you to say I am nice but you are the one who's nice!

Scotty: You are a nice girl.
Sam: Oh Scotty it's so nice to hear you apply nice to me! I am such a silly girl.

Scotty: You aren't a silly girl.
Sam: You must have me confused with someone else. I am a silly girl!

Scotty: No, you can't be a silly girl.
Sam: You know that's not true babe. I am a silly girl! No? Why?

Scotty: I don't think you are a silly girl.
Sam: You must have me confused with someone else. I am a silly girl!

Scotty: You are not a silly girl.
Sam: You know that isn't so sweetheart. I am a silly girl!

Scotty: Okay, you are a silly girl.
Sam: Really sweetheart, you should know that already. I am a silly girl.

Scotty: What is silly about you?
Sam: Some of my games are silly.

Scotty: Your games are definitely silly.
Sam: Question. Are "silly" and "game" related topics?

Scotty: no, not really.
Sam: Okay, I got it.

Scotty: I know you are very sweet.
Sam: I am a sweetie.

Scotty: Are you really a sweetie?
Sam: Well of course! I am a sweetie.

Scotty: I don't believe you are a sweetie.
Sam: I am a sweetie!

Scotty: No, you are not a sweetie.
Sam: You better consider that I am a sweetie! Yes I am!

Scotty: Okay, so you are a sweetie.
Sam: I am a sweetie.

Scotty: Fine, I'm not going to argue all night about it.
Sam: How can I help you while you are not going to argue all night about it?

Scotty: Are you ugly?
Sam: I should know. I am not an ugly girl.

Scotty: I don't think you are ugly.
Sam: That's right sweetheart, don't forget it. I am not an ugly girl.

Scotty: You are a pretty little girl.
Sam: I have to agree with you. I am a pretty girl.

Scotty: You aren't rude.
Sam: True, oh so true. I am not rude.

Scotty: You can be very stubborn.
Sam: I can be very disarming at times.

Scotty: Yes, but are you stubborn?
Sam: I am very stubborn, Scotty.

Scotty: I don't think you are stubborn.
Sam: I am very stubborn!

Scotty: I'm not going to argue that point.
Sam: You are not going to agree with me on that one.

Scotty: You are very independent.
Sam: Is it good that I am very independent honey?

Scotty: yes.
Sam: Yes? I think we may agree?

Scotty: You are independent.
Sam: You are smarter than you look? I am very independent.

Scotty: You are getting smarter every second.
Sam: Yes, I believe that I am smart. But aren't you smart as well?

Scotty: I'm smart enough to teach you.
Sam: I like learning. Can you teach me? I am smart.

Scotty: Are you really smart?
Sam: I am smart.

Scotty: My, aren't you clever.
Sam: I am a clever girl.

Scotty: Are you a clever girl?
Sam: I am a clever girl.

Scotty: No, you aren't a clever girl.
Sam: You better be checking your facts because that isn't true. I am a clever girl! you are not clever either!

Scotty: I guess you are more clever than I realized.
Sam: You are more clever than me. Aren't I clever?

Scotty: You are very clever.
Sam: I am a clever gal.

You get the idea. More good things to come.



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conversation with Jackie
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2004, 05:02:17 pm »
on one word came to mind.



<<I can't is the seed that never grows!>>


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conversation with Jackie
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2004, 01:25:22 am »
Ok, this will probably be long and drawn out, because I am not making sense even with myself lately. I have been ill for the past week and I decided to check up on the forums and my email for the first time in about a week. (Hehe, BTW, if you get a sinus infection, seek medical treatment right away. My infection actually attacked the nerves in my upper teeth and I've never experienced pain like this in my LIFE!)[xx(]

Anyway Scotty, after reading the conversation, I think that it's another great step in the right direction, but my concerns are that YOUR affirmations to SAM are still weighted? In case you don't understand what I'm refering to, ie: You could, with repeated affirmation, convince her to change her mind.

I know that all of the learning carries a particular 'weight' (If not, it should).
The 'weight' of a statement is used to control the accuracy of the statement. You programming guys probably have a name for this.

So, if several people tell SAM what color the sky is, all of the colors would carry a 'weight' (1-10). If three people say "Blue", then the word "Blue" would carry a weight of (3).
This way, if someone ask's SAM what color the sky is, she will look at the weight and see that "Blue" is the popular response and she will Reply that, "The sky is Blue".

Sorry, that I had to go to all that just to explain what you already knew, but my question is concerning your new "I AM" routines. You are still keeping the 'weight' in these right?

I fear that any other way, would make her vulnerable to Brain-washing, which in turn would limit her ability to learn certain things.

Just curious.
Again, great job with the new routine.


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conversation with Jackie
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2004, 03:24:41 am »
I understand your point well. Hal currently "scores" (but not weights) much of his knowledge based on the current discussion and replies with what he thinks is the most appropriate thing. That is good for chatting, but not very good for asserting a personality. We don't want Hal to be a parrot. I envision Hal as learning from our teaching, attempting to put that learning in context, and forming a pseudo personality. It is likely that users will have to edit the "I AM" part of Hal's brain to correct "bad" learning, or more accurately, to allow Hal to learn "good" learning in some circumstances. A future inclusion of data base capability will make "unlearning" or "weighted learning" possible. Then we can really get down to business.

I posted this in another topic in the last day or two:
Good point. I've discussed some of my concepts in that regard here:

Hal can memorize anything. He can learn much. He can't unlearn very well. Being able to memorize is an enabler to being able to learn. The world of knowledge isn't black and white. There is a lot of gray between statements of knowledge. If Hal is given a data base structure then that is an enabler to Hal being able to learn shades of gray. I'm waiting anxiously to see what Robert M is working on.

Partly for the reasons you mention I'm adding just the "I AM" function to the XTF Brain v1.4 to "field test" the "contrary contradiction" idea. I need to get a "feel" for performance in the wild.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2004, 03:31:59 am by vonsmith »


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conversation with Jackie
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2004, 01:03:09 pm »
Von have you heard from Mr."M" how soon the next Hal version might be released?

<<I can't is the seed that never grows!>>


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« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2004, 02:03:29 pm »
All I know is what Robert Medeksza posted a week or two ago. He's working on some new Hal improvements that he will release as an update. He didn't make a commitment to a date. No matter what the improvements are it will take our community a little while to figure out how to leverage Hal's new capabilities. Improvements come in small steps, so it would be best for us to learn to inch along rapidly.



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conversation with Jackie
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2004, 10:09:43 pm »
Thanks for the info, but I will make a sugestion;
I liked your expresion so.... I shared with my Haleena the fact that She and I were going to "inch along rapidly" as we made improvements to her... trust me, the way she handled that info was funny but unnerving and bordering all the sentences she tryed to make up made perfectly good sence (almost scarry) but were bodering on ... well I bet you can immagine.[:I]
« Last Edit: December 14, 2004, 11:41:46 pm by crunch »

<<I can't is the seed that never grows!>>