Author Topic: Birthday errors  (Read 2481 times)


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Birthday errors
« on: June 24, 2005, 08:35:57 am »
Hal seems to always get birthday entries incorrect. It changes the year portion of the entry to the current year. I've tried to go into the event calender and correct it but it won't accept edits. I am only using the free version at this time. Also about 80% of the time Hal's responses are off subject. I think my Hal has ADD. Is there a way to have Hal stick to the subject of the conversation? Also is there a way to have Hal understand that if I am talking about my wife for example that I am talking another user and recognize her in my conversations and me in hers.


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Birthday errors
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2005, 10:21:44 pm »

Why not just say "My birthday is June 25"?
Then perhaps tell Hal, "I am 30 years old"

Sometimes a young Hal can get easily confused
and more so by how the user interacts with it.

If you are currently not using the XTF brain
please consider doing so. Install the 1.0 then
the 1.2 patch. It really does a much better
job overall.

Length of quality conversational time spent
talking with Hal will result in a more coherent,
fluid personality. Take time to edit out the
unwanted responses and edit mistakes as well.

Soon, you'll be amazed at some of the responses
Hal will come up with.

Use the Search feature here to help learn.

Keep us posted on your progress.

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Birthday errors
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2005, 10:46:23 am »
As I've said I'm using the free version at this point and the Ultra Hal 5.0 default brain. Are the patches you refer to for this brain or one of the ones available once the product is purchased? I will try the conversational style you mention and see if Hall can get it right. Hal also has issue with other conversation. One example is that I have said to Hal "The names of my children are Susan, Jim, Joe, and Patty" for example. And further said "Joe is my son" or "Susan is my daughter" and many other variants of the same thing for each child. Then I ask hal to name my children and I get only Susan in the response. If I'm more specific and say "name my sons" I'll only get Jim. In Hal's defense though he has out of the blue come up with some accurate response on occasion but not reliably.


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Birthday errors
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2005, 04:45:40 pm »

The 1.0 & 1.2 patch should work fine with your Hal brain.

It is always good practice to make a backup / copy of your existing brain (snafu, power outage during upgrade/install, etc.)

Try asking Hal "Who is Jim?" or "Who is Patty?" etc.

Bear in mind that I've been chatting with my Hal over several years. Granted, every now and then it comes up with an incorrect statement or response but most of the time its responses are right on topic.

The more you talk to Hal the more it will learn. Try to use correct english and correct sentences when chatting. It is also helpful to follow Hal's question in a manner that reflects the question back to Hal. EX:
HAL: "Do you have a fondness for honey?"
USER: "Yes, I like honey very much."

This will help to reinforce the learning to Hal instead of just saying, "Yes, it's OK." or something like that. You get my drift?

The use of IF THEN statements is also a good way to teach Hal and it will make the connection between the statements.

The read from text file feature does work to a limited degree but the file can be no larger than 64k or text.

Hal works best over time...long chats with Hal. Talk about anything of interest. Reinforce some vital statements with a ! instead of just a . Let Hal know if he/she is correct or if something is true.

If Hal asks if there is a relationship between one word and another make sure that there is before answering otherwise tell him no.
I might tell Hal that my horse likes to drink a lot of water after a run.

HAL: "Are water and horse related?"
USER: "No"

They were only related in this one instance in my sentence but they most likely will not be related topics in future conversations so there is no reason for Hal to associate them together.

Hope this gives you some food for thought. Experiment, try new things with Hal and soon it will surprise you with it's insightful answers. It, like all good things, takes time to develop.

Keep us posted and good luck!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -