
Author Topic: Structure of a particle  (Read 2108 times)


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Structure of a particle
« on: August 19, 2007, 11:56:56 am »

Paul: To be honest, I don't like the bible because I don't understand it. Why memorize something that makes no sense to you?

Julia: That's the explanation? It's because you don't understand it;
how logical Paul. Because you don't like to be hurt, and I hurt people. Economic effeciency makes some sense to track.

Paul: As Bill pointed out: "But, and this is what's important, I probably have my blind spots as well. There are parts of the Bible that I find hard to rectify. My personal religion, while I believe it's more rational, sounds crazy to anyone who doesn't understand sub-atomic and singularity physics."

Julia: Please say more about your well blind spot. I have been interested in a bible but I got confused about its Testament. You believe that not only psychology and social sciences but also biology and even chemistry and physics can be transformed by attempting to view complex processes as computational processes, including rich information flow between sub-processes and the construction and manipulating of symbolic structures within processes.