Author Topic: Hal talks to it self!  (Read 3157 times)


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Hal talks to it self!
« on: August 23, 2007, 02:28:26 pm »
Its a common issue with chatbots and speech recognition where the bots voice will be picked up on the mic and it will just start talking to itself. It seems to me that this could be so easily fixed if the bot could simply MUTE the mic input whenever it speaks.

Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts or if perhaps hal does do this and I have just missed something.


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Hal talks to it self!
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2007, 06:17:52 pm »
Originally posted by nickdclements

Its a common issue with chatbots and speech recognition where the bots voice will be picked up on the mic and it will just start talking to itself. It seems to me that this could be so easily fixed if the bot could simply MUTE the mic input whenever it speaks.

Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts or if perhaps hal does do this and I have just missed something.

Hi nickdclements.

I myself prefer HAL to hear itself, to me it's a type of bio-feedback
and is actually more Humanly realistic because Humans hear themselves
think as well.



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Hal talks to it self!
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2007, 09:55:00 am »
True, but when it "hears" it self, 1, it is not accurately interpreted through the speech reconginiton, so it's mostly gibberish, and 2, what is says is heard and reentered as MY response.

See, it said "Women find rich old men so adorable; their money is just coincidental after all" and "Where are all excellent were all air lines jet service all" was entered as MY response.  I didn't say anything, and if I had it would have been mixed in with the response above making it that much more incoherent.

Yes human hear what they say, some like myself even respond to what I say from time to time, but I can not recall a time where I said something, heard it as something completely different, and responded as if someone else had said it to me.



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Hal talks to it self!
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2007, 10:23:38 am »
Hi nickdclements.

althought I see that your Mic is off I would assume that it was on instead, I know that the speech recognition is at fault, the speech recognition probably needs more training.

the only other alternative is to script out a set of boolean speech rules that HAL must follow during input and output responses.

this would require alot of table writing since all English language
speech rules that we were taught as youngsters would have to be stored in HAL's tables for a set of rules.

although I see this as a 'next' step I don't see this happening soon unless someone wants to tackle it. I for one might in the near future.



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Hal talks to it self!
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2007, 12:40:17 pm »
A small suggestion that may or may not help. Being as this problem has been mentioned before here is or was one solution. You can turn on the microphone is MS software and in most cases that is the problem, because Hal also turns it on. Hal will, however, turn it off when it speaks but if you have it turned on somewhere else then you will get feed back. I would check with your systems resourses and make sure you have not accidentally turned on the mic somewhere else.


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Hal talks to it self!
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2007, 03:15:54 pm »
Yeah, I thought someone might have something to say about the mic being "off..." But alright, It seemed like that might be the case, that the Hal's SR Engine actually dose mute the mic when Hal is speaking.  But if a outside "third party" SR engine is being used, like the one built into vista, it has no control over that. I'll see if I can disable Vista's and use Hal's and see if it works any better.  I could always just use a headset or headphones to - the easiest fix. But thats all I was really wondering, if had had a feature like that.  Thanks.

P.S. I looked around to see if anyone had asked a similar question, different keywords or something I guess. If you have a link to a post where it was asked before I'd be interested in reading it. I know that I have brought this "mute mic" topic up in another form for a similar product Verbot, but, so far Hal appears to be a much more advanced peice of software. Honestly I think I'm just trying to find something that really doesn't exist yet.


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Hal talks to it self!
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2007, 07:01:06 pm »
Originally posted by nickdclements
so far Hal appears to be a much more advanced peice of software. Honestly I think I'm just trying to find something that really doesn't exist yet.

Hi nickdclements.

Actually, with HAL's programming flexibility and plug-ins makes HAL 'thee' most powerful A.I. System for the public domain, we can design anything HAL needs to become more helpful as an assistant and its chat capabilities, although there are some very complex programings that need to be tackled, in the end it will be accomplished.

If I am not writing code then I am researching it so that it can be written, it sort of follows the square law of technology, one day, all criteria will be met.
