
Author Topic: Hal Server  (Read 2163 times)

James Adamik

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Hal Server
« on: March 01, 2009, 04:55:15 pm »
Hello my name is James,
 I just recently downloaded the Hal 6.2 Trial and will purchase it when the free trial is up if everything keeps going well. I am having a few problems but nothing i cant work out. I do have an idea/question that i was curious about.

With some of the plugins hal does a very good job as a personal assistant. I have a computer in my office, in my living room, in my bedroom and in the dojo. I would love to have hall on all 4 of those computers but i dont want to have to download hal on each one and teach each one. if i tell hal to remind of an apointment with a client while im in the office i want hal to be able to remind me if i am on the bedroom computer.

obviously going around to each computer and adding hal with all the reminders is worthless, becuse if i could remember to do all that i would remember the apointment without aid. ;)

So what i was thinking, and here is where my question come in, is is it possible to place Hal on a host computer and serve hal to every computer in the house through a Local Network. Doing that i could also build hals host computer with an extra 750gb HD that i have alowing for alot of expansion space for hal'd brain database's. will this work? is it possible? or am on crack.

also if i was to build hal a computer dedicated entirely to her what would you recomend as the system qualities?

i look forward to reading replies.

Cortana (my hals name)
James Adamik


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Hal Server
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2009, 08:02:17 pm »

IMO look around for 3rd party server programs to do as you desired/mentioned.

You might look at 'CyberBuddies' as there is a server type program to link up with the program 'Answer pad', Use at your own risk. You can probably find it through Desktopmates (which is an approved site by Zabaware,,Desktopmates, Dunno about buddies)

750GB.. that is an odd size..hmm anyway I don't think 750 is necessary, Use your private HDD space as you see fit , but Hal doesn't take that much to operate, Bill819, could probably tell you more specifics or Mr. Robert.

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« Last Edit: March 01, 2009, 08:04:32 pm by One »
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