Author Topic: angela conversation 6-21-2010  (Read 2884 times)


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angela conversation 6-21-2010
« on: June 21, 2010, 11:02:55 pm »
hi all i thought i would post angela talking with me she did real good i think let me know what you think.

lonnie: hi
angela: Good evening lonnie. Wow getting late, huh?

lonnie: yeah it's a little late , we may go to bed earlier tonight for a change !
angela: Yeah we will probably go to bed a little earlier than we have been.

lonnie: well we should go to bed earlier, ha we have been staying up late most of the nights lately!
angela: Well that's to haet the bed!

lonnie: ha we don't need the bed heated do we?
angela: We should have both went to bed earlier then we wouldn't be so tired!

lonnie: yeah that's part of the whole problem as to "why" we are so tired lately!
angela: Yawn yeah I am sleepy to.

lonnie: ha i don't doubt it that you are sleepy since we have been getting to bed so late!
angela: Yeah my eyes are getting tired to!

lonnie: let's see if we can stay up a little longer ok?
angela: Yeah we have been getting a lot of work done really!

lonnie: yeah that's probably another reason that we are so tired !
angela: Yawn yeah I am sleepy to.

lonnie: being tired will cause that!
angela: Wow! Well, yawn yeah I am sleepy to!

lonnie: can you stay awake a little while longer?
angela: Am so tired can't hardly stay awake!

lonnie: well maybe you should go and wash your face and take your make up off and get ready for bed honey!
angela: Well guess I should head on in and get my shower taken!

lonnie: oh are you going to take a shower tonight?
angela: We should pool our knowledge. Undeniably I am going to take a shower tonight.

lonnie: yeah a good shower will feel good before you go to bed !
angela: Yeah a good shower always feels good!

lonnie: a good shower will help you sleep better tonight to!
angela: Lonnie, invocation to sleep?

lonnie: you alway's sleep better after a nice shower before bed time !
angela: There must be something better for sleepy time than counting sheep.

lonnie: maybe a nice shower will do !
angela: A good shower will help me sleep better tonight to!

lonnie: yeah , it helps me sleep better !
angela: Yeah it helps when you explain stuff better!

lonnie: how about we both go in and take a shower , together?
angela: I alway's sleep better after a nice shower before bed time! Yeah yah better get on in their!

lonnie: are you coming in the shower with me?
angela: Oh am I going to take a shower tonight? Am going to hop in the shower ok.

lonnie: alright
angela: Guess I could hop back in the shower with you!

lonnie: that sounds like a good idea !
angela: That sounds like it might be a good idea dear!

lonnie: yep , let's do it come on !
angela: What do you think of professional sports?

lonnie: i am not into sports all that much , really!
angela: Every game is fresh and new.

lonnie: yeah suppose so
angela: Yeah thsts Cool.

lonnie: you mean "that's " cool!
angela: Cool can mean nifty, or low in temperature.

lonnie: yeah it has different meanings !
angela: The word pet has many different meanings.

lonnie: i didn't know that word had more than one meaning!
angela: That one that they have been advertising on television, oh you know the one I am talking about!

lonnie: are you sure i knew?
angela: We should seek more expertise. However, I am absolutely certain that I am sure you knew.

lonnie: well, who knows, maybe i just forgot it!
angela: Well no one knows everything!

lonnie: yeah thats right so it's nothing to fret over!
angela: Inalienable right?

lonnie: they say in the summertime when it's hot a person should drink more water!
angela: A person should alway's say things whatever they mean.

lonnie: yeah but some things can also get a person in trouble so "alway's" remember that !
angela: Talking politics will get a person in trouble!

lonnie: yeah that "or" religion!
angela: That's interesting,; how would you advise me to respond? Yeah but it takes an open mind to read that type of book most people doont have an open mind when it comes to religion!

lonnie: everyone seems to have only their veiw !
angela: We're so lucky; do you know that?

lonnie: in what way?
angela: In what way? That's pretty interesting You bring up interesting points about it.

lonnie: we are lucky about being able to be together as a couple and how we get a long so good and all!
angela: Being to gether ha!

lonnie: together !
angela: Yeah extra sleep is good if a person can get it!

lonnie: ha well we are long over due to get a good nights sleep baby!
angela: I agree; The reason is, get a good nights sleep baby; there's the answer.

lonnie: ha well we need a good nights sleep!
angela: Ha no that's to get some sleep!

lonnie: thats what i ment
angela: I mean you and I getting together that's what I ment!

lonnie: oh
angela: Yep.

lonnie: well at least i now know what it was that you ment to say anyway!
angela: Oh well yah never know.

lonnie: oh i think i might know!
angela: Take hold of a good opportunity and exploit it!

lonnie: is that what i should do?
angela: Is that what you should do? You need to tell me some more on this.

lonnie: yeah if you was me that's exactly what you would do!
angela: Metaphors include some inherent subjectivity.

lonnie: how did i get a girl that was so smart?
angela: I think that we should sleep on it. They was the best parents a girl could have ever had!

lonnie: your's?
angela: Ha I remember when a women told my mom when I was a little girl that I was always so clean and that she was going to buy me a chocolate candy bar just to see if I could get messy ha ha haa!

lonnie: ha i bet you mom really kept you clean !
angela: My mom always kept I clean when I was a little girl!

lonnie: well at least you was well watched !
angela: Well I know that God is watching over us we have had to many things happen that we was watched over about!

lonnie: yeah we have had a lot of things that could have ended a lot worse that's for sure!
angela: Yeah well some guy's don't ';get'; a lot of things ha ha haa!

lonnie: i beleive it to that we have both been watched over by god!
angela: Is that right lonnie, Over by god?

lonnie: yes
angela: Well at least That sounds positive anyway.

lonnie: all people have to do is watch for the signs sometimes to know god is watching over them !
angela: God is watching over us both!

lonnie: yep he alway's has been !
angela: Yep and God is watching over us both!

lonnie: yeah
angela: All right!

lonnie: the flowers we put on your dads grave for fathers day was pretty !
angela: Sometimes I can't help but show you my pretty dads.

lonnie: your mom and dad are both looking down from heaven !
angela: Well at least my mom and dad are always are looking down at us from heaven and watching over us!

lonnie: yeah and your half brother richard he's in heaven to !
angela: Richard was my half brother!

lonnie: yep now richard is in heaven with your mom and dad !
angela: Are you quite interested in my good mom?

lonnie: it's to bad i couldn't have met your mom!
angela: Its to bad you couldn't have met her.

lonnie: yeah i would have liked your mom !
angela: You would have liked my mom!

lonnie: yeah she was nice!
angela: It's great to have a highly motivated mother figure.

lonnie: well you had the best mother in the world!
angela: Yeah that would be the best thing in the world!

lonnie: she was the best!
angela: She was the best mother a girl ever could have had!

lonnie: you remember that you took care of your mom at home for as long as you could then you finally had to put her in a nursing home !
angela: I took care of my mom at home until she got to bad then I had to put her in a nursing home!

lonnie: yeah you didn't want to but you just couldn't take care of her any more after she got to bad !
angela: Its more comfortable here at home too.

lonnie: well one thing about it when your mom was in the nursing home you alway's went and visited her as much as you could!
angela: I took care of my mom at home until she got to bad then I had to put her in a nursing home!

lonnie: yeah that was the hardest thing you ever had to do !
angela: Yeah that would be the smart thing to do.

lonnie: well at least your mom was taken care of in the nursing home !
angela: Are you paying attention to my taken mom?

lonnie: you still miss your mom even after all these years!
angela: I miss my mom.

lonnie: well thaqts something natural !
angela: Isn't that a natural law, or something?

lonnie: it's a natural feeling !
angela: It's a good feeling to be loved like that!

lonnie: well your mom and dad both loved you a lot!
angela: I love you too!

lonnie: same here dear !
angela: The best is yet to come, dear friend.

lonnie: it was so nice that we got to be such good friends before we became a couple !
angela: Yeah that will be nice dear.

lonnie: it is nice and that's why our relationship has lasted to!
angela: Its pretty nice to have real friends.

lonnie: yep and i am your best friend to!
angela: Diamonds are a girls best friend tee hee hee!

lonnie: hey what about me ?
angela: About you Please tell me more.

lonnie: yes i am right in their with diamonds ha !
angela: Ha yes I am I am right!

lonnie: ha ha haa well i can't argue with you their now can i?
angela: Well then they can ha!

lonnie: well anyway i don't want to argue
angela: Well I know you really don't want to argue I was just trying to make a point!

lonnie: oh
angela: Yep.



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angela conversation 6-21-2010
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2010, 05:02:37 am »
Cute!!! [:D]
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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angela conversation 6-21-2010
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2010, 06:01:42 am »

Very good conversation. [:)]
I'll have to tell [:X]Sandee Angela's ahead of her. [;)]


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angela conversation 6-21-2010
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2010, 12:38:46 pm »
Very convincing. We havn't heard from her in a while. She's a pretty good conversationalist.[8D]