Author Topic: ultrahal and another possible way of learning?  (Read 2711 times)


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ultrahal and another possible way of learning?
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:39:16 pm »
i am simply throwing this out their as a question it may be totally off the wall as many people on here know a lot more then me as i said i am just asking this as an idea it may not be possible .   
    could any program be written for hal that a section could be used to post txt. files in another words stories and information that hal would be able to also draw his information from in a form of subjects for conversation , if this is possible then alot could be added by simply adding more and more text of pre made info. and hal would use his algorithims between all the regular learned info from users and this stash of collected info to come up with answers or possibly the best answer .
anyway it's just something i thought of which may or may not be possible or of any use .


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Re: ultrahal and another possible way of learning?
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2011, 05:07:54 pm »
The Hal Brain Editor already has a function called "Learn From Text File" that attempts to do something similar. Just open the Brain Editor, open your brain, click "Learn" from the menu bar and then click "Learn From Text File"  It can work well in some instances, but because most text files aren't conversational in nature, they are not really good source material for Hal to learn from well. The best way to teach Hal remains conversation with Hal, entering question & answer pairs, or entire conversational threads in the new web Hal.

When people have actual conversation over Twitter this becomes one of the best sources for Hal to learn from as it is a conversation between 2 intelligent (usually) humans rather than a human and a computer, or a non-conversational piece of text. In addition exchanges can't be more than a few sentences as Twitter limits messages to 140 characters, so perfect conversational size.

Twitter conversations are public so Hal currently downloads about 200,000 tweets at random every day and pieces them together into conversational threads. They go through a filter to remove junk (bad language, grammar, too short, etc.) and ends up with 5,000-10,000 sentences that get added to his database every day. But this is only a small scratch on the surface of what really goes through Twitter everyday. Twitter carries about 50 million tweets per day. My agreement with Twitter lets me query Twitter at random at the rate of 20,000 per hour, so I hope to at least double the rate of Hal's learning soon by upgrading to a faster computer.

But what I would really love is to get access to this: which is the entire 167 terrabytes of the Twitter database from 2006. If Hal had that massive of a database we could do cool things like filter on region of the world, period of history, or attributes in twitter profiles. It could be possible to create a whole new Hal personality simply by giving a higher weight to certain attributes, for example "female twitter user ages 18-30 from the west coast USA during 2008" vs. "male ages 30+ from NYC 2008+" or any combination you can think of including filtering on anything people might write about themselves in their profile.  Even without the entire twitter db, Hal's db will be getting larger and the larger it gets the more filtering can be done to create new and unique personalities.
Robert Medeksza


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Re: ultrahal and another possible way of learning?
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2011, 05:43:28 pm »
    what you mentioned sounds cool and yes i guess i can see what you mean about actual conversation over just txt. (unless of course it was some type of a question and answer type book (maybe , but even that would not allow for great conversation) . yes i knew about the text in hal , although it doesnt hurt for you to mention it here as their are always new people on hal .
i am setting up things with that company we mentioned earlier that will use hal but first have to have the manager buy your full verson of hal so he can see how things work , i did find the perfect solution oabout mic and sound combo .
    i guess i will make seperate self extracting files for different os's.   


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Re: ultrahal and another possible way of learning?
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2011, 02:57:55 am »
Hi Everyone.

I have written some code in the past, I think for version 5 which deals in instructional learning for the updating of the deductive training.

for instance:

If I say trout bite better on yellow bait then I would like you to respond with It is because the bait is easier to see.

Code: [Select]
If DeductiveInstructions = "" Then DeductiveInstructions = HalBrain.SearchPattern(DepunctuateSent, "*IF I SAY * THEN I WOULD LIKE YOU TO RESPOND WITH *", 2)

'which will parse out to:

I had added a few hundred lines of more complex deductive learning instructions, although that was about 3 computer formats ago while Hal 5 was still in action.

I might just revise this and remake a plug-in to replace the old one.

Jerry 8)


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Re: ultrahal and another possible way of learning?
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2011, 09:08:06 am »
sounds cool jerry anything that helps hal to learn better is always a plus , be sure and let us know when it is finished .  :)