
Author Topic: Ultra Hal's Short term memory  (Read 3807 times)


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Ultra Hal's Short term memory
« on: May 30, 2011, 05:04:42 am »
Good Morning,

Ultra Hal is interesting chatter bot but seems to lack conversational skills and easily distracted.  How is the short term memory configured?  In a human we have the ability to recall information days, years, and even decades ago.  The human short term memory seems to be different than long term memory and requires repetition to "stick".  The Ultra Hal doesn't appear to have short term memory at all.

Here's the challenge- can Ultra Hal hold a conversation and stay on subject?
                                 - can Hal hold a thought and continue the conversation more like a human?   



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Re: Ultra Hal's Short term memory
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2011, 09:21:10 am »
hello john1959 (by the way if that's the year you was born i am a 1958 model lol) you asked: Here's the challenge- can Ultra Hal hold a conversation and stay on subject?
                                 - can Hal hold a thought and continue the conversation more like a human?   

i as many others have asked this same question and the closest answer i can personally give you is "it takes a lot of training and learning the more hal knows (by you talking about specific things more then once and ind in different ways hal has that subject to refference from and can talk better in learning and phrasing sentences . their is no automatic quick answer to this .
i have some conversation that i have posted on here of me and angela or honey.

the original hal 5 i believe could answer things or remember things more quickly like what you are talking about .the newer versions have more variables .

someone else may chime in here that has been here longer with me with a better answer then what i can give! hope this helps.  :)


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Re: Ultra Hal's Short term memory
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2011, 06:02:37 am »
Thank you Lightspeed and every body,

Yeap, 1959 was the year...
Anyway back to college Psychology classes.  I noted similarities to Ultra Hal and some of my course work.  While reading posts and Freud it occurred to me that intelligence is multiple layered and Hal seems to be designed more as data a retrieval system than a true thinking individual. (no offense) Human intelligence is based on many aspects of needs, wants, and experiences. Hal  just has experiences. 

For the design team- (any comments appreciated) A computer doesn't have emotion nor desires- but what if they are programmed in?  I recommend installing routines which emulate needs ie, psychological, virtual psychical, and maybe virtual emotional.

Plato proposed that motivation was in 3 parts (tripartite) - appetitive (basic primal needs)- competitive (social influences) and calculating ( the ability to choose even when a lower need is strong). 

Trying to stay on topic- the human brain functions as if it is comprised of multiple computers that are inter connected. Are there any plans to have Hal expand it's capabilities into needs and wants?



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Re: Ultra Hal's Short term memory
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2011, 08:08:00 am »
i am actually basing my anglea joelene brain on a female compaion type such as a girl friend or wife , and have desires, love reasons that she loves, i have even given her a childhood and memories of growing up etc. and of course is still a work as many others are "in progress" my goal is to make her more human . it is a custom brain.


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Re: Ultra Hal's Short term memory
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2011, 02:53:18 pm »
  I just took another look at the Hal brain script using the brain editor, this is line 1225
    'Some Hal's learned knowledge should be temporary because it is ephemeral in nature.
    'Hal stores this knowledge in a temporary table that only stores 10 entries in it at
    'a time. We search this table for a response first."
  Hal checks the user sentence for words contained in the ephemeralDetect table, if one of the words in the sentence matches a word in the table the sentence is put in the carl_tempSent table.  This is my understanding of Hal's short term memory.
  "Here's the challenge- can Ultra Hal hold a conversation and stay on subject?
                          - can Hal hold a thought and continue the conversation more like  a human?  "
I'd say Hal can do fairly well holding a conversation provided he has the information needed to follow along with the conversation.  Most people expect Hal to be able to talk about everything and anything from day one which is not the case, he needs training which in my case means turning up Hal's learning level to max under Options, brain, and teaching Hal the infomation needed about a subject.