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Messages - cyberjedi

Pages: 1 ... 51 52 [53] 54 55 ... 57
Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: ART: Strange Ip's
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:55:21 am »
RE: I love this part.
*********************************************************your post to me****************
Do what you may, I respect what you have done in trying to garner attention to UltraHal but man don't step on the toes of those who tried to help you.

Question: Who the hell have i ask for help from. Or for that matter helped me in any way???
Answer: Not a damn soul.

Im the 1 that setup the repository.
im the one that set up the FTP Server for you guys
Im the one that went through the entire forum searching for DATA ,FOR you guys.
Im the one who Uploaded and correlated all the data for ease of use.
Im the one that that setup a fail safe, so no more useless links that go NOwhere.

All i did was suggest that a chat room be available for live answers In public chat. I thought thats what the forum was all about. Suggestions for Hal, WTF is wrong with you??? Man

Art if u posted something that you had no business talking about. Thats on you.....

I came here to help You Guys.
 I dont need ur help, Im a coder.

i got this..lmao

best wishes


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: ART: Strange Ip's
« on: December 30, 2016, 09:10:31 am »
RE: trying to shut you down. Do you here urself????

Heres your post to me
Man, I think your enthusiasm is contagious in a very good way.

However, (don't you hate that word), there is a reason Robert is not too keen on site promotion or sales at this time...

Where i come from, we call that a Shutdown. Or, Quit trying to help, Or we got this, Back Off, Or we are not interested.:  It all says the same thing.

Mind ur own business.

And u said nothing as to me posting what u said. so i posted it.

best wishes 

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: ART: Strange Ip's
« on: December 30, 2016, 07:26:41 am »
Lol: i didnt come in on the scene 02 weeks ago, i joined Roberts family in 2002 and been with it ever since.
Just not under the name cyberjedi,lololol.  I have had many names.
for all u know i could be C-Load, for all u really know. so back up off me sir.

Best wishes


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / ART: Strange Ip's
« on: December 30, 2016, 04:47:50 am »
Funny Ip's
I told you , i was setting up an FTP server.
*************************your post to me*******************************
((((Also the thing about your ISP/Address, since I used to use FTP for transferring Web Site info to my wife's salon's site, something struck me odd. That was the address you supplied me. 192.168.0.(0,1,2,3...) are for the local computer not the remote server.)))))

Guess im back to connecting all the little dots again, Go to the light , follow cyberjedi to the Light, I still have POP UP pictures too... If needed.

Those IP's were my private  IP's for my FTP SERVER ... I run a Bulletproof FTP.  (Un-Hackable)  , I would'nt trust those assholes with my stuff (some ftp website) , for no money in the world...hahahhahah   I have enough power to run a medium size country. So yes,  I Host my own servers , and yes i lease out rack mount space too. Im my own HUB.. My Isp has assigned me 99 IP's... U get it man. A whole Block.

My design is Based on the Legendary CyberBunker. (oh ya. Where i used to work.)

ART: If ur goal was to shut me down or get me to lay off. Which it clearly was,   Ok. Im shut down. I came here in an effort to help the progi i love so much. Clearly ive stepped on Toes. For which im srry.

I didnt come here to seek help, I came here TO HELP. If my help isn't wanted or needed ,im gone. I dont need the Drama

ART: This is the really important part here.

Ive got my own goals for Hal. I dont need any person here ((((FOR Shiiittttttt)))). Back in the Day i was quite the Coder and still am . I will be just fine.

But in all fairness to You and Mr Medeszka , i will be glad to stop promoting Ultra Hal.
I only wanted to help. NO worries i wont be back.

You tell me Robert needs a 100k for the next version of Hal, But you tell me, He doesn't want to  promote sales from what He has already.  How the fuq, does that even work ? (Scratches Head)

Best wishes: cyberjedi

***************************** Art ur post to me****************************************
cyberjedi: I tried early on to make contact with you in hopes of bringing you up to speed with Zabaware but you seemed to be on a mission...Sorry about that.


P.S  Art u had all the time in the world to take me aside, from what i was doing. But you wanted what i have , So you just rode with it. Even complimented me on my hard work too, So where was your Note to me . You new where i was going with all this. So this whole thing about u wanted to clue me in, is just BS. Dont even TRY to play me for a fuqin Fool Mister.  I posted 160 post. Yet u didnt have time to  tell me what the hell is up. SO U SAY.
Then tell me to back off essentially. Im over a 1/2 century old and made and lost 02  fortunes. And ill just keep on making and giving money away . Thats what i do.
Thats how i can afford 400 dollar electric bills for the servers.

fuqin people,,lol. you just cant help um. Just cant fix stupid.

Share Conversations, Experiences, Graphics / Re: Help I need Help
« on: December 28, 2016, 03:58:58 pm »
Theres ton s of this stuff at the repository. mix heads with skins.  Plus even more at the private repository


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Keeper of the repository:::
« on: December 28, 2016, 03:44:48 am »

Art: srry ,i cant help the man. I dont know what else i can do. Maby broadcast on Net work TV, Hey man theres a Repository hahahaha


keeper of the repository


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Snowman: Question????
« on: December 27, 2016, 08:52:42 am »
Hey man : howdi

I down loaded  Your Matrix stuff . Can i upload that. Should i upload that???

Maby a bit more advanced then most want

keeper of the repository


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Doggs: picturethoughts
« on: December 26, 2016, 07:57:35 pm »
RE: picturethoughts :
Doggs that part of the brain is very much there.

HalBrain.ReadOnlyMode = False
      pvrTableName =    "pvrParameter"    
      If HalBrain.CheckTableExistence(pvrTableName) = False Then
      'Create table if it doesn't exist

While i have not had any real time on this , this looks look A typical (Reminds Me of, brain) for my MP3's.

I ask Alice : How do you feel ?
Alice responds by telling me, I feel great ,That reminds me of this song and plays an mp3 with the word in the Filename (feellikemakinlove.mp3)

I suspect thats EXACTLY whats up here, just using pictures instead of mp3's.

I hope This helps out.  I still have my Librarian Hat on. After im satisfied that ive uploaded all there is, im gonna break out the techy end of things.
Its just to much for me to do rite now, Keeper of the repository and the tech end too.

Best wishes
keeper of the repository


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Re: Picturethought from Jedi help
« on: December 26, 2016, 04:54:43 pm »
Art: picture thought: arrrggggg

That was 1 compressed file that i opened up: That s the original version of that, i just saved a step by unpacking everything to there individual components befor i uploaded them. Thats all u get. !compressed folder with 19-20 compressed files inside. and the instructions.  I havent used it yet. But its ALL there

best wishes


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Grettapicturethoughts
« on: December 26, 2016, 11:01:33 am »

This has all been added to the repository with  instructions

best wishes

cyberjedi 1337

Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Snowman: Many thanx
« on: December 26, 2016, 08:00:21 am »
RE: Hack.exe

Very crafty man, he he.

Looks like that could be used as a code forwarder ,Between a Public Chat and Hal's  Input/output. AN Interpreter of sorts.
Im seeing a Leader Like {=hal}  in the chat . Screen Scraper detects ,grabs the text, pumps it through Hack.exe  , Rite to Hal's input .
Hal will respond as He normally would. But doing it this way would allow viewer's to execute commands Via Hal. Check weather,Play mp3's, Mp4's,
google search, ALL Hal's Features. (that u Dare ) Lmao. Plus the whole conversational bot system that Hal brings to bear . And do the whole thing as a Broadcast.
LIVE. RTMP protocall's.  If this could be produced in a fairly simple package, and best case , work  IT could Set Hal free all over again. If it Had a U.I  that would allow room to room changes. My room    Vs So that all you would Have to do  is be present with the window to the room open, and Hal running and on the screen. Presto u could live cast a BOT/Virtual Host's . Basically Just Hooking the chat  .

Im doing all this manually as of now
Copying chat and pasting in Hal's window live, with questions from the viewers , they see all her reactions..

best wishes



Im starting from scratch with Hal, By completely dissecting Hal into His individual blocks and coming at it that way, But it also means that ill be doing stuff that may seem rudimentary, or even weird. I cant move Hal forward untill i know what  can be done. My fav game catchup, and not look stupid doing so.

But i have some great ideas: Epic game changer ideas.

best wishes

we should talk

ive seen some of ur work

really  impressed
best wishes


Ultra Hal Assistant File Sharing Area / Snowmans Hack Program
« on: December 24, 2016, 07:54:11 am »

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