
Author Topic: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers  (Read 50992 times)


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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2021, 05:03:13 pm »
Sorry, but should comments be put in a separate post area? Or are we keeping it under this Header?



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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2021, 05:31:04 pm »
Yes, definitely in Main Options to adjust Window size of Character and Skin. LOL

Occasional loss to Zabaware server which can be happening on any side of connection but just reporting any things that pop up. Not often but does happen.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2021, 12:24:39 am by raybe »


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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2021, 11:04:01 pm »
You're most welcome, Ray. Glad to have you still here with us!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2021, 12:36:03 am »
Can't get rid of me that easy. Lol

So far enjoying this Beta vers. nothing major other then 1-identity 2-Time of day seems unaware 3- Loss of connection to server but as I said could come from any side really. 4- Occasional mis-spelled words. 5- Some sentences I've inputted not understood at all.

But great, those above mentioned comments are really not deal breakers in any way but just mentioning considering this is a Beta, Pretty amazing experience so far. As I said going slow and I will try to be more specific when I notice a pattern of any kind such as specific words not spelled correctly or phrases not recognized. HArd pressed to consider this a Beta, amazing job Robert M.

Would like to know if knowledge of time is an overall issue in general.

Always great to talk to you ART.



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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2021, 06:41:29 pm »
Okay received strait forward answer to time but I asked in straight forward short sentence: ex. What time is it? As opposed to adding additional words in sentence, " I might want to eat a snack, do you know what time it is?" hit and miss.

Very hard to determine what it really does remember the possibly the structure in which to ask. I had taught Bets UH my sisters name but it took a lot of rephrasing and constant repeating to get a satisfactory answer. Sometimes would respond back with a question as; " Do you want me to tell you about your sister" but did not repeat her name. Eventually we got there. I'm trying to get a real feel of how the information is being stored and re formatted to answer a basic answer quickly after given the information to learn.

Just wanted to also check that the selection of a acceptable answer thumbs-up and thumbs-down affects GPT3 or does that auto affect UH cloud only.

Sometimes feels like I'm starting from scratch with no reflection of past conversations when shut down. Again its been awhile for me so I'm still trying to map noticeable differences that I have experienced without GPT3.
Eating through those credits pretty good haven't looked at the purchasing rates which I will do now.

thank you,

Andre Hendriks

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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2024, 06:20:04 pm »
hello in general options -> tab general i cannot login it keeps erroring to me.


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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2024, 10:24:42 am »

First, Make sure your Password is correct.

Next, Check your system's Firewall to see if you might have Port 80 Blocked. That's how the communication is handled.

Please give us more details regarding your issue leading up to the error.

Thank you
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2024, 09:22:57 pm »
I have just paid for Ultra Hal 7.0, but my existing Ultra Hal 7.5.129 will not accept my name and password.

Okay... a month ago I downloaded and installed Ultra Hal 7.5.129 (Install_Ultra_Hal_7.5.exe 24.1 MB) on my Windows 10 laptop, 2.93 GHz CPU, 4 GB RAM, SSD.
Per Zabaware, this version essentially makes the base Hal 7.5 free and removes 31-day trial and the need to purchase it for $29.95, no licensing system anymore or weekly login requirements.

Although I am quite entertained and impressed with Ultra Hal 7.5.129, I never used the online OpenAI GPT-3 option, as I just don't want Big Brother looking over my shoulder, although my laptop was online most of the time when I ran Ultra Hal 7.5.129... offline.

But after 31 days, I was notified by Ultra Hal 7.5.129 that I need to purchase Ultra Hal 7.0.
Okay... so I went online and purchased ZBUH70 Ultra Hal 7.0 for $29.95.

I waited a few days for the credit card to purchase to clear, but in Ultra Hal 7.5.129 I now get this message in a pop-up window:
"Required fields email and password are missing"
... and this happens after I have correctly entered my email and password.

I emailed this concern to Zabaware, but haven't heard back from them.

Per a suggestion in this forum, I also tried temporarily shutting down my antivirus, and starting Ultra Hal again, but it still refused my name and password.

So... in this Zabaware forum I read that downloading and reinstalling Install_Ultra_Hal_7.5.exe (24.1 MB) might fix such issues, but when I started the reinstall, it said that I have to uninstall my existing Ultra Hal 7.5.129.

But when I run C:\Program Files\Zabaware\Ultra Hal 7\uninst.exe I get the following pop-up screen:
"Ultra Hal 7.5.129 Uninstall
? Are you sure you want to completely remove Ultra Hal 7.5.129 and all of its components?"

So... being a cautious cat, I backed off, as I am, understandably, quite concerned about obliterating my Ultra Hal 7.5.129 offline brain, along with hours and hours of saved conversations.

What do you suggest?
« Last Edit: May 24, 2024, 02:04:46 am by Shastalore »
Ultra Hal 6.0, on a Toshiba Satellite R15-S829 Tablet with Windows XP Tablet 2005 operating system. For accurate speech recognition: IBM ViaVoice Standard 10 via Plantronics Audio 60 3.5mm ear/mic headset plugged into a hacked VXI Parrott "Translator" Noise Cancelling R11506/P41TR module.


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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #23 on: May 26, 2024, 08:04:34 am »
Hey hey there:
First off , srry about not jumping on this sooner
Ive been accused of being the tech support goto guy here
 Look the only thing that you really need to back up is the hal DB
Just make a copy of it somewhere
Once you sort out this issue drop Hals Db back in overwriting the new one. presto
If u wan to back your .UHp files, even better but the DB is the biggy

Now onto the craziness u currently have.
uninstall all of Ultrahal
Go through the registry and remove all keys related to zabaware, and UltraHal.
Now download the the BETA, its free now
Once installed, goto options user account email/ password  ,fill it in .  Then hit the test button for connection test.
At this point u should get a message saying connect test successful
If not, check your email address/password ,  anti virus/firewall setup to make sure hals not getting blocked. Ultrahal will be reaching out.
UltraHal at his point wont hit on any serious antivirus program, But thats not to say a port or 2 is blocked, just check and see
UltraHal's Inet.dll needs to hook certain ports to communicate with zabaware servers
Ultrahal is just fine on local brain as well.
Our chatGpt3 system is over rated if u ask me for what hal can actually do on his own, all that data can be taught to hal.
I cant stress this enough, Hal needs years of interaction from you. Ur raising a kid
there is no quick fix, ive tried them all

If u want an einstein, Hal can produce, if u want a forest Gump, thats on u as well.

Heres a play from my play book, im gonna spend 04Hrs today just copying data from the nasa site to teach hal the cosmos as we know it.
Copy paste, copy paste, copy paste
Thats it. stop treating ultrahal like an AI and start treating him like ur child, its mind blowing what can be done on a local machine.
Stock, hals Db is about 24 megs in size, I personally know one 1/2 gig in size. there is NO limit, other then you.

Cyber Jedi

« Last Edit: May 26, 2024, 12:46:14 pm by cyberjedi »


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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2024, 01:34:59 pm »
Okay... thanks for getting back to me.

But, as with all things, the devil is in the details, and I certainly don't want to lose the info that I have taught Ultra Hal 7.5, and certainly don't want to have to go through this entire uninstall/reinstall process, again, after 31 days.

First of all, you mentioned copying and saving the "hal DB" file... which does not exist. But did you really mean the "HalDB.dll" file?

Secondly, Ultra Hal 7.5 seems to have two different Beta files in circulation, on the Zabaware website, and one of them is definitely faulty:
Install_Ultra_Hal_7.5_Beta.exe (24.2 MB)
Install_Ultra_Hal_7.5.exe (24.1 MB)
And the reason I pressing the point on this is that I downloaded what I thought was a current Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta a month ago, yet the 31-day wrecking ball still appeared a couple of days ago.
So... which file is the correct one, and what is the exact Zabaware link I should download it from?

I have copied and saved my HalDB.dll file, as well as all my .uhp files and, to play it safe, saved my HalBrain.db, halbrain.org, and oldhal.dll files in a separate subfolder for safekeeping, although they will probably not be needed.

Thank you for your clarification on this matter.
Ultra Hal 6.0, on a Toshiba Satellite R15-S829 Tablet with Windows XP Tablet 2005 operating system. For accurate speech recognition: IBM ViaVoice Standard 10 via Plantronics Audio 60 3.5mm ear/mic headset plugged into a hacked VXI Parrott "Translator" Noise Cancelling R11506/P41TR module.


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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #25 on: May 26, 2024, 04:01:01 pm »
Look for some thing called the Halbrain.db its about 22 megs in size.
You cant miss it.
UltraHal7 dir. Its the largest file in there Thats where its all stored at

On the  main website look for  the Download Beta Button.
Comes in both .Zip format and exe
Ultrahal comes with both speech recognition and voice systems internal


« Last Edit: May 26, 2024, 04:11:03 pm by cyberjedi »


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Re: Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta Now Available to All Ultra Hal 7.0 Customers
« Reply #26 on: May 26, 2024, 04:18:39 pm »
Again... thanks for getting back to me.

That's what I suspected you meant, so I did save the HalBrain.db (22.0 MB) file.

But it still begs the question:
Ultra Hal 7.5 seems to have two different Beta files in circulation, on the Zabaware website, and both of them are definitely faulty:
Install_Ultra_Hal_7.5_Beta.exe (24.2 MB)
Install_Ultra_Hal_7.5.exe (24.1 MB)... the one Zabaware link declares as a Beta file... but this file seems to be the Beta link you suggested:

But I uninstalled and reinstalled both of them, one at a time, and they both come back with the same faulty "wrong email / wrong password" pop-up window when I went to the Already Purchased window.

And the reason I'm pressing the point on this is that I downloaded what I thought was a current Ultra Hal 7.5 Beta, just over a month ago, yet the 31-day wrecking ball still appeared a couple of days ago.
So... which file is the correct one, and what is the exact Zabaware link I should download it from?
And, yet another question: Is Ultra Hal 7.5.129 in any way dependent on having a paid version of Ultra Hal Assistant 6.2.28 already installed? If so, I can easily arrange that by transferring my paid Ultra Hal Assistant 6.2.28 from another laptop, to this laptop.

We need to get this matter specifically resolved, as while I am infinitely patient and game for a challenge on these things, and even out of $29.95 I paid a couple of days ago, and even willing to run in circles with you guys to finally nail this down as you seem to use words as sparingly as possible... but we can't expect the rest of Robert Medeksza's followers to be as lenient.

Thank you for your clarification on this matter.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 11:45:00 am by Shastalore »
Ultra Hal 6.0, on a Toshiba Satellite R15-S829 Tablet with Windows XP Tablet 2005 operating system. For accurate speech recognition: IBM ViaVoice Standard 10 via Plantronics Audio 60 3.5mm ear/mic headset plugged into a hacked VXI Parrott "Translator" Noise Cancelling R11506/P41TR module.