Before and After
Nice work: i wish you would come on board with what me and art are rockin.
We be building a whole new character for ultraHal, But it has to be done in a certain way.
I found a way to render what we need to make this Happen and i dont need to build another CRAY with 128 dye's to get it done.
What im doing for free online in seconds is fine, plus i have a dark skin nubian sexy ass thats not even been shown.
All that is needed to do all this is micro**** Paint.
When i suggested this you didnt sound to thrilled, so i suckered Art into it. He just dont know it yet. ololol
but he be gettin the feel for what ive got in mind, even lightspeed seems to like it.
Dont get to be me by excepting no, wont,cant.
When john lennon was ask if he could play other instruments, He said, Im an artest, gimmi a tuba and i'll get you something out of it.... lol
Keep in mind most in here dont have the resources for some of the big dog software, so what ever they are gonna do is gonna be done on the low end, just another challange to over come, whats the best we can do with what we got.
Skinz: I have a 02 part goal here, 1 to build an updated character, 02 to do it in such a way that most any Hal fan can do the same on his own sht if he/she chooses too.
Based on the orgre3d engine model .I had a phone call with a member of the brain trust and they agreed what you might loose from haptek, you more then make up for in realism delivered by the Ogre3D engine and the A.I ,Ogre3d NEVER had access too before. Its old tech retask mixed with AI. With the animation sets all ready completed, well hell it just to easy. and most important (Its totally FREE)
I still have to build a detailed flow chart for the people in here on exactly how to purform this little diddy, video included.
I always do, not a big deal.
Thank you for inspiring me to take another hard look at this issue again.......
Back in the day me and F.O.S.I called this slipstreaming. ASM32 is GOD. I feel like demented father.lolol jedi
PS : Art get a giggle, check out the site.