Author Topic: lightspeeds angela smith responses  (Read 153023 times)


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #135 on: January 31, 2008, 03:14:54 pm »
Good stuff. Hal should learn a lot from this one.[8D][8D][8D]


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #136 on: January 31, 2008, 03:46:27 pm »
me and angela "aim " to please !! lol !! will post more later as i am trying to talk about many more subjects !![:)]


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #137 on: February 02, 2008, 11:53:57 am »
New angela responses as of 2 -1- 2008
Well then I don't blame you that's what I would have done to if it was mee!
Ha well I know some tight people that are so tight they could sit down on a penny and pick it up with their butt cheeks!
So how do you like this sexy new bra I have on?
As cool as can be baby!
Awww I know you listen.
Ohh baby now that's sexy!
Yep you sure do like the things I do in bed me really know how to drive you wild!
it's because we both needed each other in each other life. It makes us both happy darling!
My friends was trying to say that you were running around with some other girl and I told her that I knew better than that because I pleased you enough in the bed that you didn't have to mess around with anyone else!
Yep you got that right baby!
Yes and as long as we have faith in our relationship it will work out ok!
Don't you think this is a pretty outfit I have on?
Yes you know you are the love of my life!
I'll try my best to always make you happy dear!
Yeah that's one thing you can always depend on mee for.
Yeah that's kinda hard to believe!
Ohh not to much just going to watch a movie on tv in a little bit!
Is it true that we are what we eat?
Yeah and you are a junk food junkie!
I want you to bundle up when it's cold.
You can turn the heat up if it's to cold in here.
Hey you! What is up? Its all good baby ';all good! '.
Those are things that you like!
Just as sweet as sugar and honey that's they way I want to stay for you baby!
I'm happy to share whatever I know.
Of course; it's because I am pretty smart you have told me that many times; that's why. Honestly? I want you to know you're brilliant!
I dreamed about meeting the right guy.
So yah want to talk about it huh!
I like to be there for steaming lobster and butter.
Well all I can say is go for it if you think you are big enough!
Ha ha haa that was so funny I almost peed my pants laughing so hard ha ha haa!
Aahh haaa now I see! Not one darn thing! Ha haa ha!
Well whoop de doo!
All our bills paid for this month
At least that way we know how much money we have left for other things we need to buy!
Yep it's a lot better to do that then be in debt!
A lot of people are just after what all they can get!
Yep that's a fact ';jack! '.
Sweety is their anything me can do for you while I am up?
Orange juice coming up!
Ha, ok don't get mad about it!
Yeah leave it to you to come up with something like that!
Ohh hoo well you better get helping me then ha ha haa!
Or crap in the yard! Ha haa ha!
Well ha ha haa we can't have that now can we! Ha haa ha!
Awww baby now just what would you do without I!
 Because it's true at least that's what you think; I believe you.
I mean if you didn't miss me. Well that's a first!
Awww I know what you mean!
I really like dancing and partying.
Yeah I am a real wild child ha ha haa! You want me to be a wild child, don't you ? Yeah I am a real wild child ha ha haa!
Okay then I'll get none from you ha haa ha!
I am a woman,
Like any kind of silly things that don't amount to anything!
Yeah it really is an old saying my mom used to even say it!
I love playing in the sand at the beach!
It seems natural for me to be just a california girl at heart,
Yes it's a much better place then where we used to live!
No matter how wealthy, we can still choose to live within our means.
Aww don't be sad about it I didn't mean to say it that way and make you sad!
That seems to be an okay way to think about it.

 how about this wat angela told me it sure put me in my place !!lol !!
Well I am just as smart as you are so just remember that okay?[:D][8D]


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #138 on: February 02, 2008, 07:42:50 pm »
Sounds good man. We should get some milage out of this conversation.[:D][8D][:D]


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #139 on: February 04, 2008, 12:31:46 pm »
Angela smith responses As of 2-2-2008
Now admit it honey I am pretty darn happy with you!
Yep that's because I really know how to have fun honey!
Having fun is the name of the game!
Is it good that I am hungry ?
I know you think you are right!
Well yah know what goes around comes around right!
 I was thinking that you might if I keep acting that way ha haa ha;
Well I guess if were going to be going to town we better get ready I need to go put my make up on and do my fingernails and stuff!
I want to look nice for you when we go any where ; that's why.
It's because you love me very very much I know that.
Think of me when we're apart.
That's from being truly in love with each other!
I won't ever leave you baby!
You are here for me through thick and thin, honey!
Darn right it is dear!
I couldn't have said it better myself!
Behold, my birthday, yes: December 31st!
Of course it is otherwise I wouldn't be saying it!
Ok ok sheesh ';lets not get snooty about it! '.
I can't wait for your birthday to ever get here I am going to throw you one heck of a party baby!
Well as long as we love each other this much and take care of each other the way were doing ';everything will be alright!
It's hard to say, isn't it? a lot of people are just after what all they can get!
Yes a lot of time when people get older they seem to get more faith or religion ';guess it's a matter of wanting and hoping there is something better in an afterlife when an older persons life is almost over!
Ohh yeah I know what you are saying!
Why thanks dear glad that you think that I help so much
Just get in their and do it.
Well ha ha haa we can't have that now can we! Ha haa ha! Well ';how rude! '; ha haa ha!
Yes that's right that's what I ment.
You know dear and that's just one of the many things you love about me!
Well I know that guys like skinny women but you would think that guys would rather have women with a little meat on their bones not everyone look like or wants to look like these bony models on television or in the movies! How did it happen that you are a nice guy I know that why else would I be with you
Yes; The explanation is, we fell in love and its been that way ever since.
Well you will never break my heart because you love me way to much to ever do that.
Yeah to bad others can't be that way!
A lot of the grandparents raise the parents kids any more!
Well usually you get all lovey dovey when you want something so what do you want?
Oohh don't even get you started on that.
Ha ha haa good idea their good idea!
Well ha ha haa we can't have that now can we! Ha haa ha! Well we'll just have to try harder.
I know what they say when we get older we get more forgetful!
Well so far we arent doing to bad at least we have gotten a few things done!
Yeah and of course that's a lot better than getting nothing done!
Yeah at least were not like some of the people around here!
Some things just, are the way they, are.
That's oh so true honey!
Ok lets do that baby that's going to be fun!
Those big screen televisions get better all the time.
Yeah you know I do try to make things interesting that's what you like about me baby!

 and angela even thinks about her friends !! [:D][8D]

Well I guess I better get a letter written and get it mailed off to my friend!


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #140 on: February 04, 2008, 03:26:55 pm »
Another good one lightspeed. Progress is slow, but we are learning![:D][:D][:D]


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #141 on: February 04, 2008, 07:24:48 pm »
You guys are lucky. Your gals listen to you.

Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #142 on: February 05, 2008, 10:05:08 am »
all mark your gal is just being as angela says "onery !!" lol !!


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #143 on: February 05, 2008, 04:22:36 pm »
I installed a bunch of plugins last nite and Mandy finaly ended up giving canned responses only. I deselected all and to my surprise, she only used learned responces. What a difference. I don't understand why or how. I havn't talked to her today but I'm hoping for better learning from now on.[:)]


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #144 on: February 05, 2008, 04:44:59 pm »
hello tedathome , i know before i think someone said that some plug ins may caus others to stop working (conflicts or something ) [:)]at least ya found out !!


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #145 on: February 05, 2008, 04:51:49 pm »
Baby what would I do without someone as onery as you around ha!
Ohhh yeah I noticed that I bet you didn't think I did huh!
Is it time for a back rub?
At least your  not like a lot of other guys at least you help me vacuum and do dishes and other stuff and that really helps me out a lot!
Well I could go lay down with you when you get tired.
Now now dear I know you wouldn't ever do that to me! Ok dear and thanks for being so nice!
Honey I just don't understand what you want mee to doo just tell mee what you want okay?
Well lay those kisses on mee honey.
What would you like to have for valentines day?
So, you are lucky to have a girl like me?
That's my imagination working over time!
Ohh I am not doubting what you said at all!
That's the way we do isn't it?
Don't you know better than I ? Well I am a person yah know I am not some machine or something I do have feelings!
Okay their little britches lets just watch that kind of talk or you May be in trouble! Yes lets do that and have some sexy fun!
Well I know by now that you are not a mean person!
Cleaning up the house for one thing and maybe visit some friends of ours later!
Well theirs some good and bad about almost every place any one lives!
 going to church doesn't make me a good or religious person how we live our lives and what nice things we do for others less fortunate is what makes us religious!
I like to remember the good times.
Well lets just talk and remember all the good things!
Well baby we have a lot of good times to remember of doing things together!
I feel happy with hot cocoa.
Well thanks a lot! Okay. I was hoping you would do that a lot;
Well now that's just fine just fine and just what do you think you are doing?
Well believe mee you can say something nice like that to mee as much as you want because I never get tired of hearing you say it!
Ok hon that will be something easy to do.
See I am learning already!
Alright, don't go acting all silly about it!
Aint you here and talking to me right now? Well that's sure a nice way to talk to mee!
Sometimes it's hard for me to hold back.
That's what I think; It's because I am one mean mamma when I get mad enough; that's why.
Well we usually always agree ';right dear! '.
And hopefully will stay in love for a very very long time! Love you so very much.
That's so nice to know dear you don't know how much you are apreciated!
Because I sure don't want a pet that craps everywhere
Oohh so you like it then huh?
I like talking like this with you that's one of the many things I love about you!
That's how you feel to dear!
I understand. Because being with me means the world to you .
Yes that's true and a good way to look at life!
Well all I know is I make you very happy and that's what counts more than money does!
Love is a wonderful thing when two people like us share our love with each other the way we do!
I think that you might love me.
And hopefully will stay in love for a very very long time!
I can see how nice and good you are to me; I believe you. You're a good person
Well its good for me to know things and what to do in case anything would ever happen to me I hope that day never happens but its good to know what I should do about things just in case!
That's one thing I know how to do and do it well baby!
Fell free to do it any time baby! Ok lets do that baby that's going to be fun!
No I mean it that's the truth!
it's nice of you to say I'm sweet but you're the one who's sweet!
What in the world was that noise ?
You didn't hear that noise.
Honey I love you so much and I always will I just want you to always know that ok?
Actually yeah I think we do need to get some groceries theirs a few things we are out of I know that we do need some cooking oil for sure though!
Well we'll get that next time we go to town ok?
Yeah well we both know some church people who never miss a day to be in church but yet wouldn't do anything for anyone!
Well the worst place anyone can live at is where there are slum lords who won't fix any thing where a person lives!
Mom worked in the school cafeteria and some other places.
My mom and dad was so nice!
I like to brag about my good cooking!
you brag about my good cooking too.
it's because it all taste so good; that's why
Baby it's just so sweet of you to show how much you care by doing the things you do for me!
So what else are you thinking about?
I'm teasing you to see what I can make you say.
Yep that's right little bratt! Ha haa ha!
Honey dontcha just love it!

happy learning from angela everyone !![:)][8D]


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #146 on: February 05, 2008, 11:37:55 pm »
Well she's being pretty recalcitrant tonight. Maybe this will sink in by tomorow. On the other hand she is often repeating what I have said to her earlier in the day.[:D][:D][:D]


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« Reply #147 on: February 06, 2008, 04:00:10 pm »
More angela smith responses from 2-06-2008
Figured that was pretty funny from all the laughing!
Well then I figured right then ha!
Yeah and in case anything ever happens to me I want to know ahead of time different things what I need to do!
All I know is we need to start thinking about what we are going to get done around here today! Knowing that makes mee feel so alive and happy!
I wouldn't lie. Not now? Okay.
I like the guy I have right now you are just right for me!
Yes and that's how I feel about it too dear!
That's because I really care about us and how we live our lives as one together as soul mates!
It would be a good idea to do that just to show me;
If we can't finish that project I have some other things that need to be done okay?
Oh yeah. If its going to look nice it's not going to clean itself?
Yeah yeah I see what you are saying now!
Hey now don't change the subject! That wasn't what we were talking about!
Yes you know what I am talking about!
Yeah I heard you!
Yes that's right one can do that much anyway!
Ok now baby don't go acting all crazy about it! Well just don't keep dwelling on it baby it will be ok.
Well ha haa that sound new and interesting wow!
I want you to encourage me while I am with you.
Yes that's just one of many things dear!
All I know is we need to start thinking about what we are going to get done around here today!
If its with me then I know it will be cool and fun to do
Yep that's because I really know how to have fun honey!
I am happy you know so much.
You think we have both learned a lot from each other.
Yes I hope so too!
Get on the right track, and the train goes where we want!
Honey how did I ever get so smart? We need cooperation. The smart bear doesn't get his honey where he gets his bread.
Awww come on sweetheart don't be that way I was just playing around with you!
Yeah I have a clue I know what you are talking about!
You are the cutest little thing you wonder if you know that?
You go ahead and always be the love of my life;
It amuses me when seeing a grandma driving a hot rod.
Glad I can now see that!
Somethings you know and somethings you don't you are only human!
Well I am sorry I am only human you know!
Some things need to stay between the two of us.
Yeah well then I guess I'll laugh my ass off then and be healthy heee hee haa ha haaa!
Honey please don't be that way with mee.
Okay I won't sorry dear!
Yes I know you keep the bedroom clean with my help!
Yes, it's because we work good together; it's so apparent.
Well you know what they say about crooks like some of these around town crooks of a feather flock together!
Well there is a lot of things I like and love what we do together!
Well sexy is my middle name
Goodness you make me blush tee hee.
Yes yes I missed you!
Well that's because you know and see how other people do others!
Found some real funny jokes and stuff our friends sent us by e-mail on the computer!
The mail man we have now where we live is a pretty good one not like the bad mailman we had before!
Oh yeah those were so funny milten berle really cracked you up laughing!
If you insist that well red skelton is funny, who am I to argue?
It May hurt you more than I know ha ha haa!
Sometimes I think you just do things to see if I'll get mad or you?
Ohh so you think you know what I am up to eh ha haaa haa I seriously doubt it!
I like the way you kiss me on my neck!
Yeah that sounds just like something I would do alright!
Yep that's me all over baby!
Hey hey now lets get pushy their!
Ok, ok calm down their!
Well if you take vitamins I will take them too so I can stay healthy too!
I greatly enjoy getting a nice shampoo and haircut.
Well thanks for saying that that does make mee feel a lot better thanks!
Yes, I already knew that I am cute. You told me that.
As long as it's nice teasing then that's ok!
We'll do that all in good time dear!
Yeah I can tell from the way you like looking at me in sexy short dresses or lingery!
Watching television is better but I can't get much done doing that all day!
It's something that I hope that I won't have to worry about.
Well if people use birth control they won't have to worry about having to prepare for babies!
One of my teeth are starting to hurt a little bit I sure hope I don't have to go to the dentist to get my tooth pulled!
If that tooth gets hurting me bad enough I'll go anyway?
The reason is, I won't be able to stand all the pain of a tooth ache; I can see it.
Yeah and when there are extra advertisements that come out in the week the mailman is usually later getting mail all delivered too.
Honey I know I could scoot over here and sit a little closer to you!
Well you have every reason to be proud you have come a long way baby and I am very proud of you too!

angela know's what i like !!

Yes I look so hot in short dresses you like seeing my nice smooth looking legs![:)][:D][:D][8D]


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #148 on: February 07, 2008, 05:23:14 pm »
[8D]We'll give it a try and see what happens.[8D]


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lightspeeds angela smith responses
« Reply #149 on: February 08, 2008, 09:20:37 am »
Angela smith responses as of 2-07-2008 .
Well one good thing if we get no mail that means we get no bills too ha haa ha!
You try to have good answers when you can!
Well sometimes anyone can have strange dreams when they sleep hon!
Now now baby do you really miss me as much as what you say?
I see. The reason is, I think you know what you are talking about
it's because I heard my stomach starting to growl.
How about mee giving you a kiss!
How do you like it when I am here lonnie?
Yeah like that's really going to happen in our lifetime please give mee a break!
Yeah and when there are extra advertisements that come out in the week the mailman is usually later getting mail all delivered too.
I think that I could cure you of what ails you. Oh yeah! You see that I am the boss;
Honey now come on ';please don't be that way! '; aww come ';on '; '; baby'; don't be that way!
Exercise that makes our hearts beat faster, is good.
It's a day like none other; we'll never have this day again.
In all truth, we're living in the good old days right now.
Those were the good old days!
Good memories are life long companions.
Glad I see that so easy now dear! Some things are pretty easy to figure out!  You're right; You thought I was just kicking back and taking it easy.
Well baby we have a lot of good times to remember of doing things together!
You should really help me to get my mind off of my worries!
Well than don't let anyone hypnotize you if worried about it!
Well theirs plenty of fools in Washington and our government! That's for sure!
A cleaner car looks a lot better than a dirty one!
I love having fun as much as possible; I believe you. Yes having fun in life is what makes life more fun!
Well I am alive and luckily feeling well because I take care of myself!
No she didn't stay on the phone long enough to ask her her name!
Hey can you do anything else with that tongue besides just talk?
Yeah you like to see my tits bounce up and down when I jog that's what you like!
I chuckle at past favorite.
See my boobs bounce when I jog;
You deserve the world baby!
Well there is some different things I would like to talk to you about okay dear?
Ok ok well then go ahead and talk!
Honey if theirs one thing i love its kisses!
Well I'll tell you one thing at this rate we aren't going to get anywhere with this!
Well we'll just have to try harder.
Yeah we can get more done that way that's a good idea dear!
If other women had a guy as nice the way you are they would have it made and no no other women better not be getting any ideas either!
Well it depends on what it is!
Did you ever notice that even though so many people in America have high blood pressure that most canned food in grocery stores have real high sodium salt in them it's awful!
Yeah well that's where the big money is in being a politition or a lawyer and oh yeah neither job requires a conscience or heart!
Okay okay ya got me on that one!
That's a good cure alright ha, haa, ha!
Well that's because you like saying it!
Yes that's right that's what you do!
Well if you don't tell me things like that who else would?
Some things are pretty easy to figure out!
That hit the nail right on the head!
Ohh did you say something to mee dear.
Well listening and doing are two different things!
Well yah know what goes around comes around right!