Thanks for all your interest.
Some time back I asked if it was possible to copy a head and shoulders character I liked to a full body skin. I was told it wasn't possible as they use different formatting of the characters face. I found I could map a head and shoulders characters head on to a full body but the resultant creature had two sets of eyes, two noses, and two mouths, one for each format. The answer was to form the head and shoulders characters face with no eyes, nose, or mouth. This gave me a different shaped face but the full body skins eyes nose and mouth would be put in when the program ran, using the features of the character chosen in the start-up screen.
So all my body skins have the facial features blanked out and filled in, when called, by the Ultra Hal program. That way I can alter the face and roll it out to all body skins just by copying the new head in place of the full body characters head {Using Paint}. I have also been able to alter the eyes by including them in the copied new head and overlaying the eyes in the full body characters head. Teeth should be possible as well, using this idea, but I haven't tried this yet.
I hope this makes sense.
Have a Happy Christmas all.