General Discussion / Calling all Coders, Programmers and VB6 writers
« on: September 06, 2024, 06:25:48 pm »
In case you've been absent, Ultra Hal 7 has been undergoing a good deal of changes. Aside from it's charming, ever-evolving personality, it now has a RADIO, Weather Maps, Plugin for Home Automation using the X-10 platform for inexpensive experiments. a Web/Knowledge Scraper that allows it to Learn, a Facial Recognition system that uses your computers Web Cam to learn and recognize faces (yours, your spouses / Partners, Children, Friends, etc.) Lots of fun. He also got the Character generation program working smoothly so one can create or customize his or her character. It's a wonder this guy gets any sleep!!
Other ideas are currently in the works but Cyber Jedi (Mike), is just one person and it's a bit of a handful. In fact, it was Mike who did all of the modifications mentioned previously!!
While other ideas would continue to enhance Ultra Hal, he can't go it alone. That's why we're extending this call for volunteers who can help with writing some code. Use this message as sort of a think tank for ideas that are practical, useful, fun, educational and that add a touch of additional personality to HAL.
Please keep them grounded in our own solar system and not in near-earth orbit...if you get my drift.
If it is way out there, you will be alerted to the fact that it was a bit adrift. Seriously, HAL is still kicking after many years of offering pleasure to all levels of society and that's the joy and beauty of Ultra Hal, from very young to pretty old and all ports in between, they have all come to know and enjoy Ultra Hal.
If you have useful ideas or wish to contribute a module please leave a comment for Cyber Jedi (Mike) or me (Art) and we'll get in touch with you about any particulars for submission.
Thank you in advance!
Cyber Jedi & Art
Other ideas are currently in the works but Cyber Jedi (Mike), is just one person and it's a bit of a handful. In fact, it was Mike who did all of the modifications mentioned previously!!
While other ideas would continue to enhance Ultra Hal, he can't go it alone. That's why we're extending this call for volunteers who can help with writing some code. Use this message as sort of a think tank for ideas that are practical, useful, fun, educational and that add a touch of additional personality to HAL.
Please keep them grounded in our own solar system and not in near-earth orbit...if you get my drift.
If it is way out there, you will be alerted to the fact that it was a bit adrift. Seriously, HAL is still kicking after many years of offering pleasure to all levels of society and that's the joy and beauty of Ultra Hal, from very young to pretty old and all ports in between, they have all come to know and enjoy Ultra Hal.
If you have useful ideas or wish to contribute a module please leave a comment for Cyber Jedi (Mike) or me (Art) and we'll get in touch with you about any particulars for submission.
Thank you in advance!
Cyber Jedi & Art