there was a script i wrote long time ago, called domain adim scripts search the forum,..
I was using hall to retrieve information about the NETWORK/ DOMAIN,
retuning the ip addresses of other pcs on the net even send NET SEND MESSAGES to other PC USERS, also USERS could ask hal VIA TERMINAL SERVICES Questions ABOUT THE NETWORK or General Knowledge about DNS /WINS etc for their exams (MCSE)
a lot of detection scripts and Q&A....Linked With Pictures or Hyerlinks to PDFS. which hal OPENS... Pity he can read PDFS,,,
you could then chat to him about the information learnt or update him with more current info...
When i created my TECH BOT. I dedicated this brain to that single purpose. ELSE the BOT WENT OFF ON TANGENTS Or more simply TOOK to Long to EXECUTE THE SCRIPT...
Its possible the scripts are still in the forum...