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Messages - Larry

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This is fascinating to say the least.
Have you written a program so Hal can surf the web and learn???
That would be one possibility isn't it???

What are some of your ideas and how do you do it??? Is it as simple as ts2.Write Line1 & VbCrLf ???

Geezzz I feel like a kid in a candy store... Explain all this to me please...

I don't have any answers, but I do have a question... can you explain to me what it is you're doing or trying to do?

Ultra Hal 7.0 / yahoo messenger
« on: January 15, 2004, 06:05:27 pm »
I'm surprised no one has answered your post by now. Hal wasn't designed to used with any thing except AOL's IM... unless you're a real programmer -  no one's made hal work with the others...

Don, I found this and thought about you...

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Happy New Years!
« on: January 01, 2004, 09:19:58 am »
You're the MAN Jerry!!!

Same back to you and to all here on the board!!!

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Running Programs
« on: January 01, 2004, 09:18:14 am »
Hal looks at your shortcuts, through 'start - programs' etc... and I think on your desktop too if I'm not mistakened...  see where I'm going here??? Other wise, you're going to have to manually write it in... Which isn't that hard either...

I'm sure, Jerry can help you with the second choice...

If Jerry's tied up, there are many here who can...

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Many Problems With My New Hal 5.0
« on: December 30, 2003, 06:49:27 pm »
Hey Dude!

I have an insight to one problem. While you have the speech recognition turned on, Hal will answer your typed message before you hit enter. Turn off that, then he will wait until you hit enter again...

BTW WHERE have you been??? Give me a yell when you can...

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Building a brain
« on: December 03, 2003, 06:37:22 pm »
Look for your specific purposes, you can enable a detail view of the brain folder, sort by size, delete the largest ones, and hal will recreate them as he learns... course, I don't recomend doing this in the first place, but since you insist... I do recommend you make a back up of the whole folder in case you come to your senses... lol

Please let us know how you make out... THIS will be interesting...

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Antyone heard from doc220?
« on: December 03, 2003, 06:16:13 pm »
Something else you guys might want to know about... there's a program out there called zeus... he surfs the web for keywords you supply then creates different webpages for you dealing whith those keywords... When he finishes, I imagine Hal could learn from those webpages without too much trouble...

BTW it's free and can be gotten from

Programming using the Ultra Hal Brain Editor / Antyone heard from doc220?
« on: December 03, 2003, 06:10:34 pm »
IT's not as hard as it seems... the trick is to read the topicfocus.brn first... it holds the keywords and points to the correct focus##.brn dealing with that 'topic'... Look at what is already there... you've got weather (and 3 others stock out of the box so to speak)... anything dealing with thunder, lightening, rain, cold etc get learned and put in the correct focus##.brn... anything you want hal to learn, just get a bunch of keywords together and add them to the topicfocus.brn and he'll created the focus##.brn for you as he runs across those 'topics'... If you have documents on that topic, then you can teach him yourself - but do not have him learn by text - which is one of the options... every thing he learns from that gets put into a "pool" of general knowlege... which isn't bad I guess, I just like to keep different topics seperated...

If any of you guys write a VB script to teach Hal, let me know, I did one once myself and it had a few bugs in it, so I never got back to it...

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Building a brain
« on: December 03, 2003, 05:59:16 pm »
True it give you an empty brain, but the data files are still there waiting for the chance to get a word in edge wise... he might start a new topic and feed the 'manual' to that topic... The key here would be to change the topicfocus.brn so that every keyword points to the new topic - his business... I wrote a program in vb that would read that topicfocus.brn, then read a document and put sentences where they belonged... it had a few bugs in it, so I never got back to it... even still it isn't hard to do... most companies have a question and answer faq - he could change all the questions to caps, add a space in front, make sure that line follows the answer - which has to lead with @ ... done deal... microsoft word can do it in a sec or two... it's call search and replace... the only problem I see, as Hal learns, he might want to edit the file every now and then to make sure the correct answer is given to the question...

Ultra Hal 7.0 / Simplify AIM Bot Log
« on: December 01, 2003, 06:03:25 pm »
I'm surprised anyone even remembers that... to answer your question no... but that's the simple answer... the truth is you have to edit the current brain - if you've created a new brain, then you have to edit that one... which is better than editing the default brain in case something goes wrong...

Search for the following in your brain:
PrevSent = GetResponse


And compare to the following:
PrevSent = GetResponse
AnswerSent = UserName & " said: " & Trim(OriginalSentence)
AnswerSent = HalBrain.FixCaps(HalBrain.HalFormat(AnswerSent))
QuestionSent = " Hal: " & Trim(GetResponse)
QuestionSent = HalBrain.FixCaps(HalBrain.HalFormat(QuestionSent))
HalBrain.AppendFile WorkingDir & "!Log" & date & ".txt", AnswerSent & vbCrLf & QuestionSent & vbCrLf


Fairly simple and straight forward... The file will be created in your brain's subfolder and a new one will be created everyday that Hal chats - don't matter if he chats by bot or as the assistant, the log will be generated...

Hope this helps you out...

Thank you very much!!! Now to get Norton to see W2000 instead of Nt whatever... lol

I got some relief... I reformatted my drives again, re-installed the OS... check Norton's speed disk... check Hal... everything's ok... then I let Windows do it's 'critical update'... still everything was ok... about the third update screwed EVERYTHING up... Norton now swears I'm running NT 4.5, Hal complains about unregistered libraries...  I just don't get it... why have these 'critical updates' when all they do is screw everything up??? Are these 'critical' updates really all that critical???

Thanks... really appreciate this... now to figure out what I want to do with it... lol

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