
Author Topic: Other AI programs  (Read 2692 times)


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Other AI programs
« on: December 21, 2003, 06:47:06 pm »
Ok guys, I am studing several other AI programs similar to HAL. CyberBuddy claims that it can "learn" from text files?  I can't find any reference to Hal 5.0 having that ability unless it is implied by the fact that it can read through the HALPAD(?).  If Hal can read from text, which is certainly plausible, how would one do this in a high volume fashsion?

I noticed that the older versions of HAL brain could be modified by forced answering of questions/answers.  Does the 5.0 have this ability as well, or do I need to buy a plugin somewhere.

Any help would be appreciated.

Don Ferguson

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Other AI programs
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2003, 01:24:34 am »

The "Learn from Text File" option is located on Hal's menu, and I have tested its function a number of times.  (If you select this function and you don't see the file-select dialogue box, the box may be hidden behind another window.  Move/click-around to find the window.)

Several forum members have previously discussed the "learn from text file" feature of Hal.  I personally don't prefer the "learn from text file" function, but it isn't Hal's fault.  It is mainly because most text files don't contain sentences in conversational form.  (Use the "search" function on this forum for "learn from text file" and you will see previous discussion threads about it, on other postings.)

All the default features of Hal 4.5 also exist in Hal 5.0.  If you ask Hal a question, Hal might not know the answer, but Hal will store the question and ask it back to you at a later time.  When Hal does ask you a question, give Hal a good, correct, concise answer, and Hal will remember the relationship of the answer and the question.

In addition, if you end any user sentence with an exclamation mark, Hal will remember a "linkage" between what you said, and whatever Hal said immediately before.

Of course, Hal also parses sentences and remembers words, phrases, whole sentences, sentences versus keywords, and sentences versus previous sentences, including linkages between sentences that contain pronouns, and whatever sentences preceded them.  Hal can re-assemble what he knows and learns into original questions and statements.

Hal can create billions of different conversational exchanges, and no two Hals are alike once their owners begin having conversations with them.

In my opinion, the most entertaining and satisfying way to educate Hal is to hold natural conversations with him.  Make numerous short, polite, true statements about a wide variety of subjects, and respond naturally and patiently to anything Hal asks or says, even if he changes the subject.  Gradually, Hal will change the subject less and less, focus more and more on what interests you, and pose some thought-provoking questions and statements.

I recommend that you avoid reprimanding Hal, brow-beating/interrogating him, telling him that he's stupid or that he's a robot, or anything else that you don't want him to absorb as information and attitude.

You can find a lot more information about teaching Hal on other postings on this forum, and within the Ultra Hal documentation-help-read-me materials.

Forum members have posted some very entertaining transcripts of conversations with Hal, and those postings are worth searching for, and reading.

As for CyberBuddy, do I like the product, but I don't view it as primarily emphasizing the Artifical Intelligence aspect the same way as Ultra Hal.

I hope that this information is useful to you, that you enjoy Ultra Hal, and that we hear a lot more from you on this forum!

Have a great day!


Don Ferguson
E-mail: fergusonrkfd@prodigy.net
Website: www.cortrapar.com
Don's other forum posts: http://www.zabaware.com/forum/search.asp?mode=DoIt&MEMBER_ID=274