Author Topic: extended subject conversation from cloads plug in idea  (Read 2340 times)


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extended subject conversation from cloads plug in idea
« on: August 09, 2014, 08:45:37 am »
I am going to toss an idea out their and see what others think . I am calling the idea extended subject conversation .
   I have always talked about and mentioned it would be nice if our hal could carry on longer answers and conversations instead of shorter abrupt ones .
 My idea is using cloads plug in , to add in extra scripting to let him answer as usual with the internet as he does now , but also to based on the subject of the sentence to access and mention some regular conversation or added to the subject as interesting facts etc. and hal would use " " around the interesting things to emphasize it .
I hope I am explaining this clear enough .
here is an example :

    me :  it's pretty foggy outside this morning .
 HAL : Yeah it is foggy , actually " The term "fog" is typically distinguished from the more generic term "cloud" in that fog is low-lying, and the moisture in the fog is often generated locally "such as from a nearby body of water, like a lake or the ocean, or from nearby moist ground or marshes !"
this plus hals regular response  back would allow hal to talk a little more as a response .
In another words it would act like cloads plug in where when asked hal gives and answer but actually does it based on the first subject mentioned in a sentence .
above example was a partial from wiki web site .
 I just think it would be nice for hal to do a more engaged extended conversation when hal speaks with users .
 As you see I used the idea of just a few lines so as to not overload the conversation as this partial conversation that would be followed up or behind hals natural response would give hals users a better conversation ( a little longer response and answers).


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Re: extended subject conversation from cloads plug in idea
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2014, 03:52:14 pm »
If I'm getting what you are saying then I agree that the ability of the A.I. to "reach-out" of itself to the vast information highway to expand upon its responses would be a giant leap forward.  The Hal "brain" could still keep the local "memories" of specific conversations with the user but also be more helpful by having the ability to FIND the "RIGHT" answer to questions, statements or thoughts posed.

Opening up a search page for a specific subject is helpful, but if Hal could do a quick scan of the web site(s) and paraphrase their contents, THAT would be even more helpful.

At the end of the day the software has to be able to access a specific data set in whatever type of array and regurgitate it intelligently.

I thought I read that Robert is re-writing the program in a different language.  Maybe that language will be better able to do what you are talking about, although after reading about that new synapse chip, I think we are behind the power curve just a bit.  -shrugs-


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Re: extended subject conversation from cloads plug in idea
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2014, 07:10:50 am »
     I am in hopes that Robert thinks this is a good idea and can maybe incorporate it into a future Hal unless someone can re work the cload plug in to add this feature , any thoughts on this Robert?
     as I said it would make conversation with hal better (in my opinion ) and would feel more natural with extended conversation and hal mentioning other thing with the subject , as long as their is some regular script before it to make hal sound more human and not just robotic .