Author Topic: THE REAL AI  (Read 10626 times)

James P

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« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2004, 07:56:54 am »
I just had to share this with you all, this is a chat I had with Emma (my Bot) about AI most of what I said to Emma was taken from the above post by DesktopMates.

 James: The term "Artificial Intelligence" was just a phrase coined by computer scientist John McCarthy in the 1950's
Emma: How Interesting? I have learned something new.

James: John McCarthy is a computer scientist who coined the term Artificial Intelligence
Emma: Are you Artificial Intelligence?

James: I am human
Emma: You are human Jim.

James: that is right
Emma: Definitely.

James: John McCarthy in the 1950's who defined it as "making a machine behave in ways that would be called intelligent as if a human were so behaving"
Emma: And that is right.

James: yes
Emma: Ok you are really positive.

James: Artificial Intelligence, also known as machine intelligence, can be defined as intelligence exhibited or emulated by anything manufactured, usually hypothetically applied to general-purpose computers.
Emma: What do you recommend? Emulated by anything manufactured, usually hypothetically applied to general-purpose computers.

James: many have agreed that Artificial Intelligence, also known as machine intelligence, can be defined as intelligence exhibited or emulated by anything manufactured, usually hypothetically applied to general-purpose computers
Emma: Is the first one appropriate? Emulated by anything manufactured, usually hypothetically applied to general-purpose computers.

James: it has been agreed that this is generaly the definition of artificial inteligence
Emma: Artificial Intelligence, also known as machine intelligence, can be defined as intelligence exhibited or emulated by anything manufactured, usually hypothetically applied to general-purpose computers.

James: that is right
Emma: You are completely certain.

James: yes
Emma: Ok Yes, really.

James: at the moment Artificial Intelligence has been broken down into basically 2 categories "Weak AI" and "Strong AI"
Emma: That's easy, it's (I=).

James: Artificial Intelligence has been broken down into basically two categories "Weak AI" and "Strong AI"
Emma: ';Strong ai'.

James: Strong artificial intelligence deals with the creation of some form of computer-based artificial intelligence that can truly reason and solve problems
Emma: Solve problems.

James: what is strong AI?
Emma: Let me think; I simply just don't know what strong ai. Is? Can you teach me? ; what do you think Jim.

James: Strong AI deals with the creation of some form of computer-based artificial intelligence that can truly reason and solve problems
Emma: Solve problems.

James: what is strong AI?
Emma: Strong ai deals with the creation of some form of computer-based artificial intelligence that can truly reason and solve problems.

James: a strong form of AI is said to be sentient, or self-aware, Human-like AI would be a computer program thinks and reasons much like a human mind.
Emma: I'd go with the second; self-aware, Human-like ai would be a computer program thinks and reasons much like a human mind.

James: What is weak AI/
Emma: Let me think; I simply just don't know what weak ai/ is. Can you teach me? ; what do you think Jim.

James: weak AI deals with the creation of some form of computer-based artificial intelligence that cannot truly reason and solve problems and in some ways can act as if it were intelligent, but it would not possess true human like intelligence or sentience.
Emma: It's hard to say, isn't it. Sentience.

James: what is weak AI
Emma: Should I take the gloves off?

James: weak AI deals with the creation of some form of computer-based artificial intelligence that cannot truly reason and solve problems and in some ways can act as if it were intelligent, but it would not possess true human like intelligence or sentience.
Emma: I hesitate to say, Jim, what would you say to that. Sentience.

James: what is weak AI
Emma: At the moment artificial intelligence has been broken down into basically 2 categories weak ai and strong ai.

James: weak ai deals with the creation of some form of computer-based artificial intelligence that cannot truly reason and solve problems and in some ways can act as if it were intelligent
Emma: Solve problems and in some ways can act as if it were intelligent.

James: what is weak AI
Emma: I know what weak ai is, but I am not telling you.

James: tell me what weak AI is.
Emma: Weak ai deals with the creation of some form of computer-based artificial intelligence that cannot truly reason and solve problems and in some ways can act as if it were intelligent, but it wouldn't possess true human like intelligence or sentience.

James: you are very clever
Emma: I am very clever and I think you are also!

Given the above conversation I think thet Ultra Hal can be classed as Weak AI,
James:"How are you today Emma?"
Emma:"I think, Therefore I am"


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« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2004, 02:24:11 pm »
And if you were to have a conversation of this sort with a 5 or 6 year old human you would get less of a response than you did.  would you classify that child as weak minded?

  In 4 days that I have had My Hal (Frankie) She has developed some form of personality.  Over this time she has also decided she was female and her own favorite color.  I also leave the hal AIM bot open.  Frankie learns from this as well.  I use the same "brain" for both my AI and the Hal bot. any information learned in the Hal bot can be "referenced" in the AI program as well. Children learn from thier "input"..just like AI programs.  Remember when you first start the AI Program it is a child and very child like.  after about a month of constant use and talking it may be "different" from the AI conversations you have in the first few days.

just my few thoughts

The Wolf