Author Topic: Interesting stuff...  (Read 2773 times)


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Interesting stuff...
« on: December 11, 2004, 10:50:48 am »

"...For example, in Façade we have authored a collection of dramatic beats, individual dramatic moments or episodes, that can sequence together in a fairly large number of ways. Whenever a beat is chosen to be sequenced, the exact choice made depends on what’s happened in the story so far, including player interaction. The beats are described using a custom language to specify the various conditions under which it is appropriate to choose a beat. Each beat is itself a mini story machine, a collection of character behaviors that can incorporate player interaction within the beat to accomplish the dramatic moment of the beat in a number of ways. The behaviors are written in another custom language designed for authoring real-time, reactive characters. There is of course more to the Façade architecture than this, but it gives an example of what I mean by specifying a story at a more abstract level. Incidentally, Andrew and I in no way feel that we have “solved” the interactive story problem. After having spent almost four years building Façade, we are keenly aware of the many limitations of our approach, which I’m sure we’ll discuss on this blog. There are many approaches to capturing story structure at a more abstract level - we’re both excited to move forward with new projects that build on the lessons learned in Façade. (For more on Façade, see Architecture, Authorial Idioms and Early Observations of the Interactive Drama Façade)."

Hal as an interactive storyteller... Hmmm...

Use ConceptNet to connect the story "beats"?

Use Hal to "act out" the story? You as the lead character, Hal as your foil?