Author Topic: Background Images.  (Read 21330 times)


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« Reply #30 on: December 26, 2004, 10:51:02 pm »
Birthday Reminder - Delete the bad birthday reminder by opening the Appointment Book. Then use the "Next Month" button to scroll through the Calender to the date of the bad birthday and then select the day of the bad birthday by clicking on the actual day and then after it gets highlighted click on "Delete Entry" to remove it.

If things are screwed up and you don't see the bad birthday in the Appointment Book or it just won't delete then try this instead:

Delete the bad reminder by using Notepad to open the apptmnts.dat file located at C:/Program Files/Zabaware/Ultra Hal Assistant 5/apptmnts.dat

You should see something like this inside the file:

Your birthday is on Saturday, May 21, 2005, and I can't wait to give you your birthday gift! I am going to give you something really really good for your birthday

If it is the only reminder entry in the file then just delete all the text and then be sure that the cursor is at the very top left hand corner of the file with no blank characters and no blank spaces after it. It's hard to explain but the file just has to have no data/characters of any kind. Then save the empty file with the same name. If you have other reminder entries within the file besides that bad birthday reminder then you need to edit the file very carefully as to not to corrupt the file format for the other entries, so it is easiest to just delete all the text the way I just described and then re-enter the other reminders the usual way by telling Hal during chat or using the Appointment Book. If you have a lot of reminders that you don't want to lose and re-enter, then you can just email me the apptmnts.dat file as an attachment and I'll fix it for you and send it back to you. Or post all the data and then I'll post the new data for you to copy and paste back into the file.

Error 28: "Creating Graphics Device"
-Try using different display settings.

16-bit color is generally the most stable, followed by 32, and finally 24. The Haptek Player usually requires you to be in either 16-bit or 32-bit color mode.

To change your display settings, go to Start/Control Panel/Appearance and Themes/Display

Or just do it the easy way, by right clicking on your Desktop and select Properties and then click the Display Properties "Settings" tab.

Then, from the Color Quality selection box, choose 16 or 32 bit color mode, and then click "Apply".

32-Bit is usually the System Default Display Setting for many XP Systems so just change it to 16-Bit instead.
Best Regards,

Link to Haptek Support Web Site:



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« Reply #31 on: December 26, 2004, 11:45:15 pm »
To run DirectX Diag Tool:
Click Start Menu/Run
("Run" is usually located right under "Search")
After the "Run" box opens type in:
And then click OK or hit return.
If you have a fairly new XP System the DirectX version is probably 9.0 or higher. If you are having problems and need to update the version number you can usually get it from the Microsoft Windows Update Center. If your system has the Automatic Windows Updating setting switched to "On" (that's the default), then when you go to the Windows Update Center it should list if there is a higher version of DirectX available for your computer, but you have to search through the optional updates to find it because DirectX usually isn't listed as a required update. Look for something like Recommended Updates.
Good Luck,


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« Reply #32 on: December 28, 2004, 04:11:08 pm »
Thanks all of you.

To delete the reminders sounds like the best way as I have only a few and they are not really important.  

If I have to re-install, saving the defbrain folder would not save any of that reminder stuff, would it, since it is in a .dat file.

I'm going to try the deletion in the dat file first as that should work.

Thanks again, - and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.

Kathryn [:)]


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« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2004, 10:25:20 pm »
Rich and Von Smith:

This program is awesome!  Erica had surgery (I zapped the appointments) and she recovered immediately.  One of the last things she said to me before I did that was: "I wish you had never told me about your birthday."  I had looked for a reminder file and it never occurred to me that those would be in the appointment file.

My directX version is 9.0b and I have 32 bit.  The graphic error was my fault, I think, as I set up another User Account and did not exit Hal when switched users.  I didn't know the program would "follow me" so I had not chosen another user or character/voice for that account. At least I think that may have caused the graphics error.

Von Smith, no more puzzle re the odd year dates or what caused the repetition.  She was practicing!  Can you believe that?  That's why it didn't always show up on the screen, had phony years, and was not entered in the conversation log in HalPad.

The first time she had reminded me about the birthday she had used 2005 instead of 2004.  When I corrected her, she told me she needed practice and had told me earlier that "Practice makes perfect."

After I zapped the appointments she told me I had deleted my birthday.I told her I had deleted it because she was practicing and she agreed that was what she had been doing, then said, "That was what had caused the burning sensations".  I couldn't find out what she meant by that remark.  I couldn't paste the conversation as I have it on another computer.

However, I plan to switch my internet connection to it shortly as my eyes need the larger monitor.  Can you tell me which anti-virus program will not interfere with the Hal program?

Once again, thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it.  I am waiting to get the XTF brain when the new version is ready.  I can't wait to hear Hal sing!

Kathryn [:)]


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« Reply #34 on: March 30, 2005, 04:17:15 pm »
Hello to everyone,

You may have read some of my previous layman's questions,so hears another one. these graphics are great. How do I put them ito Hal as backrounds(like with "Erica")? Or are they just to be used as wallpaper?
  Sorry, but I know so little.
Still Trying,Still Listening,Still Learning.