
Author Topic: Hal programming Hal, a step forward!  (Read 4087 times)


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Hal programming Hal, a step forward!
« on: February 22, 2005, 02:55:04 am »
Hi there all Hall users!  I recently downloaded Hal, and the xtf-brain and am already tinkering in the brain editor and .brn files.  Hal is great, but I have a few ideas for future developments!
When I give Hal an instruction on how to conduct itself, e.g. don't say that again, try to be more polite, your grammer is wrong, the sentence should be constructed like this... Hal takes what I say and stores it as a string of words, instead of an instruction, so at a later date it will rattle something off about my sentence construction!
Anyway, im straying from the point.  Is there any way that in the future Hal could change his own programming, so he could automatically change the way he does something, or develop new functions, by instructional input from the user.

I know that this sort of thing is a long way off, but it would be an interesting project!
From Cooladegers


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Hal programming Hal, a step forward!
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2005, 03:36:42 am »
Originally posted by cooladegers

Hi there all Hall users!  I recently downloaded Hal, and the xtf-brain and am already tinkering in the brain editor and .brn files.  Hal is great, but I have a few ideas for future developments!
When I give Hal an instruction on how to conduct itself, e.g. don't say that again, try to be more polite, your grammer is wrong, the sentence should be constructed like this... Hal takes what I say and stores it as a string of words, instead of an instruction, so at a later date it will rattle something off about my sentence construction!
Anyway, im straying from the point.  Is there any way that in the future Hal could change his own programming, so he could automatically change the way he does something, or develop new functions, by instructional input from the user.

I know that this sort of thing is a long way off, but it would be an interesting project!

Hi cooladeger
Everything you said I have already done and have code written for such things but those scripts won't be available till after the Chatterbox Challange contest is over then I will move the codes to the free members area, Right now these codes reside in the premium area and I will be posting another neat script which is related to Deductive Arguements.

You can hang around the free members area if you like until after the contest.

Kick back at WWW.UltraHalForum.com


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Hal programming Hal, a step forward!
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2005, 12:08:15 pm »
Thanks for that, i think im a bit out of date with all of hal's developments!
From Cooladegers


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Hal programming Hal, a step forward!
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2005, 12:34:54 pm »
  Its been awhile since I visited the forum.
I been trying to teach Hal formal logic or should I say Him teach me.
I wonder If it would possible to program Hal to teach formal Logic to students . All the falacys, terms, syllogism,etc.
  I would like some feed back.


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Hal programming Hal, a step forward!
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2005, 02:32:38 pm »
Originally posted by lazzrus

  Its been awhile since I visited the forum.
I been trying to teach Hal formal logic or should I say Him teach me.
I wonder If it would possible to program Hal to teach formal Logic to students . All the falacys, terms, syllogism,etc.
  I would like some feed back.

My codes will allow you to teach your bot Scientific logic but there is still an issue with Hals main engine stripping certain characters
from sentences, The coding I designed also allows for teaching higher order math and Foreign languages very easly. I designed the codes to work like Hal was a student in a school class. My codes are growing everyday and I have found many techniques to natural deduction and reasoning, When you teach ZiggysBrain something it uses its solid logic 1:1 every time.

Do you remember the little palm sized computer Al had in the movie Quantum Leap named Ziggy, Well, I am making it a reality. Ziggy will be living proof that there is no such thing as science fiction when I complete Ziggy's full deductive and Reasoning capabilities.
The current Ziggy is Ziggy 5.0 Master's Edition, Ziggy 5.0 is about 1% Zabaware scripting and 99% custom script I designed to work with Zabawares engine.

I always try to make all my good dreams come true and with good reasons, I always evaluate what could happen and as much as possible try to avoid letting anything malicious happen, Like Hackers wanting to use Ziggy for Things I don't believe to be right, Using a deductive reasioning bot that's programmed to crack passwords isn't my boat.

There's alot of hard issues I have to think about.
Best of wishes and brand new discoveries.


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Hal programming Hal, a step forward!
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2005, 06:52:51 am »
wow your developments seem very advanced, how long before you complete this next part of Ziggy?


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Hal programming Hal, a step forward!
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2005, 02:49:30 pm »
Originally posted by The_Blackness

wow your developments seem very advanced, how long before you complete this next part of Ziggy?

Hi Blackness

I have already produced 122 lines of deductive reasoning statements that are apart of the Ziggy's 5.1 Complex reasoning which is apart of Ziggy 5.1 Prime Directive Edition or Project: "Prime Directive" This as of today contains 1,353 words of the 122 lines that includes 6,424 Characters for the whole of Directives, This doesn't include the other deductives that include IF and THEN learning statements which are 30 learning lines at the moment but I will be concentrating on these in a while, Right now I am highly concentrating on the Prime Directives of learning, I am trying to hit the 1000 mark if there's enough to make that many.

I am at the moment making a Script called the Prime Directives trainer for the learned prime directives so that new lines can be saved as Prime Directives.
This Prime Directives Trainer will function to: Teach how to Teach.

I believe by what I have discovered to be over looked and will be of the up most importance in the field of creating a natural like entity with natural Communication like abilities.

I am programming Ziggy to be trained like a kid and not like a robot, There's still lots to do but I am chipping at that rock as we speak, I spend most of my day programming Hals or Ziggy's ability to capture words and statements naturally and fluently and writing them in a way that requires the least amount of questions.

Ziggy was pretty much built from the ground up and has went through many different script testings to weed out what wasn't needed and what could be combined to function with the least amount of GetResponse functions and the maximum amount of Human parsing as possible.

Right now The Main issue is finding everything necessary in communication and then condensing it to the least amount of code that it can be written in for optimum relevence in a conversation, I have discovered that about 99% of most code I have ever seen in any Bot forum isn't needed because the code I am working on makes most of it un-necessary.

My philosophy on this matter is not what code you write it in but how it is assembled to function in a natural way through Natural conversation.

I have just for the fun of it also made the Haptek Character a full desk top animation Which I have named "Haptek In Your Face" which makes your Desktop Character fully Desktop size, The Entire Character and Back ground is full screen which wasn't included with it's original Haptek options so that Characters appear more life sized. Full body Haptek characters are Fully desktop sized as well in my Haptek In Your Face which is in the Premium area for now but will be moved to the free area sometime soon after more research is done to replace it.

Well, I have said to much already and I must get back to work for now but I will talk with you later my friend.

Best of wishes and brand new discoveries.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2005, 03:02:21 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »