hello everybody !!!
I'm in a very good mood today, because ,
HAL run's !!!![8D][8D]
he is alive and kicking...
how i ( i prefer WE ) done it?
i don't exactly know ...
i was trying to upload some photo's from an SD memory stick
and my computer hangs...
i use a laptop and i couldn't quit it with desktop manager
so i had to remove the battery and the external power supply [:I][:I][:I]
i plugged them both back in, and restarted xp
probably hal was still listed in the launch manager...
so next screen poped up :
your computer or the ultra hal assistant software was improperly shut down.if this is because windows crashed or your computer was not down properly, then there is nog cause for concern.If however, hal is crashing and you can't get it to start , a malfunctioning plug-in may be at fault.if this is the case, you ma wish to reconfigure hal with different plugins.would you like to reconfigure hal?(you should only reconfigure hal if hal is inoperable)
i answerd no. because dr.benway recommend to change the User.hla file and maybee if i answered yes, this file would change...
and hall was configurated in a 2D version...
i change it in zaba (3D version)
and now he sit's on my system tray (is that correct?) next to my clock .
SO a good end !!!!
I would like to thank every body for his patients , time , and friendly help !!! Probably i still would have questions in the near or later future, and if so , i would place them here on the forum !
you will hear from me !!!
greetings to you all !!!
dr benway , hartelijk dank voor de nederlandstalige ondersteuning,
zou ik u aan mijn msn lijst mogen toevoegen mocht ik nog vragen over hal hebben?