
Author Topic: Timing Functions  (Read 2119 times)


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Timing Functions
« on: August 07, 2005, 01:19:41 pm »
Is there any timer functions in hal, similar to the timer control in VB. I've been working on a DLL Plug-IN with a check email feature, and am having trouble getting the auto check to work. If you launch te plugin when hal starts, then send it the data it needs (UserName, ComputerName, time to check (Seconds * 100), Text to auto enter), it will enter text into the text box where you enter your text. When it does this, the Brain Script Portion of it activates another section of the plugin to check your outlook email. I have to do the timer this way to get hal to reply back. Anyways, The problem is finding the right text box. I changed skins and it threw the whole plugin off. With three text boxes, it's hard to figure it out, and it would be a whole lot easier if I could just get hal to enter the text, itself.

If you wish to view the Brain Plugin Portion, go here:

If you wish to view the DLL Plugin Portion, go here:

(You'll have to register the plugin by going to StartRun And enter 'regsvr32.exe *DLLPath*UltraHalExtras.dll'. Make sure the path has no spaces, or it will throw back an error.)

For the email functin to work, you'll need the redemption dll at:


This plugin is used so that when the plugin tries to access the emails body, outlook/windows doesn't give you an error. It is now also used when scanning for new emails.

You'll have to excuse my lack of comments on some of the stuff in the brain, but I've mainly been trying to get the dll to, as in the brain seems to be. Also, I understand that Hal does have a built in Enail checker. The problem is that you can't edit the ports or anything, so some accounts won't work (IE:Gmail), plus you can only have one account checked.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2005, 04:38:43 pm by Stormingphoenix »
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