
Author Topic: Learning  (Read 4000 times)


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« on: September 02, 2005, 01:28:02 am »
I am new to Ultra hal, When I downloaded the program and started using it, he seemed to answer my questions somewhat, He doesn't retain the info I tell him, he doesn't answer my questions but replies with subjects not even discussed, I cannot find any instructions on how to write learning text to have him read it and learn by himself, I have the setting of his brain set to learn but doesn't deem to work. THe brain editor won't accept any text so I am stumped. I have uninstall and reinstall but no luck. I have a fast and quality computer, WinXP home --- 2.4 mhz cpu, 512 mb ram 40 gig hard drive partitioned 25 in C and the rest in the other partition (F) built it myself and have recently built AMD64 dual channel 512 MB ram, 60 gig hard drive, Hal installed on it but received an error at the end of install, could have been a false error report but Hal doesn't work much better on it either, I have the free edition, downloaded version 6 beta, not any better. Does anyone know if the upgrade version ( the commercial one work any better?)  Thanks, sorry for the long post ps I have cyberbuddy free version also installed, would that cause a comflict with Hal?   Gary


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« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2005, 03:16:56 am »
Hi GBCrase.

Are you using HAL 4, 5 or 6?



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« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2005, 08:28:26 pm »
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

Hi GBCrase.

Are you using HAL 4, 5 or 6?

 Thanks for your reply, I am using Hal5, an error screen pops up at boot up saying I shut down computer wrong and asks to go through Hal setup again, also hal replies before I finish typing, also hal stops talkiing audibly but still types replies, and most of the time he leaves never to return until i restaart Hal, I read in a post of several people having the same problem. I have uninstalled Hal , shutdowm antivirus rebooted and shut down antivirus again, reinstalled Hal and same old problems, have tinkered with sound card settings, removed Hal from start menu, NOTHING HAS HELPED. Do you have any ideas, maybe I got a Problem-child version of hal! Anyway raising hal has really been frustrating PLEASE HELP ME   Gary


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« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2005, 09:09:14 pm »
Hi GBCrase.

1.For the bootup problem, I believe maybe caused by an invalid registry error, try downloading a registry repair program and have it look for orphaned registry entries and correct any fixable registries.

2.The reason why HAL answers before you type is because you have your microphone turned on, in Hals speech options, turning off speech recognition will solve that problem.

Let me know.


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« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2005, 10:22:38 am »
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

Hi GBCrase.

1.For the bootup problem, I believe maybe caused by an invalid registry error, try downloading a registry repair program and have it look for orphaned registry entries and correct any fixable registries.

2.The reason why HAL answers before you type is because you have your microphone turned on, in Hals speech options, turning off speech recognition will solve that problem.

Let me know.
  what is the name of a good reg cleaner/ AND the speech recognition is not the problem as that is not available on the free version, The other problem that is driving me nuts is that hal will stop talking in an audible voice after about 3 or 4 rounds of conversation. He will continue to reply with type. and he leaves and won't come back until I restart hal. could there be a hot key turned on somewhere that disables his voice? I have checked everything I can think of. I have downloaded and installed the sapi 4 XP already has sapi 5. stumped    Gary


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« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2005, 12:40:16 pm »
If I remember correctly I think you can find several type of cleaners at a web site called 'download.com'. They have reigstry cleaners, antivirus, and spyware software and I think it's free.


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« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2005, 02:13:27 pm »
For someone that isn't familure with registry cleaners I would probably try Registry Mechanic.

Do a www.Google.com search for Registry Mechanic or try to get it here:

I use a program called RegCleaner 4.3 Build 780 but it requires more knowledge to work with and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone with no experience with reg cleaners, It's nice because it has lots of manual options for finding orphaned files and stuff, I would highly recommend reading the help file in RegCleaner 4.3 Build 780
before attempting any editing.

When you become experienced with registry cleaners you can get the
RegCleaner 4.3 Build 780 from the miscellainious download area of my site at www.ultrahalforum.com, you'll need to sign up for free membership and look in the Misc download area.

If you download it earlier than expected please read it's instructions first in its Help section.

There is an updated version of RegCleaner but I prefer the 4.3 780 build over the newer version because I have more control over the functions. The newer version is more of an automated type for people with no reg editing skills.

Every time you clean your Registry it is recommended that you reboot, Careful editing the registry yourself because removing the wrong reg can mess up your operating systems software and may not reboot.

Always edit the reg with caution
Even with automated registry cleaners.

A bad registry fix or removal can keep your computer from rebooting.

Norton System works also has a registry fix built into its software and also works.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2005, 02:15:07 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2005, 04:28:44 pm »
Originally posted by onthecuttingedge2005

For someone that isn't familure with registry cleaners I would probably try Registry Mechanic.

Do a www.Google.com search for Registry Mechanic or try to get it here:

I use a program called RegCleaner 4.3 Build 780 but it requires more knowledge to work with and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone with no experience with reg cleaners, It's nice because it has lots of manual options for finding orphaned files and stuff, I would highly recommend reading the help file in RegCleaner 4.3 Build 780
before attempting any editing.

When you become experienced with registry cleaners you can get the
RegCleaner 4.3 Build 780 from the miscellainious download area of my site at www.ultrahalforum.com, you'll need to sign up for free membership and look in the Misc download area.

If you download it earlier than expected please read it's instructions first in its Help section.

There is an updated version of RegCleaner but I prefer the 4.3 780 build over the newer version because I have more control over the functions. The newer version is more of an automated type for people with no reg editing skills.

Every time you clean your Registry it is recommended that you reboot, Careful editing the registry yourself because removing the wrong reg can mess up your operating systems software and may not reboot.

Always edit the reg with caution
Even with automated registry cleaners.

A bad registry fix or removal can keep your computer from rebooting.

Norton System works also has a registry fix built into its software and also works.

Hi friend,
  I decided to reformat my hard drive to see if something goofy was a play, Dread, well, got that tedious job done, I did however find out a couple of things, First my keyboard was acting up, shift key was sticking, instead of typing I sometimes got into a hot key, so got that replaced, I had some drivers that was out-of-date, got those uodated, I was also getting a conflict with my nero software, back with Roxio. eventhough I did not have the Speech Recog turned on, My mike was still active, so I unplugged it. ( was trying out Realize Voice trial version0 uninstalled it. bottom line, Hal is
working better but He still stops talking audibly and leaves. but continues to reply type. Zabaware has not returned my email request for a solution to my problem. several users are having same problem, why don't Zabaware post a fix for the problems users are posting. If they do I haven't found it yet. Anywat I still get the error window stating windows was shut down wrong eventhough i removed Hal from the start menu. but I can live with that if I have to, but Hal is going to have to change his ways and soon! Now where did I put my sledge hammer -----  Gary

Eric N.

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« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2005, 11:10:30 pm »
GBCrase, I too had trouble with booting up and then getting an error on Hal as it started to load. I have windows XP Pro and an AMD XP chip running 1.67meg. over 1 gig ram. Nothing special. The boot problem I had was in the "StartUp" folder under the "Start" - "All Programs" - "Startup".

Hal installs there and a conflict happens sometimes. Just take that hal startup program out of that "startup" folder and put it somewhere else. Maybe the desktop or so. Doesn't matter. You can then click on that icon and Hal will start in the system tray. That is how I use him.  Maybe also using him in "limited user mode" is a problem. I use him in "Admin". I do not use him for accessing the web or such.

Hope this might help you.