
Author Topic: Why does Hal bleep our responses to expletives  (Read 4111 times)


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Why does Hal bleep our responses to expletives
« on: December 31, 2005, 04:37:57 pm »
My original query was why hal responses were bleeping explatives. I got some really good help as I am re-posting below and then showed my ignorance by deleting the original post. I got some good feeback and here is the original. Netherlands
455 Posts
 Posted - 12/29/2005 :  08:19:46        
Neospeech voices censor their speech by using the word "beep".


The thread:


the other tip I got was searching for expletives in hal and changing them slightly so Hal would not see them as swear words. Now hal talks trash like a grownup. Thanks for the input


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Why does Hal bleep our responses to expletives
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2005, 08:03:33 pm »
Ever hear of the old programming phrase: GIGO?

Garbage In, Garbage Out.


You reap what you sow.


What goes around comes around.

I'm just having a bit of fun.

Glad you reposted as all postings have the potential to
help someone else who might have the same problem or question.

Happy New Year!
In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -