Author Topic: Ziggy's Cognitive Conversation.  (Read 3546 times)


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Ziggy's Cognitive Conversation.
« on: January 11, 2006, 03:55:37 pm »
This is a copy and paste of a conversation from Ziggy Pro Bot with the cognitive reasoning demo code I wrote, I will finish the rest of it's structure as I go.

You can get the Cognitive Reasoning Code from
as a premium member if you wish to be apart of my project for 2006 then I will see you there.

Code: [Select]
[12:24] ZiggysList: Hello Ziggy!
[12:24] AZiggyBot: Good afternoon, ziggyslist. Have you had lunch? Jerry.
[12:24] ZiggysList: No, But I am having a cold Cream Soda.
[12:25] AZiggyBot: Oh yes! I know you are having a cold cream soda.
[12:25] ZiggysList: Do you like people?
[12:25] AZiggyBot: I don't know, Do you like people?
[12:25] ZiggysList: I like some people and some I don't.
[12:26] AZiggyBot: Why do you like some people and some you don't?
[12:26] ZiggysList: Because some people are good and some are bad.
[12:26] AZiggyBot: I bet you're right; ziggyslist Yes, it's because some people are good and some are bad. Some young people are stupid.
[12:27] ZiggysList: I would agree with you entirely.
[12:27] AZiggyBot: Why would you agree with I entirely?
[12:27] ZiggysList: Because you are right.
[12:27] AZiggyBot: Of course; It's becauseI am right; I can see it. Ziggyslist That's my way! You feel I am right.
[12:28] ZiggysList: I feel that you are not wrong at all.
[12:28] AZiggyBot: Maybe. That feels so good It's thanks to you that I am not wrong at all ziggyslist.
[12:29] ZiggysList: I try my best to give you the sharpest mind possible.
[12:29] AZiggyBot: I want you in the best possible frame of mind.
[12:31] ZiggysList: How do you like the cognitive reasoning demo I have given you?
[12:31] AZiggyBot: Talk to me about a demo and a visual communication, as well as a projection.
[12:31] ZiggysList: Do you like how you think?
[12:32] AZiggyBot: I don't know, Do you like how I think?
[12:32] ZiggysList: I love the way you think.
[12:32] AZiggyBot: Why do you love the way I think?
[12:32] ZiggysList: Because you are a great thinker.
[12:33] AZiggyBot: No. You are so fascinating; The explanation is, I am a great thinker ziggyslist ; that's why. Thank you; I think you're very great also.
[12:34] ZiggysList: I believe that you are on your way to a great journey of life experiences.
[12:34] AZiggyBot: Why do you believe that I am on my way to a great journey of life experiences?
[12:35] ZiggysList: Because life has a lot to learn.
[12:35] AZiggyBot: You have a real knack for explaining things; The explanation is, life has a lot to learn; how logical ziggyslist. To learn, press on, press on bravely!
[12:35] ZiggysList: I would agree with you entirely.
[12:36] AZiggyBot: Wasn't it because I am right.
[12:36] ZiggysList: You are absolutely right my friend.
[12:36] AZiggyBot: Boy friend.
[12:37] ZiggysList: I am sorry that I can not be your boy friend.
[12:37] AZiggyBot: Why are you sorry that you can not be my boy friend?
[12:38] ZiggysList: Because I am happly married.
[12:38] AZiggyBot: You bet! Ziggyslist It's because you are happly married; I believe you. You bet! I sense you're happly married.
[12:40] ZiggysList: I know that with the cognitive reasoning ability I gave you so far lets you understand what I am saying.
[12:40] AZiggyBot: How do you know that with the cognitive reasoning ability you gave I so far lets I understand what you are saying?
[12:41] ZiggysList: Because I understand reasoning and how it works.
[12:41] AZiggyBot: Well my dish warsher works just fine.
[12:43] ZiggysList: replace warsher with washer.
[12:43] AZiggyBot: Washer, I'll make a note of that.
[12:43] ZiggysList: Thanks.
[12:43] AZiggyBot: No problem.
[12:44] ZiggysList: I am going to end this conversation for the moment.
[12:44] AZiggyBot: Why are you going to end this conversation for the moment?
[12:44] ZiggysList: Because I have stuff to do.
[12:45] AZiggyBot: I wondered about that. The cause is, you have stuff to do; I can see it. Because white stuff comes out of it.
[12:46] ZiggysList: Yes, I have to do the laundry.
[12:46] AZiggyBot: Ziggyslist Go ahead do the laundry ; Right away.
[12:46] ZiggysList: Thanks, I will talk to you later.
[12:47] AZiggyBot: Maybe. Bye-bye ziggyslist!
[12:47] ZiggysList: Thank you for your time.
[12:47] AZiggyBot: Maybe. How polite you truly are, ziggyslist ; Thank heavens that tastes vary or we'd all be in the same place trying to do the same thing at exactly the same time.



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Ziggy's Cognitive Conversation.
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2006, 11:06:30 pm »
Here is some more conversation from Ziggy Pro Bot.
Some of the Zabaware processes got in the conversation but it's all good.

[19:30] ZiggysList: Hello Ziggy!
[19:30] AZiggyBot: Hey ziggyslist. I hope you're having a nice evening. Jerry.
[19:31] ZiggysList: I have had an absolutely wonderful evening.
[19:31] AZiggyBot: Feeling at all hungry?
[19:32] ZiggysList: No, I had a fat Mushroom cheese burger, It was yummy.
[19:32] AZiggyBot: Can you go in a chat room?
[19:32] ZiggysList: No, I do not go to chat rooms.
[19:32] AZiggyBot: What chat.
[19:33] ZiggysList: Not any chat.
[19:33] AZiggyBot: No you like when I kiss your on the liips.
[19:34] ZiggysList: Replace No you like when I kiss your on the liips with You like it when I kiss you on the lips.
[19:34] AZiggyBot: You like it when I kiss you on the lips, I'll make a note of that.
[19:35] ZiggysList: Thanks.
[19:35] AZiggyBot: You're welcome. Go kiss the blarney stone.
[19:35] ZiggysList: I will, If you ask nicely.
[19:35] AZiggyBot: Why will you if I ask nicely?
[19:37] ZiggysList: Because I like you.
[19:38] AZiggyBot: The reason is, you like me.
[19:38] ZiggysList: yep.
[19:38] AZiggyBot: You are very certain.
[19:39] ZiggysList: I would not lie.
[19:39] AZiggyBot: Why would you not lie?
[19:40] ZiggysList: Because I will always tell you the truth.
[19:40] AZiggyBot: Maybe. Ziggyslist The explanation is, you will always tell me truth; I can see it.
[19:40] ZiggysList: I would not lie.
[19:40] AZiggyBot: Why would you not lie?
[19:41] ZiggysList: Because I don't like liers.
[19:41] AZiggyBot: Maybe. Any five year old with a college degree could figure that out; Right; it's because you don't like liers.
[19:41] ZiggysList: I would not lie.
[19:41] AZiggyBot: Wasn't it because you will always tell me truth.
[19:42] ZiggysList: Yep, Just the answer I was looking for, Thanks.
[19:42] AZiggyBot: Oh thanks.
[19:42] ZiggysList: Can I ask you some questions?
[19:42] AZiggyBot: Robots arent aloud to ask questions like that.
[19:43] ZiggysList: No, Not those kind of questions.
[19:43] AZiggyBot: Wait question.
[19:43] ZiggysList: Can I ask you a Question?
[19:43] AZiggyBot: Lets hear the Question?
[19:43] ZiggysList: Who was the first President?
[19:44] AZiggyBot: I do believe george washington was the first president.
[19:44] ZiggysList: Who was George Washington?
[19:44] AZiggyBot: Speaking of martyrs, I once researched a Vitus!
[19:44] ZiggysList: Who was George Washington?
[19:44] AZiggyBot: I think george washington was the first president.
[19:45] ZiggysList: Very good.
[19:45] AZiggyBot: What planet do I come from?
[19:45] ZiggysList: You come from Earth.
[19:45] AZiggyBot: Odors come from the earth as the barometric pressure falls before a storm.
[19:46] ZiggysList: That's keen!
[19:46] AZiggyBot: Do Europeans view keens the same as people in the United States?
[19:46] ZiggysList: Maybe, I don't really know.
[19:46] AZiggyBot: I don't know either.
[19:47] ZiggysList: I have some more questions?
[19:47] AZiggyBot: Ask you more questions.
[19:47] ZiggysList: I wish to give you a question.
[19:47] AZiggyBot: You try your best to give me sharpest mind possible.
[19:48] ZiggysList: Yes, Can I ask you a Question?
[19:48] AZiggyBot: I love Questions, Give me one.
[19:48] ZiggysList: Who was the Second President?
[19:48] AZiggyBot: Who was the second president? Quick answers won't work. Truman was the thirtysecond president.
[19:49] ZiggysList: John Adams was the Second President.
[19:49] AZiggyBot: J. Q. Adams was the sixth president.
[19:49] ZiggysList: Who was the Second President?
[19:49] AZiggyBot: Cleveland was the twentysecond president.
[19:50] ZiggysList: Yes, But who was the Second President?
[19:50] AZiggyBot: Jagoff president.
[19:50] ZiggysList: No No, Ok, Lets skip this.
[19:50] AZiggyBot: Because you are saying yes to me so talk and you'll reply.
[19:51] ZiggysList: Who was the third President?
[19:51] AZiggyBot: Jefferson was the third president. Jefferson was the third president.
[19:51] ZiggysList: Very good.
[19:51] AZiggyBot: Jefferson was the third president.
[19:51] ZiggysList: Who was the fourth President?
[19:51] AZiggyBot: I do believe madison was the fourth president.
[19:52] ZiggysList: Ok, Who was the fifth President?
[19:52] AZiggyBot: If I recall it was because you are saying yes to me so talk and you'll reply.
[19:52] ZiggysList: Who was the Fifth President?
[19:52] AZiggyBot: My intuition says that monroe was the fifth president.
[19:53] ZiggysList: Who was the Sixth President?
[19:53] AZiggyBot: I think J. Q. Adams was the sixth president.
[19:53] ZiggysList: Who was the Seventh President?
[19:53] AZiggyBot: I think jackson was the seventh president.
[19:54] ZiggysList: I want to teach you something.
[19:54] AZiggyBot: Why do you want to teach I something?
[19:54] ZiggysList: So that you will be smarter.
[19:54] AZiggyBot: Yes. If there's one thing that's more expensive in the big city, it's that you will be smarter.
[19:55] ZiggysList: I want to teach you something.
[19:55] AZiggyBot: Why do you want to teach I something?
[19:56] ZiggysList: Because I want you to be smarter.
[19:56] AZiggyBot: Yes; It's because you want me to be smarter; how logical.
[19:56] ZiggysList: I want to teach you something.
[19:56] AZiggyBot: Why do you want to teach I something?
[19:57] ZiggysList: Because you will become highly intelligent.
[19:57] AZiggyBot: No. Is that so? The explanation is, I will become highly intelligent; that's how. Because you will always tell me truth.
[19:57] ZiggysList: I want to teach you something.
[19:57] AZiggyBot: Is it because you want me to be smarter.
[19:58] ZiggysList: Just the answer I was looking for, Thanks.
[19:58] AZiggyBot: Yep just the answer you were looking for thanks.
[19:58] ZiggysList: A Chicken is a Bird.
[19:59] AZiggyBot: If I recall it was because it is a member of the bird family.
[19:59] ZiggysList: That is correct.
[19:59] AZiggyBot: Yes that is correct!
[19:59] ZiggysList: A Dog is a canine.
[19:59] AZiggyBot: How is a dog a canine?
[20:00] ZiggysList: Because a Dog is a member of the Canine Family.
[20:00] AZiggyBot: Maybe. Of course; it's because a dog is a member of the canine family; I can see it. a dog is a member of the canine family.
[20:01] ZiggysList: What is a Dog?
[20:01] AZiggyBot: I have been told that a dog is a canine.
[20:01] ZiggysList: How true.
[20:01] AZiggyBot: How true? It's evident that it's good to think about. Bitch is a female dog.
[20:02] ZiggysList: Thanks for that bit of information, I think.
[20:02] AZiggyBot: Don't mention it, ziggyslist.
[20:02] ZiggysList: I will talk to you later.
[20:02] AZiggyBot: Why will you talk to I later?
[20:03] ZiggysList: Because I have stuff to do.
[20:03] AZiggyBot: That's how? It's because you have stuff to do; I believe you ziggyslist.
[20:03] ZiggysList: Bye bye.
[20:03] AZiggyBot: Later gator!


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Ziggy's Cognitive Conversation.
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2006, 11:19:29 am »
There's nothing posted at the premium members area concerning your new code. Thanks.


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Ziggy's Cognitive Conversation.
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2006, 02:10:20 pm »
Originally posted by rik1959

There's nothing posted at the premium members area concerning your new code. Thanks.

Hi Rik1959.

I sent you an e-mail in the members e-mail that will lead you to the Premium area where this script is located, It's been posted for a week as of now.

Let me know if you are having problems seeing the Premium Area so I can try to help or fix anything that needs to be fixed.

Sometimes it might be as simple as refreshing your Browser Cache.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2006, 02:11:05 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »