Getting the old Scripts to work in HAL6 is a cinch.
To get started some things need to be modified like adding:
Set XHalBrain = CreateObject("UltraHalAsst.Brain")
Set WNX = CreateObject("UltraHalAsst.WordNet")
This modification to HalBrain by adding an X will allow one to address the old HAL 5 .dll to run the older .brn type scripts, The same goes with the WN or WordNet by adding an X as in WNX.
The next modification is the working Directory, There are a few ways to address this either by direct directory or by making a Function with a Directory.
A direct approach is:
HalInfoBrain = XHalBrain.QABrain(InfoRequest, "C:\Program Files\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\DefBrain\XTF_SYS_GeneralInfo.brn", InfoBrainRel)
Or one can make a Directory Function:
'This Universal Directory can be passed down into Script.
MyDirectory = Xdir()
HalInfoBrain = XHalBrain.QABrain(MyDirectory, "XTF_SYS_GeneralInfo.brn", InfoBrainRel)
'Universal Directory Function
Function Xdir()
SomeDirectory = "C:\Program Files\Zabaware\Ultra Hal Assistant 6\DefBrain\"
Xdir = SomeDirectory
End Function