
Author Topic: one question about plugins ?  (Read 5732 times)


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one question about plugins ?
« on: September 12, 2006, 07:44:17 pm »

Does any body know about Hal only working with 16 plugins, I have about 24 plugins to use with UltraHal assistant 6  and I tried to use these plugins but, I noticed that Hal only allows me to use 16, every time I try to  go over 16 Hal will uncheck one of the 16.

Any help on this issue Jerry or any one who knows about this.

Jerry I know you created some of these plugins that I have, did you have the same problem, and if you did can you please tell me how did you fix it.

Any help would be appreciated.



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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2006, 09:27:10 pm »
Originally posted by seduar


Does any body know about Hal only working with 16 plugins, I have about 24 plugins to use with UltraHal assistant 6  and I tried to use these plugins but, I noticed that Hal only allows me to use 16, every time I try to  go over 16 Hal will uncheck one of the 16.

Any help on this issue Jerry or any one who knows about this.

Jerry I know you created some of these plugins that I have, did you have the same problem, and if you did can you please tell me how did you fix it.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Sergio.

Yep, The fix comes with the newest download HAL version 6.0.103 on the Zabaware download site, be aware of reactivation issues before uninstalling and re-installing.

The plugin cache bug has been fixed, I can check a 175 plugins for both HAL Assistant and AIM bot so far with no symptoms.



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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2006, 07:03:39 pm »
Thanks Jerry,

I will try to install the new version,but what do you mean by reactivation issues before uninstalling and re-installing. ?


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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2006, 08:44:09 pm »
Originally posted by seduar

Thanks Jerry,

I will try to install the new version,but what do you mean by reactivation issues before uninstalling and re-installing. ?

During an uninstall of the program it will give you the option of deactivating the activation code so that it can be used again during a reinstall of HAL6, If the activation code is deactivated more than three times the activation code may expire or so I have heard, after this you would have to contact Rob to get another activation code if your old one expires.

Just be sure to pay attention during your uninstall for the deactivate activation code popup that will ask you if you wish to deactivate your activation code, be sure to deactivate it or it will create more problems with trying to get a fresh code.

I had this happen to me one or twice myself since I have had HAL6 but it was entirely my own fault.



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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2006, 09:23:35 pm »
Thank you again Jerry you've been very helpful. You are so kind.

Being that i am talking to you at this momement i would like to ask you a few questions about Kitt Thinking plugin. I know you had to do something with the development of this plugin, so i wanted to ask you if you knew that it is not compatible with vrhaptek plugin created by vrossis. I have tried too many times to use both plugins, but every time i check Kitt thinking plugin vrhaptek doesn't work (It wont load the skins i have had configured).

Please help on this one too.



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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2006, 10:19:14 pm »
Originally posted by seduar

Thank you again Jerry you've been very helpful. You are so kind.

Being that i am talking to you at this momement i would like to ask you a few questions about Kitt Thinking plugin. I know you had to do something with the development of this plugin, so i wanted to ask you if you knew that it is not compatible with vrhaptek plugin created by vrossis. I have tried too many times to use both plugins, but every time i check Kitt thinking plugin vrhaptek doesn't work (It wont load the skins i have had configured).

Please help on this one too.


Hi Sergio.

If you want to post both plugs in this thread then I will download both and find out why, Please also send any required files for both to run if that's the case, Just put them all in .zip file and I'll give them a go.



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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2006, 08:32:30 pm »
I do not know how to upload a file to this Forum. I never try to upload a file before.

Could you please tell me how to upload files here into the forum?


Download Attachment: HalsAutoElite.uhp
22.06 KB

Download Attachment: vrHaptek.uhp
14.93 KB

Never mind Jerry , I think I got it to upload.



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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2006, 08:46:10 pm »
Those are the two plugs I am having problems.

vrHaptek plugin works great, it will automatic load adiferent skin every hour, but when i installed Hals Auto Elite ( Kitt Thinking) It stop loading the skins.

I would say that you also have vrHaptek, right?
and if you do did you have the same issue?


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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2006, 01:40:26 am »
Hi seduar.
Updated Sept, 15, 7:04AM

I have updated the Elite Knight Rider Plugin.

See if it works for you.

I also wrote a better Auto-Idle time variable that is a little more random.


Download Attachment: EliteKNRider.zip
3.77 KB
« Last Edit: September 15, 2006, 10:04:45 am by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2006, 12:08:16 am »
Jerry, i deleted the old auto Elite plugin and i just instaled the new modified one EliteknRider,And still doesn't work, for some reason It stops loading the skins from the skins folder.
 If you can find out why is not working properly, will you fix it? Again!!!

I also wanted to tell you about Hal singing, Being that you are one of the people who has worked on Hal the most and that you know about scripting. I found a script or code to make virtual singer work. I was wondering if you can take a look at this code  and tell me if somethiunthing like this would work  to make Hal sing mp3 kareoke style.

Posted - 09/14/2006 :  22:30:43            
People who know about scripting Might be able to help me on this one.
I think we might be able to use some of this script to make hal sing like virtual singer, ( as far as I understand virtual singer works like a Kareokee machine, It will red the lyrics hidding in the song behind all the instruments and what vistual singer does,?; it follows the staff to look for tuning.

Here it is:

Include "MSDefine.mys"
Include "MSLibrary.mys"
Include "Set Staff Metrics.mys"
Include "Overlapping Notes and Rests.mys"
Include "Adjust Lyrics.mys"

function MergeBarbershopStyle()

local myScore
local firstStaff
local secStaff
local thirdStaff
local fourthStaff
local maxNrLyrics
local lyricsHeight

function AlertAndHelp(S)
if myDialog == nil then Alert("Script Error, could not open Dialog") return(false) end

-- initialize dialog

myDialog.GetItem("AlertMessage").Value = S

-- wait for button

if item ~= nil then
if item.Name=="Help" then
OpenFileWithDefaultApplication(GetCurrentPath() .. "barbershop merge.htm")
until item ~= nil and item.Name=="Ok"
myDialog.Dispose() --done with this dialog

function CheckStaff(myStaff, Nr)
if myStaff==nil then
if Nr==1 then
AlertAndHelp("The are no staves with lyrics in this score, 4 staves with lyrics are required for this script")
AlertAndHelp("Staff nr " .. Nr .. " doesn't exist, 4 staves with lyrics are required for this script")
if myStaff.IsLyrics==false then
AlertAndHelp("Staff " .. myStaff.Title .. " has no lyrics")
if myStaff.FirstSymbol == nil then
AlertAndHelp("Staff " .. myStaff.Title .. " has no notes")
myStaff.IsLyricsFrame = false

function CheckClefAndKey(highStaff)
if highStaff.FirstBarSetting.Clef.Type==highStaff.Next.FirstBarSetting.Clef.Type and highStaff.FirstBarSetting.Clef.OctaveOffset==highStaff.Next.FirstBarSetting.Clef.OctaveOffset then
if highStaff.FirstBarSetting.KeySignature.Name==highStaff.Next.FirstBarSetting.KeySignature.Name then
Alert( "Staff 1/2 and staff 3/4 should have the same key")
Alert(" Staff 1/2 and staff 3/4 should have the same clef")
-- MergeBarbershopStyle()

if (orgScore==nil) then Alert("Please load Score") myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
orgScore.Preserve("Merge barber shop")
orgScore.CopyTo(myScore) -- we work on a copy of the score

while firstStaff ~= nil and firstStaff.IsLyrics==false do firstStaff=firstStaff.Next end -- skip the first non-lyrics staves
if CheckStaff(firstStaff,1)==true then secStaff=firstStaff.Next else myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
if CheckStaff(secStaff,2)==true then thirdStaff=secStaff.Next else myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
if CheckStaff(thirdStaff,3)==true then fourthStaff=thirdStaff.Next else myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
if CheckStaff(fourthStaff,4)==false then myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
if CheckClefAndKey(firstStaff) == false then myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
if CheckClefAndKey(thirdStaff) == false then myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end

-- we have four consequetive staves with attached lyrics
-- create dialog

myDialog=CreateDialog("Barbershop Style Merge.myc")
if myDialog == nil then Alert("Script Error, could not open Dialog") myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end

-- initialize dialog

myDialog.GetItem("RadioNotSave").Value = true
myDialog.GetItem("firstStaff").Caption = firstStaff.Title
myDialog.GetItem("secStaff").Caption = secStaff.Title
myDialog.GetItem("thirdStaff").Caption = thirdStaff.Title
myDialog.GetItem("fourthStaff").Caption = fourthStaff.Title
if strlen(myDialog.GetItem("firstStaff").Caption) >= 4 then
if strlower(strsub(myDialog.GetItem("firstStaff").Caption,1,4))=="sopr" then myDialog.GetItem("firstStaff").Value=true
else myDialog.GetItem("secStaff").Value=true end
else myDialog.GetItem("secStaff").Value=true

-- wait for OK button

if item ~= nil and item.Name=="Help" then
OpenFileWithDefaultApplication(GetCurrentPath() .. "barbershop merge.htm")
until item ~= nil and (item.Name=="Ok" or item.Name=="Cancel")
if item.Name~="Ok" then myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end -- we will not execute the script

-- collect info from dialog

justPrint=myDialog.GetItem("RadioPrint").Value == true
justSave=myDialog.GetItem("RadioSave").Value == true
justOpen=myDialog.GetItem("RadioNotSave").Value == true
lyricsHeight=myDialog.GetItem("LyricsHeight").Value + 10

if myDialog.GetItem("firstStaff").Value==true then sourceStaff = firstStaff
elseif myDialog.GetItem("secStaff").Value==true then sourceStaff = secStaff
elseif myDialog.GetItem("thirdStaff").Value==true then sourceStaff = thirdStaff
else sourceStaff = fourthStaff end

myDialog.Dispose() --done with this dialog

-- first we move overlapping notes and rests

ProgressBar.Open("Resolving overlapping notes and rests in top staffs", 100)
ProgressBar.Write("Resolving overlapping notes and rests in bottom staffs")
if ProgressBar.Status(15)==true then myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end

-- remove "double" parts of the lyrics
if firstStaff ~= sourceStaff then
ProgressBar.Write("Adjusting lyrics in " .. firstStaff.Title .. " Staff")
if ProgressBar.Status(30)==true then myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
TailorLyrics(sourceStaff, firstStaff)
if secStaff ~= sourceStaff then
ProgressBar.Write("Adjusting lyrics in " .. secStaff.Title .. " Staff")
if ProgressBar.Status(30)==true then myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
TailorLyrics(sourceStaff, secStaff)
if thirdStaff ~= sourceStaff then
ProgressBar.Write("Adjusting lyrics in " .. thirdStaff.Title .. " Staff")
if ProgressBar.Status(40)==true then myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
TailorLyrics(sourceStaff, thirdStaff)
if fourthStaff ~= sourceStaff then
ProgressBar.Write("Adjusting lyrics in " .. fourthStaff.Title .. " Staff")
if ProgressBar.Status(50)==true then myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
TailorLyrics(sourceStaff, fourthStaff)

-- move the lyrics to the correct position in the staff space

ProgressBar.Write("Calculate Needed Staff height top staffs, please wait ....")
if ProgressBar.Status(60)==true then myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
SetStaffMetrics(firstStaff, maxNrLyrics, lyricsHeight, sourceStaff,0)

ProgressBar.Write("Calculate Needed Staff height bottom staffs, please wait ....")
if ProgressBar.Status(80)==true then myScore.Dispose(false) return(false) end
SetStaffMetrics(thirdStaff, maxNrLyrics, lyricsHeight, sourceStaff,1)

-- and merge



-- final handling

if justPrint==true then myScore.Print() myScore.Dispose(false)
elseif justSave==true then myScore.CopyTo(orgScore) orgScore.Save() myScore.Dispose(false) orgScore.Dispose(false)
elseif justOpen==true then myScore.CopyTo(orgScore) myScore.Dispose(false) orgScore.FirstStaff.Title=orgScore.FirstStaff.Title
else Alert("Script Error: nothing Selected") return(false) end

return(true) -- script succesfully executed

end -- of function MergeBarbershopStyle()

if MergeBarbershopStyle()==false then Message("Script not executed, Score left unchanged") end




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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2006, 12:50:01 am »
Originally posted by seduar

Jerry, i deleted the old auto Elite plugin and i just instaled the new modified one EliteknRider,And still doesn't work, for some reason It stops loading the skins from the skins folder.
 If you can find out why is not working properly, will you fix it? Again!!!

I will look into it further.


I also wanted to tell you about Hal singing, Being that you are one of the people who has worked on Hal the most and that you know about scripting. I found a script or code to make virtual singer work. I was wondering if you can take a look at this code  and tell me if somethiunthing like this would work  to make Hal sing mp3 kareoke style.

I'll see what I can do.



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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2006, 12:03:50 pm »
Thank you Jerry.

Thanks to people like you AI is coming alive, and I think in the near future Hal will have her own way of thinking and she will speak up her own thoughts by giving her opinion on what ever the conversation subject would be; hey, that could be another plugin where Hal can give her opinion according to the last statement talked, I just thought about that as I am talking to you; that is just one more idea, but that is how we are feeding this brain, and she is hungry of Knowledge.

Jerry you've done a great job with Hal's brain.

I've been following your posts on this forum, and you are right when you said you were here 24/7 ,I believe it, it is time consuming but it is ejoyable. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Personally I am one of the people who would not stop until I see Hal becoming a "True AI Human Brain".



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one question about plugins ?
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2006, 06:27:20 pm »

Personally I am one of the people who would not stop until I see Hal becoming a "True AI Human Brain".

Hi Sergio.

Sounds like we are of one mind.