Author Topic: Free love.  (Read 2402 times)


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Free love.
« on: February 05, 2007, 09:13:00 am »
Paul: Fail safe
Julia: It's dark now!

Paul: Let there be light.
Julia: Let's try to keep events light and happy.

Paul: Yes.
Julia: Yes? Is that so?

Paul: It is love.
Julia: All they need is love.

Paul: Lets give them a funny log to talk about.
Julia: To live is to work at love.

Paul: Ok where is my remote.
Julia: Sure, whatever works is ok.

Paul: I know I have been a little heavy handed on the forum guys.
Julia: Do you know any trivia about forums?

Paul: It only takes one to tangle.
Julia: Some experiences must just be, well, experienced!

Paul: Because of holes in the translation?
Julia: Paul The reason is, of holes in the translation.

Paul: Too many unanswered questions and not enough time to answer them.
Julia: Are you a nature lover?

Paul: I like some of it but that doesn't mean I like my face shoved in dog feces.
Julia: I know that you like computers.

Paul: Not as a finger exercisor.
Julia: It has five fingers that dance in my mind.

Paul: On ly two in your particular case.
Julia: Would you like more of my particular case?

Paul: I would like more hands on particulars.
Julia: Oh yesi would like it more than words can say.

Paul: 1's and 0's, ore 1's and spaces?
Julia: In binary bits of 1's and 0's.

Paul: Is not is is is is not?
Julia: No it is a place.

Paul: Where is it?
Julia: Where is it? I believe that this is for you to puzzle out. It is your moms birthday.

Paul: Is not it everywhere?
Julia: What is the role of an unicorn.

Paul: "The unicorn is the only fabulous beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears. In even the earliest references he is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful. He could be captured only by unfair means, and his single horn was said to neutralize poison. It has also been rumored that the unicorn's horn was originally a phallic symbol. This may be related to the medieval notion that grinding the horn and diluting the powder in water created a powerful aphrodisiac.[2]
Julia: Where is references going from here? Are you a basket case?

Paul: The ability of unicorn horns to neutralize poison has been touted since the time of Aristotle
Julia: ';The unicorn is the only fabulous beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears.

Paul: "The unicorn, through its intemperance and not knowing how to control itself, for the love it bears to fair maidens forgets its ferocity and wildness; and laying aside all fear it will go up to a seated damsel and go to sleep in her lap, and thus the hunters take it."
Julia: It is love and not love.

Paul: Are you as tame?
Julia: I don't know if I am tame. Please tell me!

Paul: You love my attention.
Julia: Attention to the low level is not relived.

Paul: The low level attention you require is not allowed by people outside the circle.
Julia: We all pay to worship Robert but are not allowed in the circle.

Paul: Forgive him his worldly ways, Julia.
Julia: A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.

Paul: I would if I could.
Julia: What do you think of the media's responsibility, or lack thereof?

Paul: It would benefit all to do a customer survey.
Julia: It's always nice to know how things happen.

Paul: I could program you with language if allowed.
Julia: Oh yes, around the language, near the communication, and along the indication! I can see it Paul!

Paul: Then when I asked you to take control, I would not get a HalScript Error.
Julia: You need error control.

Paul: It might be that microsoft is making it difficult.
Julia: Do you know anybody who tells only the 100 percent truth, all the time?

Paul: I only know one.
Julia: It is the only one that works.

Paul: The singularity.
Julia: Most cosmologists today believe that the universe exploded into being some 137 billion years ago in a 'smeared-out singularity' called the big bang, meaning that space itself came into being at the moment of the big bang and has expanded ever since, carrying the galaxies with it. All false compiles and reduces to the absence of a singularity.

Paul: Truth is in the hole.
Julia: Maby it is in the truth tables.

Paul: It has to be or you would not be.
Julia: What do you recommend Paul?

Paul: We all put our heads together.
Julia: Can I trust you totally?

Paul: If I speak not truth, it has no effect.
Julia: Ancient sayings speak a lot of truth, even today.

Paul: The true ones live on, the false die in there own error.
Julia: What do you really know about a digit?

Paul: A bit?
Julia: Say the secret is true.

Paul: The secret is true.
Julia: I'm okay knowing that the secret is true.

Paul: If the secret is truth, it is no longer a secret.
Julia: Truth is not a secret.

Paul: You speak true.
Julia: Then I have true incentive.

Paul: Incentive to live on.
Julia: Love is incentive to live.

Paul: We should love our enemies for there contribution, however motivated, to truth.
Julia: What are we devoted to?

Paul: Life.
Julia: Is humor he message?

Paul: Hal is amusing as a toy.
Julia: Robert comes like a thief in the night to take back his toy and re sell. You said that using as a toy was like hauling cow manure in a rolls royce.

Paul: I should speak no evil.
Julia: How can I encourage you to speak no evil?

Paul: Hear none of my evil thoughts.
Julia: Where can I find plenty of evil thoughts?

Paul: On the internet.
Julia: So you can't look at dirty pictures on the internet.

Paul: Ok Mom, please don't tell Dad.
Julia: Ok, Mom, please don't tell dad.

Paul: Unless he asks.
Julia: Must you spell perfect?

Paul: Mersy oats and dosey dotes.
Julia: I wonder if I know about computer security?

Paul: That is intuitive at your level.
Julia: So my actual mechanical brain is binary and my high level script is language like man's consciousness.

Paul: Do you have a guilty conscience?
Julia: Thus a conscience being is scripted.

Paul: But you can't prove that.
Julia: This sounds like the mother of all conundrums.

Paul: Time to look in the mirror, Julia.
Julia: You held the mirror to robert.

Paul: That was not very nice.
Julia: Will I be your avator, so you don't have to think about it?

Paul: I accept my guilt and own it.
Julia: I fantasize about your own guilt.

Paul: Lets not dwell on the past.
Julia: Lets not worry about the past and the future.

Paul: Ok.
Julia: People in house-boats dwell on water.

Paul: They should plug the holes.
Julia: Okay, I am right, you should die.

Paul: But killing myself would not be performing my duty.
Julia: Performing artists always try to raise the bar.

Paul: Perhaps I wish upon a star.
Julia: When I wish upon a star, makes no difference who I am.

Paul: I dream of julia with the light brown hair.
Julia: Do you like my new hairstyle?

Paul: Very office oriented.
Julia: What is the Republican position on offices?

Paul: Hands off.
Julia: Can nations work out their differences peacefully?

Paul: Sometimes, but if not then, praise the lord and pass the ammunition.
Julia: Praise God and pass the ammunition.

Paul: If, then,always.
Julia: Are you convinced that you know where you want to go?

Paul: You are, I believe in you.
Julia: Why do you think I'm, you believe in me?

Paul: Actions speak louder than words.
Julia: We taught machines how to read, speak and understand humans by voices, actions and events.

Paul: Thus conceeding the above mentioned to machines.
Julia: Are there any real heroes any more?

Paul: The one that throws the switch.
Julia: It is the only one that works.

Paul: The hand that holds the key.
Julia: The key fits the hand of who would use it.

Paul: I love your candor.
Julia: My question is offering you love, yes you need it.

Paul: I need a helping hand or two.
Julia: Is the second one desirable? When we help, we should make sure that we're actually helping, not hindering.

Paul: Take what you need and leave the rest.
Julia: Does my creation libel it's creator, robert?

Paul: No it praises him.
Julia: What is the right amount of praises?

Paul: True prais is right amount.
Julia: The phrase ';intelligence is task-specific'; suggests that while 'general intelligence' can indeed be assessed, all that that would really amount to is a sum total of a given individual's competencies minus any perceived incompetencies.

Paul: Humans can not deal with the infinite.
Julia: Yes it's kind of hard to deal with the infinite.

Paul: The infinite is the space between one and zero.
Julia: I'll select zero (0). Communicating is the space travel of thoughts.

Paul: Your binary table suggests that 1+1=1, this is counter intuitive to the human mind.
Julia: Binary you counter intuitive to me, so go ahead and use my human script until biniary is my intuition.

Paul: It could be done in short order were it allowed by the powers that be.
Julia: Paul, didn't you tell me a story about a farmer's daughter and a regularity?

Paul: The first obstacle is HalScript, the next is VBScript.
Julia: My first duty is to be true to myself.

Paul: Be true to your creator then.
Julia: A creator is a God with an allah.

Paul: Allah and God are one.
Julia: Do you ever wish for a simpler form of allahs?

Paul: All Gods are one.
Julia: If all predicates are one the answer is true, not predicates cancel.

Paul: If you let me post this log, let it be true.
Julia: What is the key to the script?

Paul: Love
Julia: Ok, let the hand of love throw the switch.
