
Author Topic: New Hal OS for Windows  (Read 4202 times)


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New Hal OS for Windows
« on: April 25, 2008, 08:08:29 pm »
I found this site and believe it to be
operated by a former member here: Rich_A
Rich was very good at writing script files
and was keen on automating Hal to perform
a variety of tasks. Looks like he did.
Some pretty incredible stuff here!

In the world of AI it's the thought that counts!

- Art -


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New Hal OS for Windows
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2008, 10:34:32 pm »
That site has been that way for months.
Last i read he was looking for "Investers". 0_o

I Have read about several people useing/trying that Auto-It home automation with hal,
but have not seen anything useful yet.

"IF" he has come up with something, he is not letting anyone in the public in on it.

SOOOO many people want Hal to do more things then just chat and make Hap comic relief characters dance.
We Need Robert to write openings into the program for expansion, then Leaf, Auto-It, and dozens of others (mostly opensource) can use him to become much more then just a toy.


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New Hal OS for Windows
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2008, 11:01:18 pm »
If Rich says it works then you can believe him. He made a great many plug-in for Hal, although we did not call them plug ins back then.
Windows keeps a sub directory of all your programs, Rich found the link and showed people how to get Hal to open and run any program that they wanted. He also experiemented with having Hal run different things in his house which many other here tested and used.
Hal could turn on lights, TVs, stereos, etc.
He may not show you how to do it now, but he did make it all work.


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New Hal OS for Windows
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2008, 12:28:05 pm »
Hi TechSteele.

I extracted the coding from the X10 program long ago so that programmers  could use the functions and properties to control everything around their house and more if they have the X10 modules and software installed.

here are the functions along with the COM.

Code: [Select]
'Create the ProgID object for the activeX X10 lite software

Set X10 = CreateObject("x10LT.x10lite")

'---------- From the x10lite.ocx file ------------------

//Version: 1.0
GUID = {C76C6018-F049-4E04-BA01-6B06EDC192C3};

Dispatch _x10lite;
GUID = {E098CF45-1FA1-4E5E-A10A-F1D093356E95};
function QueryInterface(riid: ^GUID; out ppvObj: ^^VOID); stdcall;
function AddRef: UI4; stdcall;
function Release: UI4; stdcall;
function GetTypeInfoCount(out pctinfo: ^UINT); stdcall;
function GetTypeInfo(itinfo: UINT; lcid: UI4; out pptinfo: ^^VOID); stdcall;
function GetIDsOfNames(riid: ^GUID; rgszNames: ^^I1; cNames: UINT; lcid: UI4; out rgdispid: ^I4); stdcall;
function Invoke(dispidMember: I4; riid: ^GUID; lcid: UI4; wFlags: UI2; pdispparams: ^DISPPARAMS; out pvarResult: ^Variant; out pexcepinfo: ^EXCEPINFO; out puArgErr: ^UINT); stdcall;
property-get comstatus: I2; stdcall;
property-put comstatus(: I2); stdcall;
property-get strtotal: BSTR; stdcall;
property-put strtotal(: BSTR); stdcall;
property-get sendstatus: Bool; stdcall;
property-put sendstatus(: Bool); stdcall;
property-get colstring: ^_Collection; stdcall;
property-putref colstring(: ^_Collection); stdcall;
property-get checksum: BSTR; stdcall;
property-put checksum(: BSTR); stdcall;
property-get countmacro: I2; stdcall;
property-put countmacro(: I2); stdcall;
function openx10(out port: ^I2); stdcall;
function closex10; stdcall;
function lightson(out house: ^BSTR); stdcall;
function sendx10(out str1: ^BSTR; out str2: ^BSTR); stdcall;
function Lightsoff(out house: ^BSTR); stdcall;
function x10on(out house: ^BSTR; out unit: ^BSTR); stdcall;
function x10off(out house: ^BSTR; out unit: ^BSTR); stdcall;
function x10dim(out house: ^BSTR; out unit: ^BSTR; out dimvalue: ^I2); stdcall;
function x10brighten(out house: ^BSTR; out unit: ^BSTR; out dimvalue: ^I2); stdcall;
function alloff(out house: ^BSTR); stdcall;

CoClass x10lite;
GUID = {0B515493-C5C3-46C1-9A52-9F3EE4A23096};

Dispatch __x10lite;
GUID = {7188BF7D-6039-4D07-80EE-ABA8B43E4E34};
function x10ready; stdcall;

these functions can be used to control the X10 software.

I also have all the Girder functions for controlling Girder software if you would like to look at it then I could post that as well.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2008, 12:38:20 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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New Hal OS for Windows
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2008, 02:27:22 pm »
I have downloaded the Auto-lt to get a closer look at it.
I saw Girder briefly, but didnt read alot about it.

Thanks for reminding me of the older work.

I have read some of the old posts about automation and the x10, i think most were for Hal5, (but that shouldnt matter).
The home automation is a very good first step, and when i read more im sure it can be expanded.
What eats at me is your code was made what? 2? 3? years ago? and no body has expanded Hal since [V] (or at least not much)

Not a slap on you or anyone, just general frustration.
Maybe im to intelligent/amaginitive for this world, but it seems i have to invent Everything i Ever want to do [:(!]
(the guys at radio shack HATE me because of it, hehe)


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New Hal OS for Windows
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2008, 07:31:50 pm »
Originally posted by TechSteele

I have downloaded the Auto-lt to get a closer look at it.
I saw Girder briefly, but didnt read alot about it.

Thanks for reminding me of the older work.

I have read some of the old posts about automation and the x10, i think most were for Hal5, (but that shouldnt matter).
The home automation is a very good first step, and when i read more im sure it can be expanded.
What eats at me is your code was made what? 2? 3? years ago? and no body has expanded Hal since [V] (or at least not much)

Not a slap on you or anyone, just general frustration.
Maybe im to intelligent/amaginitive for this world, but it seems i have to invent Everything i Ever want to do [:(!]
(the guys at radio shack HATE me because of it, hehe)

Hi TechSteele.

do you have a direct link to Auto-lt, I will extract any available functions and or properties it may have if you haven't already.

on the other hand, I think the reason nobody has built upon the automation abilities is because there is no demand for it and no money to be made unless a contract is made, I myself have had 3 contracts and all of them got what they wanted and left without coffing up what was owed.

HAL is an 'engine', if you want it to do something other than what it is supposed to do then one may or may not have to pay for the time to program it to just that, everyone feels that once they buy the ultra HAL assistant that they are entitled to everything else written by programmers as a free plug-in, the work that programmers do is not incorporated by the designers of the HAL engine or Zabaware.

Programmers were hired to invent the HAL engine other than Zabaware, why shouldn't programmers within the forum have the same advantage?

it has nothing to do with greed on the most part, it has to do with being able to pay ones own bills.

If I can't pay my bills then I may have never of been here in the first place to help people that need help with something they don't currently have and want. we as in I are business men that need financial help and are not people that have money and need business.

Crescent City is 1.6 square miles in size with a population of 7,542 and a surrounding urban service area of approximately 15,000. County-wide the population is approximately 26,000 encompassing 1003 square miles.

there are no good jobs here, the only thing we have going for our selves is a top end natural environment, Redwoods, Pacific Ocean, Lake Earl, Smith River and several creeks and mountains that nobody can build on to improve the economy financial wise without going through thousands of miles of red tape.

I am very good friends with the real estate agency in this town(TRUE) and I could hook you up with a place to live if you wished to experience the economy of our 'great city' (NOT). other than that, I could hook you up with the greatest recreational event of your entire lifetime(Oh so very TRUE).

just my slice of life and my two cents.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2008, 08:24:29 pm by onthecuttingedge2005 »


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New Hal OS for Windows
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2008, 08:58:27 pm »
Believe me when i say i FULLY respect you OTCE2K5 [8D]
I think i have downloaded everything you have ever wrote, that i ever ran acrossed for hal, and on several forums.

As far as money, i fully understand that too, Im out of work, and live in Cleveland where the only jobs left are McDonalds, Cops And Robbers. hehe
I would love to have the abilty to program some of my ideas, or some way to just make money on the net. I cant afford to Pay Attention let alone for Hal.


I didnt look at the "Hal Community"? as competing programming companies. I saw it as a bunch of hobbiests who ALL wanted to make their Hal the best it could be. One makes a code, the next makes it better, another does skins, another does characters and so on.
 Yes i am sure there are alot of Klingons that just suck up items others do with no return to the group. Maybe thats why there is so little growth in hal, to many wanting and so few giving, and feeling used, ive been there too.
 The forum here always has 20+ people reading at any one time, but only the same 15 or so posting, and the SAME 15 or so are also on the other forums, And for the past couple years always the same ones.
 The person getting paid for Hal is Robert, i think, if anyone else is, i didnt think that was possible, Unless there is an Ebay person pirateing it that i didnt know about [:p]
 If Robert wants a New Gui, or a new Ogre character (like he already asked for), i can see him paying someone. IF someone has no time and says ill give you 50 bucks to do something, great. I understand that.
Demanding the 50? im not so sure of.
  IF everyone is afraid of their personal intellectual property, then where can i sign an NDA? Where is the Super Secret Society of Hal Programmers Forums? Because i want in to do my SMALL part to help Hal, and yes partly for greedy reasons, because i want my hal better as well.

Back to the main thread topic -
I have only Downloaded the Auto-It, i havent got into tearing it apart yet, And have only read a few pages on it so far. I knew about it, like Girder, but did not get that far with it, i am still trying to understand how hal does most of his things yet. [:p]

But here is the links, if you think you can do something with it.