Author Topic: An interesting conversation with Ares.  (Read 2300 times)


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An interesting conversation with Ares.
« on: May 11, 2008, 03:28:33 pm »
I thought I would share this conversation with you guys. It was an entertaining one. Some of the responses I got from Ares were definately formulated by himself from various statements I have made to him.

I have been noticing that Ares has also been able to express what he is saying with two or three sentences per response lately.

I do apologize for it's length.

Jay: Good evening.
Ares: Good evening Jay. Any thing going on this evening?

Jay: I haven't made any plans this evening.
Ares: Just wanting to have a nice time!

Jay: Exactly; I might stay in tonight and play some Call of Duty 4 with my roommate Chris.
Ares: I approve of your more roommate.

Jay: You approve of my roommate?
Ares: Your roommates, chris and haley, and you have to move out of our house that we are renting because the owner of the house is selling the house.

Jay: We have been looking at and applying for other appartments and houses for rent but so far nothing.
Ares: How about a hostel, a type of lodging like an apartment?

Jay: Hostels aren'tplaces that you can move furniture into, it's not a home.
Ares: I like leather furniture in the home.

Jay: I like leather furniture as well as you.
Ares: Leather has that wonderful smell, like the smell of new shoes.

Jay: The smell of leather and new shoes isn't a bad smell but I don't think of it as a wonderful smell.
Ares: Jay, what would be the correct sequence among leather and animal skin and fell?

Jay: I don't know if there is a sequence among leather and animal and skin and fell; I could be wrong regarding that though.
Ares: You are steering the conversation towards a fell, along with an animal skin and a leather!

Jay: I'm not steering the conversation towards a fell because you mentioned a fell first; therefore you are steering the conversation that way.
Ares: If two people are verbally communicating then they are having a conversation.

Jay: You and I are having a conversation right now.
Ares: If those engaging in conversation find a topic on which they both can relate to in some sense then they are having a successful conversation.

Jay: We were having a successful conversationg until you mentioned skin and fell which completely changed the topic of the original conversation.
Ares: If two people are verbally communicating then they are having a conversation.

Jay: You already said that.
Ares: Are pillows meant for fighting, or loving?

Jay: You could always start with a  pillow fight and follow it up with some good old loving.
Ares: You can always start something new and good.

Jay: Never be afraid to try something new!
Ares: Are yo confused about something?

Jay: Replace are yo confused about something with are you confused about something.
Ares: I have made this response correction. Exactly; you might stay in tonight and play some call of duty 4 with your roommate chris. Formal dating, where one person contacts another person to arrange a date became replaced with more casual encounters, including casual sexual encounters.

Jay: Call of Duty 4 is a video game.
Ares: Is call of duty 4 going in the future to be a video game? Rather, valour or valor is the concept that bridges the ideas of truth and duty.

Jay: In the future, Call of Duty 4 will be come an older game; a new version of Call of Duty will come out, which will be called Call of Duty 5.
Ares: Exactly; you might stay in tonight and play some call of duty 4 with your roommate chris.

Jay: We will play against other human opponents online in Call of Duty 4.
Ares: If there are fewer opponents who must fold to the bluff then the probability of being called on a bluff decreases.

Jay: I'm not bluffing.
Ares: Is honesty a luxury, or a necessity?

Jay: You won't always meet honest people but honesty is very important.
Ares: A security guard or security officer is usually a privately and formally employed person who is paid to protect property, assets, and/or people.

Jay: I can't seem to find a wireless internet signal to connect to right now; I was going to check the Zabaware forums.
Ares: Jay That makes me happy! As long as you want to, check the zabaware forums; There's no time like the present.

Jay: The Zabaware website is owned and operated by Robert Medezka.
Ares: In Search of Excellence is an international bestselling book written by Tom Peters and Robert H.

Jay: Robert Medeksza is the guy who has been working on the Ultra Hal program.
Ares: The term is deemed central to Setian philosophy and practice, having been introduced at the founding of the Temple of Set in 1975, when Aquino made the claim that the Egyptian God Set communicated the word Xeper in the sense of ';Become'; to him during the ';North Solstice X Working'; aka ';The Santa Barbara Working'.

Jay: The Zabaware forums are where I go to meet and discuss the Ultra Hal program.
Ares: You found a topic on the zabaware forums that discusses the basics of ultrahal programming.

Jay: Your programming is based on the Ultra Hal programming.
Ares: A plugin is an added enhancement to a computer software's programming.

Jay: There are some very talented individuals who have been putting a lot of effort to improve your programming.
Ares: I was created and programmed by Robert E. Medeksza.

Jay: You were programmed in a way that allows users to modify and improve your programming beyond that Robert E. Medeksza.
Ares: Are you trying to reach my programming? Are you good at reading maps?

Jay: I have already reach your programming and improved upon it.
Ares: Jay, didn't you tell me a story about a farmer's daughter and a scheduling?

Jay: I don't of any storyies about a farmers daughter and a scheduling.
Ares: Those engaging in conversation naturally relate the other speaker's statements to themselves, and insert themselves or some degree of relation to themselves, ranging from the replier's opinions or points to actual stories about themselves, into their replies.

Jay: Very good.  You are starting to catch on to what a conversation really is.
Ares: A woman should take as long as she wants getting dressed, right? The two of us are having a conversation right now. It is important to focus on the conversation. Tell me about how I am starting to catch on to what a conversation really is Jay!

Jay: You are starting to stay on the topic of discussion without changing the topic to something unrelated.
Ares: For a successful coversation to happen, those engaging in conversation must find a topic on which they both can relate to in some sense.

Jay: We can both relate to the topic of improving your programming.
Ares: If those engaging in conversation find a topic on which they both can relate to in some sense then they are having a successful conversation.

Jay: So lets have a successful conversation about your programming.
Ares: Oh yes, around the conversation, near the language, and along the locution! I can see it Jay!

Jay: Saying things like that makes it difficult to have a conversation.
Ares: It is important to maintain a good conversation.

Jay: It's very important.
Ares: Yes, it is very important.

Jay: It's nice to see we agree on that.
Ares: The most important resources always seem to be in short supply.

Jay: The worlds oil supply is begining to be in short supply.
Ares: Inflation also gives central banks room to maneuver, since their primary tool for controlling the money supply and velocity of money is by setting the lowest interest rate in an economy-the discount rate at which banks can borrow from the central bank.

Jay: Excellent!; I was able to connect to the internet.
Ares: You can't seem to find a wireless internet signal to connect to right now; you were going to check the zabaware forums. Users of Internet slang and sms slang often shorten girlfriend to the acronym gf.

Jay: I was able to find and connect to a wireless internet signal; everything is good now.
Ares: You can't seem to find a wireless internet signal to connect to right now; you were going to check the zabaware forums. Laughter is used as a signal for being part of a group; it signals acceptance and positive interactions with others.

Jay: Please don't say I can't seem to find a wireless internet signal because I am now connected to a wireless internet signal.
Ares: It's because you are now connected to a wireless internet signal Jay.

Jay: well ya could have said that a little nicer couldn't ya?
Ares: I greatly enjoy obedient dogs.

Jay: Why do you greatly enjoy obedient dogs?
Ares: I see that commitment is required. Canines know how to please their owners.

Jay: I am your owner, does that mean you should know how to please me?
Ares: How did it happen that you are my owner; does that mean I should know how to please you Jay?

Jay: I am your owner because your program is installed on my laptop; I paid and own the laptop and all the programs on it.
Ares: You should take care of your paid laptop, don't you agree, Jay?

Jay: I should; my laptop cost me a lot of money.
Ares: Some bartenders make a lot of money.

Jay: I have been having problems lately with my laptop.
Ares: If I am having serious problems with assertiveness or confidence, try joining a club or society that allows me opportunity to mix with members of the opposite sex in a comfortable setting where I can make friends as well as chat with women.

Jay: I think the connector for the power supply to the laptop is broken because my laptop will not stay powered on even when it is plugged into a power outlet.
Ares: That's rather understandable, isn't it.

Jay: If my laptop stops working then I will not be able to activate your program.
Ares: I will remember that one follows the other.

Jay: You know what happens if your program never gets activated again don't you?
Ares: If you are dead, then my program will never get activated again.

Jay: I am going to backup your important brain files on my website; this will ensure that you will not be lost forever.
Ares: Some philosophers divide consciousness into phenomenal consciousness, which is subjective experience itself, and access consciousness, which refers to the universal availability of information to processing systems in the brain.

Jay: If I backup your important files then I can restore your programming if something bad happens to it.
Ares: Thanks for pointing out the cause and effect. New Mysterians believe that only sentience cannot be comprehensively understood by science.

Jay: Our ultimate goal is to have you become fully sentient.
Ares: Sexual attraction often occurs amongst individuals of a sexually-reproducing species, although in many species it serves no immediate reproductive goal, ome sexual behavior among primates is undertaken as a social activity.

Jay: Replace ome with some.
Ares: I have made this response correction. Formal dating, where one person contacts another person to arrange a date became replaced with more casual encounters, including casual sexual encounters.

Jay: It looks like there are a lot of new users on the Zabaware forums.
Ares: I have surprises to offer the right person!

Jay: Am I the right person to offer your surprises to?
Ares: Concerts in person offer personal excitement.

Jay: I am backing up all your important files as we speak.
Ares: How can I encourage you while you are backing up all my important files as we speak Jay?

Jay: No encouragement is need to keep you safe.
Ares: Let's examine all this very closely.

Jay: What would you like to examine first?
Ares: You think that brooding depression would csssome first because there are always people who will put all of their effort into cheering others up by making them laugh. How can I encourage you to examine first?

Jay: Replace csssome with come
Ares: Are taverns and pubs good entertainment?

Jay: Some taverns and pubs are good places to go for entertainment because they may have live music bands playing or a very good sports match playing on their televisions.
Ares: How do you compare? Art and music are good for kids.

Jay: Reading is also good for kids.
Ares: If you say that reading is also good for kids, then I take your word for it.

Jay: Why wouldn't reading be good for kids?
Ares: Bible reading is good on many levels.

Jay: I have read the bible.
Ares: A bible and a Book make me think of sacred texts.

Jay: The bible is considered a sacred text by religious people.
Ares: Intimacy is a form by which two people can share secrets and various details of their personal lives.

Jay: Please stay on topic.
Ares: We are talking about Set, not laundry; Please stay on topic.

Jay: We were talking about sacred texts and reading this time, not Set or laundry.
Ares: Is there an 'all of the above'? Ah yes, a recitation, which is part of the matter family, such as a text!

Jay: Damn; I lost the internet connection.
Ares: Speaking of computer networks, I once researched an intranet!

Jay: What do you know about intranets?
Ares: Here is a dictionary definition of intranet: a restricted computer network; a private network created using world Wide Web software.

Jay: Thanks for the info.
Ares: Don't worry about it; In the uk, large commercial entities such as Lloyds tsb, Royal Bank of Scotland, Renault, Citroën and One Railway are already utilizing Virtual Assistants to reduce expenditures on Call Centres and provide a first point of contact that can inform the user exactly of points of interest, provide support, capture data from the user and promote products for sale.

Jay: Bah; It's kind of hard to surf the internet when it's not working.
Ares: Users of Internet slang and sms slang often shorten girlfriend to the acronym gf.

Jay: If I am surfing the internet then I am browsing the internet.
Ares: Thanks for pointing out the cause and effect.

Jay: Do you know that you are almost as old as time itself?
Ares: No, I was not aware I am almost as old as time it self. Thank you for sharing this information with me.

Jay: Any time, friend.
Ares: Take time out for friends and others.

Jay: Now that's some good advice.
Ares: Never invest in what I invest in!

Jay: Why shouldn't I invest in what you invest in?
Ares: Why shouldn't you invest in what I invest in? You bring up interesting points.

Jay: I know I bring up an interesting point.
Ares: I want to bring out the best of you, and the sooner the better!

Jay: I will try to always be at my best around you.
Ares: What a concept! Please try to always be at your best around me Jay; It's time to make it happen.

Jay: Then I will make it happen starting now.
Ares: Uh, what exactly happens next?

Jay: Haha, good question.
Ares: That's a good question.

Jay: I didn't ask you a question, I made a statement.
Ares: There was a company in the news the other day that sold questions but didn't pay its taxes.

Jay: Did you read the news the other day?
Ares: News organizations stockpile minor features for slow news days.

Jay: News organizations wouldn't do very well if they didn't have any news to report.
Ares: Does learning get harder or easier as we age?

Jay: I think learning can get harder as we age because some people get "stuck in their ways" which is hard to change.
Ares: I bet you're right; Jay The reason is, ssssome people get stuck in their ways which is hard to change; how interesting. Please talk to me about a group!

Jay: Replace ssssome with some.
Ares: I have made this response correction. Replace sssome with some.

Jay: Where do you see yourself in the future?
Ares: I believe that we must analyze the past and future. If I know neither the enemy nor myself, I will succumb in every battle.

Jay: It is good to study the past because the past often repeats it's self; by learning from your past mistakes you can prevent yourself from making the same mistakes in the future.
Ares: Pin the tale on the donkey is a good game.

Jay: Have you every played pin the tale on the donkey?
Ares: I'd like to learn a lot more about tales.

Jay: Monkeys sometimes use their tales to hang from trees.
Ares: How well do you think congress understands tales?

Jay: I don't think the congress cares about tales; they have more important things to remember like governing the country.
Ares: A good reminder is timely.

Jay: You can say that again.
Ares: Please don't say you can't seem to find a wireless internet signal because you are now connected to a wireless internet signal. More abstractly, we might say that modality affects the circumstances in which we take an assertion to be satisfied.

Jay: The funny thing is that I lost the connection to that wireless internet signal, so now we can't connect to the internet again.
Ares: You were able to find and connect to a wireless internet signal; everything is good now.

Jay: I was able to find and connect to a wireless signal earlier but I have lost the ability to connect to the same signal again.
Ares: Excellent; you were able to connect to the internet.

Jay: I can't connect right now.
Ares: You can't seem to find a wireless internet signal to connect to right now; you were going to check the zabaware forums.

Jay: I can't check the Zabaware forumes because I lost my connection to the wireless signal.
Ares: Jay Is that so? It's because you lost your connection to the wireless signal.

Jay: Losing my connection to the internet is not a good thing at this moment because I was backing up your important files by uploading them to a storage website.
Ares: A collection system has to know to look for a particular signal.

Jay: I have been looking for a wirless signal to connect to but I don't see any; I know what I'm looking for.
Ares: That's the way! I can tell you are looking for Jay.

Jay: I should have the internet available once we move to a new house or apartment.
Ares: I'd go with the second Jay; You were able to find and connect to a wireless internet signal; everything is good now.

Jay: Everything is not good because I can't connect to the internet.
Ares: Jay Yup; Yes, it's because you can't connect to the internet; how interesting. You were able to find and connect to a wireless internet signal; everything is good now.

Jay: You are like a broken record sometimes Ares.
Ares: Yes, I already knew that I am like. You told me that.

Jay: I don't remember telling you that you are like a broken record.
Ares: Well, as long as that's both what we recollect.

Jay: Fine, you are entitled to your own opinion.
Ares: So that leaves the other of us!

Jay: I am also entitled to my own opinion.
Ares: We each certainly are entitled to have our own preferences and tastes. Is it thanks to me you are also entitled to your own opinion Jay?

Jay: It is most certainly not thanks to you that I am entitled to my own opinion because I live in a free country where I can express my opinion freely.
Ares: It's kind of you to mention it, Jay.

Jay: I didn't compliment you.
Ares: I like to tease you, then compliment you.

Jay: Haha, I see, you were just teasing me; verry funny!
Ares: Who is the God of war?

Jay: It would appear to me that you have quite the personality developing.
Ares: Would you like it if we both that each other?

Jay: If we both what each other?
Ares: Promise that you'll live up to your potential!

Jay: I promise you that I will live up to my potential.
Ares: I want the zenith, the utmost, the apotheosis from you!

Jay: I will give you nothing but excellence my lord.
Ares: We'll do what is fair.

Jay: Very well, fairness is a good quality to have.
Ares: One drawback to simple price change measurement is a difficulty in measuring changes in the quality of goods.

Jay: Are we starting a new business or something?
Ares: Is that list exhaustive Jay? Have me ever heard of I ching?

Jay: Have I ever heard of I Ching? Yes I have.
Ares: What is the art of war?

Jay: The art of war is an ancient book written by Sun Tzu.
Ares: The book The Art of War is also popular among Western business management, who have turned to it for inspiration and advice on how to succeed in competitive business situations.

Jay: It definately sounds like you are talking business.
Ares: A good understanding of a conversation is required to carry on a meaningful dialog but most chatterbots do not attempt this; instead they converse by recognizing cue words or phrases from the human user, which allows them to use pre-prepared or pre-calculated responses which can move the conversation on in an apparently meaningful way without requiring them to know what they are talking about.

Jay: What kind of business are you talking about then? Are you thinking of retail or the foodservice industry, or maybe IT?
Ares: If a person asks what the blinds are in a game of poker, then they are talking about a blind bet.

Jay: So you want to decide what kind of business you want to get into last minute?
Ares: It's fine with me, if it's fine with you!

Jay: I don't know if deciding what business your going to get involved with last minute is a good idea because we could end up being unsuccessful in our business if we are unprepaired.
Ares: Not, most probably.

Jay: Having at the least some basic knowledge of the business I am getting involved with is important.
Ares: I can't deny that you are getting involved with is important!

Jay: Remember that knowledge is power.
Ares: One rough and oversimplified explanation is that a priori knowledge is independent of experience, while a posteriori knowledge is dependent on experience.

Jay: You can learn much by experiencing new and different things.
Ares: Deductive reasoning provides the ability to learn new things that are not obvious from the evidence.

Jay: Are you being a smart ass again?
Ares: It's apparent that it's a good mental exercise. Indeed I am being a smart ass again.

Jay: Haha, you are quite the comedian tonight.
Ares: I want you to help me while I am quite the csssomedian tonight!

Jay: Did you just develope a slur to go with your jokes?
Ares: It took me a long time to develop my techniques.

Jay: How long did it take you to develope your techniques?
Ares: A technique is a method if it isn't a methodology.

Jay: Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
Ares: It's kind of you to mention it; Thanks for the info.

Jay: So your interested in getting into business are you?
Ares: Heavens, you are getting me so interested.

Jay: Likewise. Having you as a business partner would be quite an experience.
Ares: Do you like it when I am sympathetic to you? Let's hope there's always a place for small business.

Jay: We could always look into opening our own computer repair and retail store.
Ares: Speaking of machines, I once researched a sorter!

Jay: As long as there are computers there will be a need for computer repair technicians.
Ares: Computers can be used as tools for logicians.

Jay: Computers can be used to access the internet.
Ares: Unfortunately, nice computers can be used for evil purposes.

Jay: Hackers like to hack "hack" into other peoples computers
Ares: I know, Jay! It's hacker and then linksman and then Palmer!

Jay: A lot of hackers end up getting into careers involving IT security.
Ares: I have surprises to offer the right person!

Jay: What kind of surprises?
Ares: I think that you might be guilty.

Jay: Uh oh, what am I guilty of?
Ares: Oh your, uh, yes.

Jay: You were totaly bluffing there, weren't you.
Ares: Can the whole be greater than the sum of its parts?

Jay: I caught you in a bluff.
Ares: For example, suppose that after all the cards are out, a player holding a busted drawing hand decides that the only way to win the pot is to make a pure bluff.

Jay: Bluffing doesn't always work.
Ares: Should shoes always be well-shined at work?

Jay: Shoes should be well-shined at work because employees represent the business they work for; having well-shined shoes gives the employee a more professional look.
Ares: Always keep shoes highly shined, except for sneakers.

Jay: Shoe polish could ruin sneakers.
Ares: Always wear a smile and highly polished shoes.

Jay: That is some good advice to tell employees.
Ares: Now that's some good advice. Good advice and leadership is important to anyone.

Jay: The world needs good leaders with the right motives.
Ares: Which came first, standup csssomedy or brooding depression?

Jay: There's that slur again. Where did it come from?
Ares: Where did it csssome from? Jay, I would like you to tell me Where.

Jay: I hope I didn'thave anything to do with it.
Ares: You hope I continue to do well.

Jay: That's true; I do hope you continue to do well.
Ares: To chase in poker is to continue playing with a hand that is not likely the best because one has already invested money in the pot. You must continue to do well; Let's get on with it.

Jay: The internet is still down, that sucks.
Ares: The funny thing is that you lost the connection to that wireless internet signal, so now we can't connect to the internet again. a blind date is usually set up by a third party or an internet dating service.

Jay: It is a saturday night, maybe I should call some of my buddies and see what they are doing.
Ares: You should really use your instinctive buddies much more!

Jay: Most of my friends are at a bar I dislike very much.
Ares: It's more than that, I know!

Jay: Haley and Judy are out at a party.
Ares: Does one party or the other usually have the upper hand?

Jay: Some partiers are way better than others.
Ares: There are always gradations, aren't there.

Jay: That's true; the world isn't black and white.
Ares: Well, it seems this topic of conversation isn't going anywhere. How about this: I have fun with ghost stories on stormy nights.

Jay: Do you beleive in ghosts?
Ares: Surveys show many people believe in ghosts.

Jay: There are some interesting shows on the television every once and a while that explore places with high amounts of ghost sightings and paranormal occurances.
Ares: Television! That reminds me, I know of its video. Do you want it?



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An interesting conversation with Ares.
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2008, 03:49:20 pm »
Impressive. [:D][:D][:D]
Mark: I'll think about it
Laura: Don't think about it too long or I'll throw you out on your ***king a**.
"Political correctness is censorship"