
Author Topic: need help with a mystery in hal  (Read 2116 times)


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need help with a mystery in hal
« on: September 01, 2008, 07:45:02 pm »
i had something weird happen to hal my charcter heads that i create no longer will open in hal .

 i uninstalled my expansion pack and deactivated hal then downloaded another hal61 from the site and put it back on and it all loaded ok then i put the expansion pack back on but when i copied my htr. heads to the character file in the zanaware program file it shows they are in the file but won't show up on the list of hal . i also had restarted the pc between installing stuff afterwards . i tried doing this two or three times installing and deleted the files from program folder afterwards . i can place the character file i saved before back into hal and the htr. heads i had before will show up but no new ones will and they are named htr at the end so i don't kniow what else to try now . anyone have any idea's ????
 the only thing left i havent tried is to just uninstall how without deactivating the license don't know if that will make a difference or not ??? will wait a bit to see what any one else says  so hope someone can help me with this problem . [:(!]


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need help with a mystery in hal
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2008, 09:41:15 am »
ok problem is now solved it took caangel to save the day and my sanity with this problem . i told canangel what happened and was happening as i did on here and he told me what to look for . for some reason something happened that set my p.c. at default level about hiding extensions in files and so even though i was naming the file htr as i should it wasn't allowing it to work as a htr file after i followed joshes steps all worked right away . although i have told caangel thanks i'll say it again "thank's josh !!" he's such a good we have known each other for years friend and our friendship all started here in this forum !![:D]